The Celtic Cross

The most popular and well-known of all of the tarot spreads is the Celtic Cross 10 card spread. Get your free reading below.

5 Cups Tarot Card
Eight of Swords Tarot Card
The Six Of Wands Tarot Card
King Of Wands Tarot Card
Temperance tarot card
The Tower tarot card
King Of Cups Tarot Card
Two Of Pentacles Tarot Card
The Queen Of Cups Tarot Card
The Ace of Swords tarot card

Card reading

5 Cups Tarot Card

The Five of Cups

When the Five of Cups appears in your reading, you are going through a transit of emotional disappointment. The lesson from the Four of Cups is extended to this card, but it also includes an extra layer of regret and loss over a pleasure that you thought you would get a chance to experience.
Eight of Swords Tarot Card

The Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords is commonly known as the card of victimization. You fear pain and restriction, yet that which you fear is exactly what is blocking you the most. You are going through a season where you do not trust anyone and you worse you are constantly doubting your own abilities. You are perpetuating this cycle by trying to battle more than one issue at a time and that is part of what is causing you debilitating indecision.
The Six Of Wands Tarot Card

The Six of Wands

Congratulations are in order for a success in your life recently. The Six of Wands is a card of triumph and victory and says that currently you are in a place in your life where you have the right to feel proud. Congratulations are in order for a success in your life recently. Typically this card will appear in a reading after some sort of test of wills. It is not a fluff card that represents small successes. Rather, this is a time of congratulations on something larger in your life. You can feel proud that you have put forth your best effort.
King Of Wands Tarot Card

The King of Wands

When the King of Wands has visited your reading, you are being reminded to not limit yourself. It is important to be adaptable and versatile. Now is the time to act spontaneously, give yourself time to be like the Chameleon and change your colors to match your environment. Do not change yourself so much that you lose the connection to your inner self, but allow yourself some change so that you can learn that strength is being flexible and mutable.
Temperance tarot card


The Temperance card often comes up in a reading when you need to learn or understand the concept of all things in moderation. It begs the question: In what ways are you over extending yourself or being too rigid? Like most cards in the Rider Waite deck, this card is rich in symbolism. Temperance by its very meaning is a bending of ones will to direction of the almighty. The card depicts this through multiple layers of symbolism.
The Tower tarot card

The Tower

When the Tower shows itself in your reading, consider it as a blessing in disguise. There have been small problems that are increasing and situations are getting out of control. The Tower card represents the Universe telling you that you require this change to happen for your own spiritual growth. There have been small problems that are increasing and situations are getting out of control.
King Of Cups Tarot Card

The King of Cups

The King of Cups is like the King of Cool. He is a great card in a reading when you are seeking ways to express yourself emotionally or having to accept aspects (or people) in your life that you would rather not.
Two Of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles can present a bit of a struggle in your life during the past, present, or future depending on the placement of the card. Either way it is usually an indication that you need to give specific focus to the more materialistic aspects of your life or that you are juggling too much and on the brink of failure.
The Queen Of Cups Tarot Card

The Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is an excellent card representing one being in control of her emotions and is a great card regarding emotions and love. More than that she is a wise queen that understands that there is a balance between emotion and intuition and seeking out a common ground for your own inner feelings of peace.
The Ace of Swords tarot card

The Ace of Swords

When you have received the Ace of Swords in your reading, there is a certain level of enhancement of your intellect as well as increasing a perspective of mental clarity present with you at this time.