Three Card

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8 of Wands Tarot Card
King Of Cups Tarot Card
The Hermit Tarot Card

Card reading

The Eight of Wands


Eight of Wands Tarot Card Description

The wands flash across the sky like arrows, they are a blur of power and radiance. Like the wands, you must move swiftly and decisively. The butterflies that fly about the wands - vivid and free - signify aimless movement, you are an expatriate soul wandering the earth.

This card whispers that travel, fastness, and movement are the order of the day. You have important news on the way and there will be slow but progressive and positive growth in your affairs due to a heightening of your senses connecting both earthly energies and cosmic ones. You are finally about to come to the end of your goals, the end of the journey, and your hard work will be bringing you great rewards.

As we speak, the action is being taken, paperwork is being sorted out, and your affairs are coming to a close in the most efficient and solid way possible. If you have recently had an obstacle come up that makes you feel as though you were stopped in your tracks, it will be transformed for you into something tangible, creative, and productive.

The image of the Eight of Wands is that of 8 staves flying through the air at maximum speed. Having sped through the country, they are going to be able to take their rest soon, having utilized all of their energy. This is symbolic of hope in haste, and sometimes too rapid of an advancement. This can mean that you could be pushing too hard to get something done too fast, and this card is cautioning you to take a little bit more time to make sure that everything is being handled appropriately. Coming news could range from letters of love to news of travel via air.

At this point in time, all that you desire is being presented to you. Draw on the active energy of the staves flying through the air and allow yourself to have enthusiasm about your future and current circumstances. When you are enthusiastic, you get other people excited to help you as well. Your personal freedom of speech and expression are extremely important to you. Consider meditation to calm your larger impulses so that you can wait till you have all of the information before acting. If you take the traits that you are learning about and bring what you already know to the table you will combine your efforts into one harmonious whole. You have a commitment to matters that are spiritual. Pursue this energy and it will take you far.

Through your communication with God or higher source energy, you are able to be moved farther and faster than you ever thought possible. That is why this card is so good for you at this point in time. You have worked hard for a long time, and now you should be able to rest. Resting in prayer and in intentional thought is what the 8 of Wands requests of you. But keep in mind that you do not have to worry about your affairs taking a pause if you do. You have already put plenty into motion and so nothing is going to be able to stop that from happening. In this instance, you just get to rest and you do not have to worry about negative repercussions. The power and connectivity to divine source energy are very common in the suit of the Wands. Here the 8 of Wands acts as a transmitter from above and all you need to do is be receptive. If you have received the Eight of Wands in your reading, you will find that your affairs will be speeding up now.

The Eight of Wands in Love

When the Eight of Wands has joined ranks with other cards in your love reading, you must take into consideration that you have put a lot of really amazing work into improving yourself in order to attract the right partner. Now is the time for you to allow things to happen. The actions you have put into motion will continue to stay in motion and will bare fruit for you. If you are in a relationship, this means that you will have a time of smooth sailing in your future. Where you do not have to work so hard or worry so much. If you are single then this card speaks directly to the work that you have done to improve yourself and it applauds you for the good work.

Do not act hastily, remember, everything is already in motion, and you do not have to do anything. This card is often seen as “falling in love” or completely swept off your feet. It can mean you are being carried away with your feelings. This card indicates rapid communications through e-mail, phone, or text. There are passion and strength in this card, as well as strong attraction. In some ways, the hot flaming wands can indicate passion which is heated. You may be facing an intense love situation going forward where balance is needed. In sex, this card can indicate compatibility, think of the wands moving like Cupid's bow. This crush may suddenly pass fast because of the wands passing by quickly. The question in love is what direction are you moving in? It could be communications electronically, in an outcome position for love the eight of wands can indicate advancement rapidly, wands are not associated with long-term staying power and the card can suggest love being unstable. The universe itself is challenging you and represents moving towards a resolution in love. The eight of wands in love can represent a long-term journey for this relationship. It may not be a fast thing. The reversed meaning or even upright in some cases can mean, he tried to form a relationship, you rejected him, then regretted it and then he disappears. It can mean the end of love - but the movement it represents and the swiftness of the batons can suggest an opportunity in love that is missed. 

The Eight of Wands As Feelings

The feelings are like a river, rushing and gushing pulling emotions by the current for too long. This person is in such a hurry to be in a relationship, they do feel you are a special someone. They want it to mean something but going slowly is not an option in the way they feel. Remember, sometimes the faster it starts the soon it can sometimes end.

It can also imply that you are trying to protect your heart but things are moving so quickly. This is the card of instant emails, messages, texts, and WhatsApp messages. Romantically this is a positive card and indicates a loving relationship but things will move fast. This tarot card can suggest that a person is chasing another and a romance is moving extra fast. 

