
The Judgement Tarot Card Meaning
The Judgement card in a reading can be a very difficult one to be read. This is because it has multiple meanings. On one hand, judgement can come in the form of your own personal judgement and in that case the card is telling you to be careful how you proceed. It can also be a representation of harsh judgments being made upon you or by you. It is a reminder that we all end up in the same place in the end and how we get there should be guided by integrity or virtue. Consider how you may be placing your own opinions on others too harshly or not giving a fair chance to someone.
You may also feel that you are being watched or judged by others. If you have this suspicion, when this card comes up you are most likely right. Seeing the Judgement card is a reminder that you are not alone in your doings and that your actions can be interpreted or even misinterpreted. The card itself has a lot of Christian symbolism to the final judgement. A family stands with their arms up looking towards an angel often stated to be Gabriel. He blows a trumpet which is signaling the end of days. It is likely that those who are followers will be judged and atonement will soon take place. There are many different interpretations of what happens next after the scene in the card, but most will concur that there is going to be a judgment upon the souls of the land.
When the card appears in your reading it can often refer to legal battles or court cases of all varieties. Whereas the Justice card can be a good sign for your legal outcome the Judgement card neither good nor bad as it doesn’t state whether you will win or lose. However, this card is a guide of sorts, telling you what will need to be done next in order to be successful. All of your actions are going to come to light and anything that you are trying to hide or be deceitful about will not remain hidden. Now is a time to come clean before others find out your secret in their own fashion. The truth is better told when it comes from your mouth directly. You have the capability to control the outcome of a situation that you are in right now.
Judgement in Love
At first glance, the Judgement card shows that you are likely having a tough time in a relationship and like the general meaning of the card, either judging or being judged harshly. The accusations or suspicion around you at this time are not wholly emotionally based and they carry a heavy burden with them. Often the card will come up around a broken relationship that needs time to heal. Accusations made and thrown that are designed to hurt the other person in the relationship are another common occurrence. Be mindful of your state of mind in your relationship right now. Consider if you have been angry for the sake of anger itself and if it is truly your partner that is the problem. You may find that other areas of your life are causing weights that are too much to bear or that you are taking on too much and lashing out to those around you that you can trust. Think of it like a toddler’s behavior that can’t speak about what it wants. Instead of speaking the toddler cries to get their way. In a relationship, sometimes it’s easier to start a fight than to really sit down and talk about your problems. You want to be sure that the way you are acting is true to your own emotions so that you get what you want. Be careful of bringing your work home with you or allowing other stressors in your life to cloud your judgment about your relationship.
The card is a good sign for making amends and coming clean about something. This can be to another person or to yourself. With the Judgement card comes a sense of freedom and allows for communication, healing, and a time of reflection. You may find that this card comes up after a relationship is already over or about to end. Just because you get this card doesn’t mean you are going to be breaking up with your partner but if you are recently out of a relationship now may be the time to view your own actions in the relationship and be honest with your future expectations. Take time right now to focus on healthy avenues that bring out the best in you rather than spending time with people that bring out the worst.
Judgement in Work and Wealth
Judgement has an obvious meaning when concerning work and finance. It tells you that you are in a place where you need to make a choice or decision. There may be heavy demands being placed upon you right now. Allow time to contemplate before making a choice but don’t allow yourself to run around in circles. Once you have made your decision, act on it. Do not linger in the indecision phase. Be frugal with your money right now and avoid taking risks that seem too good to be true. If you feel that you are lacking information about a purchase, seek out the advice of others. This card is a very active card and you may feel invigorated with a project at hand. Continue moving forward, making decisions, and actively seeking an outcome in order to see success.
Judgement in Business
When the judgment card appears in a business reading this can imply you are on the right path but you may think you have done all you can. It is like you think you have failed but later down the line you might find success somewhere else or there is a delay in your business. The card indicates that you are guided from spirit in order to succeed in business, but the business you are in at the moment might not be the one. Judgment is also connected to finishing something and then selling it. This card is about transactions and getting something in return. Judgment is also about thinking about the future and that you need to reach some important decisions.