The Eight of Wands Health

Because this card is such an active card, it is a good idea for you to physically pursue different ways of connecting to the spiritual realm using the physical body. For example, different kinds of yoga would be extremely helpful. Some yoga requires hours of meditation as well as mastering intentional movement. This card is recommending that you give a primary focus to this kind of behavior so that you will have a level of full-body health that you never imagined possible.

The Eight of Wands Work and Wealth

Many of us work really hard in this day and age with the economy the way that it is, just to make sure that we have a roof over our heads, a place to sleep, and food to eat. Well, now the time has come for you to reveal a little in what you have accomplished. The wands are about to fall to the ground and rest for a while, and so should you. This would be an excellent time to try to take a paid vacation if you can manage it. If you are concerned about business matters, just know that the 8 of Wands is going to reward you for all the work you have done so far. 

In work, the eight of wands mean movement and outcome. It can relate to your previous actions are about to pay off. Things at work will seem to fall into place for a period of time. The wands traveling through the air can also represent your passion for work. Pollack said that waite called these wands the arrows of love. In business or work, it can imply that you are feeling that you wish to do what you love. Something is going to happen quickly shortly.

Eight of Wands Advice

This card shines with clear advice; you can forge and capture the opportunities that come your way. Remember, sometimes actions do speak louder than words. Pinecones are like houses to the seeds of love; the seeds are the affection and love of others. There is a very good chance you’re already considering a decision or actively making moves toward a particular path. You may find that this decision will light up the path of love - just like the warming rays of the sun. Open your heart, and open your mind.
Fill your days as if they were your last - at points, it may seem that time is running through your fingers, and your life milestones fly before your eyes. It’s true what they say, life is like a rollercoaster; full of ups and downs, slow points and fast points. Even when you feel suffocated, with your breath snatched away, you must push yourself to keep going. Hold on tight and grasp your emotions, keep them close to you.
Take a foundation - a friendship, a lover, a career - and decide with speed what to build upon it. You can let your attention wander, free like the butterflies, and know that when it comes to love you should be picky.
The overriding message of advice - is not to dawdle but cut to the chase. Things will happen fast. Remember to not sink into the sand but circumvent it. In love questions, the advice is to go for it. Why? Because the archer sees the mark upon the path of love and sends the arrow straight toward the heart of another.
If you’re apprehensive, remember there is a good reason this card has appeared, continuing on and acting with assurance will lead you down an important and life-defining road, so go for it!

Eight of Wands Yes Or No

You’re seeking a yes or no answer, and the Eight of Wands certainly has an answer for you. See the confidence with which the wands cut across the sky, see their glimmering trail; your answer is yes!
Notice the bright, natural landscape behind the wands, the craggy mountains, expansive serene lake, this is the beauty and power of nature - this card is full of positive energy and affirmation. Flying through the air does not guarantee that you won’t at some point come back down, but to struggle is futile, enjoy the ride, for you are sure to be changed by the experience.

Eight of Wands Past

You look to the past, and the Eight of Wands recalls a period of frustration; you were fraught with impatience, as nervous a mouse caught in a trap, you couldn’t wait and longed for action. Sometimes things can’t be rushed, but like the wands, you sped ahead anyway and soon found that the forces in your life moved beyond your control.
You may have let your life events spiral into chaos, blurring like the butterflies flying on this card. At times it can be all too easy to get carried away with an event, scenario, or person - impulse can occasionally serve us well, but when it’s left unchecked there are consequences that rise up afterward like smoke from a fire, even the small things can turn into something more, just like clapping your hands and triggering an avalanche.
It may be painful to remember this past moment, especially if the consequences are still unfurling, but know that it is our mistakes and experiences that guide us toward our ultimate destiny.

Eight of Wands Present

In your present moment, the Eight of Wands splits its meaning. On one hand, your life may have become a kind of limbo, you feel stifled, like a pinecone in bad weather, you are closed up when all you want is to be open to the sunshine.
But this card is restless, and its meaning is not fixed, it may also be the case that your life is rich with opportunity, as fertile as the green leaves entwined around the wands. Opportunities are presenting themselves to you, they blossom along your life path as bright and vibrant as roses. Each flower is so rich and rewarding, you don’t know which to pick, each one beckons you to pluck it from the ground - there are so many opportunities, you don’t know which to go for!
While these two meanings may seem contrasting, they carry the same forceful message, “get moving”, the Eight of Wands calls to you, “make a change, and embrace the new experiences that come from it.”
Whether it means breaking your state of purgatory with a new, brave adventure or deciding which new, blooming opportunity to pick - this card is all about ambition and experience, let yourself be carried away in the stream of new events.