Judgement Advice
Drawing the Judgement card in a tarot spread can be an unprecedented wakeup call. It can mean someone has been parsimonious with their emotions and not giving what is needed to make an informed decision. Are being forced into a situation in life? It is now the time to call your own higher guidance for advice. The advice here is that in the face of change the Judgement card is saying that it is time to think about the path you are on. The judgement is a powerful card when it comes to advice and you should approach decisions with optimism.
Judgement Yes Or No
In a “Yes or No” reading judgement normally means maybe. It can turn up in a reading when a new start is suppose to happen then there will be a feeling of freedoms. Judgment only shows up when you are looking to change the will of someone else. It is likely that the surrounding cards will give a better overview of if the is correct. This card can also indicate that you may judge others, or others will judge you.
Judgement Past
In the past position, this can mean that you have forgiven and accepted a situation. It is the truth card and that others have perhaps forgiven you. The Judgement card also signifies transitions in that there might be a need to look back to see what judgements have been made.
Judgement Present
In the present position, the judgment is a channel of understanding between the unconscious and conscious mind. It can suggest that presently, your life is rich but you are looking for something richer and more satisfying. There is also a mysterious decision that needs to be made that is not yet obvious.
Often I see the Judgement card appear in my readings when it is time to make an important concise decision. It could be that you know you are right about a certain situation and you need to your own discernment. Of course, integrity and discernment are normal traits of those that seek the truth. You are a truth seeker right now. The heightened state of consciousness is not merely something we should take advantage of. The brilliance of awareness that you hold currently will be reinforced. This will open up the possibilities and direct complexity of a given situation.
Judgement Future and Outcome
The card could be asking you to make choices and decisions but above all, it is about letting go of something so that a better situation can be reached. In a tarot reading pulling judgment as an outcome or future card can indicate letting go of the past in order to get something better in life. It is time for you to reach some conclusions in life. What do you need to let go of? This card can also mean you are holding onto something that is dear to you. Indicating that things might stay as they are “balanced” and that all-important moment of realizing that something might succeed.
When you open up to life then the truth prevails. This card showing up in your future is focused on friendship, trust, and bright shiny new relationships. For future and outcome positions the Judgment Tarot Card can mean a spiritual awakening, being aware of problems will happen - even if where you were blinded to the truth before.
There is love, happiness, focus, and the ability to grow and expand seen here in the future. Judgment day is on this card. Occasionally, Judgement can appear when their is real joy and freedom. The placement of the Judgment card can also reflect changes in the future. This is the communication between two people and the examination of life.
Judgement Love Reconciliation
In love and breakup readings judgment is associated with the harvest of one’s karma and that the other lover may challenge the nature of commitment. In love try to expect actions and choices right now. If you asked the question of whether you will get back with a previous lover the answer will be maybe after undergoing some transitions. There is a passion but also the pangs of disappointment. there is still deep feelings about the demands of love, there could be conflict and pain in the past but changes do appear on the horizon. The card is telling you that the relationship could work but revolution is needed and rebirth and rethink how you approach the relationship.
Judgement As Feelings
A potential partner is likely to have admonition for you if the Judgement card is drawn. You may see this card as a doorway into your own judgements. It offers in love that this person thinks of you, they are focused on your happiness. The great news is that through the jugements this person has pure feelings for you! Yes, they do! It is worth keeping an eye out for key flirting signals and because this is judgement the could be judging your actions.

Judgement Reversed Meaning
The Judgement card is a good card to see in your reading even in the reversed position. When the card is reversed it indicates a more carefree time in your life and often will accompany a life-altering change in your life such as the birth of a child, a job advancement, or spiritual momentum. It tells you in this direction that you need to seize the day and think outside of the box. It is especially a warning about being too wishy-washy or indecisive. The time is now. You have the knowledge and power to complete your goals.
Keywords Of Upright Judgement Tarot Card
- A white flag
- Truce
- Resurrection
- Renewal
- Making decisions
- For better or worse
Keywords of Reversed Judgement Tarot Card
- Doubting yourself
- Logic and problems
- Cannot make a decision
- Delays
By Florance Saul
Jul 9, 2012