Eight of Wands Future and Outcome

In the future position, the Eight of Wands flies towards you with positive news in its wake - good things are coming your way! The wands are bundles of energy, full of momentum and speed, make sure you match their vibration with proactivity and enthusiasm.
Often this card appears when your dream job or ambition is beckoning, see it glisten on the horizon like the first star at sunset. keep your ear to the ground and be ready to run with the baton when it comes your way, for it surely is coming towards you with the speed of a great sprinter.
You and your actions may just be the catalyst needed to turn this incoming power into something amazing - stay positive, and stay alert - the rest will unfold as naturally a seed sprouting a stalk.

Eight of Wands Love Reconciliation

Consulting on questions of love reconciliation, the Eight of Wands presents that a lover gives a thrill, things are moving quickly because you do belong in each other's arms. The way the lover makes you feel is so heady, passionate, and alive it feels as if you have whiplash. Either way, reconciliation is a condition purpose-made for the disheartened and the anxious, there is time for salvation.
If you are in the relationship which has turned grey, it is time to think of the best ways to turn things back into vivid technicolor, like Dorothy traveling from Kansas to Oz. Your potential is immense, let the feelings of love carry you into a new dimension in your partnership. If you’re in a relationship going too slow remember that the wands move fast and they are adventurers. Enjoy the ride without rushing towards the final destination; sometimes you must flutter like a butterfly, but still be still and cool like a beautiful.
If you are single and see this card in a romance reading it likely points to impulsive behavior when dating, you are being ruled by knee-jerk reactions rather than your heart or mind. This card tells you to consider your feelings before jumping into a new relationship, take stock of the beautiful world around you and see if a new romance is what’s right for you in this present moment. You may just find fulfillment in the stunning natural world, instead. 

Eight of Wands As Friendship

Somebody new has walked onto the stage, perhaps they’re an old character from a previous scene, or maybe they’re a new addition to the cast ready to take the story in your magical life. This is a new friendship, one filled with momentum - you talk like soul mates, trust each other like family.
Sometimes we just click with someone else and we wonder how we got by before. The Eight of Cards may be indicating the start of a blossoming long term friendship, though often this card appears when it is the start of a friendship. It’s time to burn brightly, but just for a short while. Comfort yourself in the knowledge that whatever is meant to happen will happen; sometimes new companions and confidants are only around for specific chapters in our lives, and other times they may be by our side always, going forward.
The Eight of Wands is full of magic, but sometimes it lacks caution - what does this new cast member say on stage when you’re not there? What are they adding to your story? What role do they play? Trust is golden in friendship, just make sure this new acquaintance has truly earned it.

The 8 wands Reversed

Eight of Wands Reversed Meaning

Sometimes you get a little bit caught up in new ideas or concepts or potential. Fantasizing is an extremely important part of the creative process; however, it is important that you not lose sight of where you have started. Your confidence is being questioned, and this is hard for you to handle. Consider taking any new fantasies that you have about people or situations and take action or communicate immediately so that it doesn’t cause you to procrastinate. Procrastination is your worst enemy. You have done very well up to this point to put action to your desires. Do not stop now.

Eight of Wands Reversed Love and Romance

The reversed Eight of Wands has cropped up to acknowledge the romantic tension you are currently experiencing; in recent days you have found your love life frustrated by unsaid words and bedtimes have been frosty; there is space between you and your partner. But how can you know what is wrong when the words are not being spoken? You must zoom back, and see the relationship in full with the objectivity of distance. Is this a forest fire about to die down, or a situation that’s about to spiral into something much worse? 

If you are currently walking the path of life alone, bear in mind that patience is a virtue. Practice gratitude and appreciate the scenery right where you are - every moment is unique and hindsight is 20-20, so be proud of your independence and all that you are doing with it. It is a part of your development so that when the soul that fits yours crosses your path you are in the perfect state to join roads. 

Eight of Wands Reversed Family and Home

Your family home has become overwhelmed with stress and worry, the reversed Eight of Wands enters your spread to tell you that you’re working too hard, and the competing schedules of every family member is leaving you lost and isolated. 

Upright, the wands fly in unison, going in the same direction with strength and certainty - but reversed their course is altered, like you and your family, confusion has to lead to mismatch and turbulence. When it seems that everything is “go, go, go” there is rarely time to catch your breath, let alone think about what your situation might be doing to the family unit. But the more you drown in the madness of life, the more important it is you take that life-giving breath. Family is a fortress that can protect and support you, allow it to salve your wounds and that daily madness will subside. 

Pause, take stock, and just see if you can’t reshuffle some priorities to make time for the most precious thing in all our lives; the tranquility of family, your conjoined hearts, and connected souls. 

Eight of Wands Reversed Work and Finances

You sit at your desk and wonder - is this all there is? Dissatisfaction clouds your mind and your future seems blank and impossible. The beautiful upright views of the Eight of Wands are flipped on their head with this card’s reversal, instead, all you can see now is monotonous clouds, not a patch of blue sky in sight. 

Things stagnate when they don’t move, and they catch fire when they go too fast. Perhaps you’re unhappy because you acted rashly in a previous period or maybe it is because you have stayed so still you turning to stone, like a hero under medusa’s gaze. But this does not need to be the case, you are the hero after all. If reckless spending and inaction have led you to feel trapped and small, now is the time to resolve these issues.

Boredom in your job is a sign you need to change things up; moving out of your comfort zone can be scary, but it also brings scope for growth and development, like a butterfly set free from a jar! If you are dealing with the fallout from historic bad decisions, do your best to counter these by being patient and thoughtful now - move out of the shadows, and into the sunshine, bathe in the golden life-enriching rays. Do this and you may just find a new season of potential and prosperity is on its way.

Eight of Wands Reversed Health and Wellness

When we are tired and worn down we are like a tree without sun, our branches reach up, desperate for those all-important rays of light, and instead, our leaves shed and turn brown. We may tell ourselves this is part of the changing of the seasons, but this is not true. Instead, we must find a way to move into the light without giving up - this is how we survive and prosper in health and wellness.

Sometimes the problem starts from the inside, like roots that can’t find water, and our exterior begins to wither as well. We can only endure so much neglect before the real, physical symptoms begin to present themselves. 

The reversed Eight of Wands insists that you take care of yourself from the inside out. Allow yourself to rediscover the sunlight and drink up the water from the landscape, you will soon be as pink as blossom with renewed health and vigor.

Eight of Wands Reversed Personal Spirituality

You have trained for the tightrope of spirituality with such dedication, your muscles ache and your body is tired - so why can’t you make it to the other end? Perhaps now is the time to remember that every tightrope walker starts their training on the ground, when you start with your goals too high, you are bound to fall. Spirituality is not about impressing those around you, but building the inner strength to fulfill your destiny. 

In other cases, this reversed card might crop up when your focus has been diverted from your true spiritual calling by the other trinkets of life that sometimes distract us from the real, substantial things that matter.

Now is the time to refocus and get back on that rope, but this time, start your training from the very beginning. Once you can walk along a rope half a foot from the ground, you can do it again from very far up. To get there you must be patient, and steady and keep your face turned towards the light - this is the real path to enlightenment. 

The Eight of Wands Card Keywords Upright

  • Rushing
  • Recklessness
  • Moving forward
  • Forgetting
  • Letting go
  • Career success
  • Attractiveness
  • Stubbornness
  • Lack of trust
  • Vivid imagination

The Eight of Wands Tarot Card Reversed Card Keywords

  • Illusion
  • Living a lie
  • Fake friends
  • Backstabbing
  • Disappointment
  • Old habits
  • Old relationships
  • Recovering
  • Life changes
  • Lack of energy


The King of Cups


The King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Cups is like the King of Cool.

He is a great card in a reading when you are seeking ways to express yourself emotionally or having to accept aspects (or people) in your life that you would rather not. With the King of Cups in your reading you can know that while there may be a lot going on in your life and you are likely to find that not everything is going you way… what will be will be. Pay special attention in your life to the areas that are demanding a lot of attention from you. Focus on those aspects and think about the ways in which you can work smart rather than working hard. The energy from the King of Cups is really great at helping you to keep your composure, maintain balance in your life, and when you have a need for patience.

The King of Cups sits upon his throne and he knows that he is where he is by his own works. Like other Kings in the deck, he is at a place where he has mastered his own element. The element of water covers all things emotional and spiritual. The King of Cups is the guy you turn to when you need problem-solving skills and works well under pressure. The focus in your life right now should not be what you can do, but rather what do you feel.

Having this card show up in your reading can show that there are aspects of your life where you need to weight out the pros and cons of the situation. Before you take a leap forward you want to really listen to your intuitions and only then, act accordingly. Even if you feel that things are mellow right now, be prepared for a challenge headed your way that will throw you off balance. You have a warning now and you should be able to deal with the challenge head on as long as you maintain your composure and understand that no matter how big the challenge is, you are strong and smart enough to overcome it. There is no need to feel overwhelmed; everything is as it should be. Seek your inner Yoda. The card can also represent a male that is older than you. He will likely be bald or have graying hair. This person usually comes to you in the form of a wise counsel or something that you can trust has your best interest at heart. Keep the voice of this person close to you.

The King of Cups in Love

The King of Cups in love is an excellent card as it shows all good things regarding emotional spirituality. If in a relationship, it often represents the peak time in a relationship where you and your partner are working together, bickering is to a minimal, and things seem to be going your way. Often it will indicate getting fulfillment from your partner and being taken care of in emotional aspects. Often this card will come up when you need a shoulder to lean on while dealing with a stressful period. This card shows you that there is someone around you that can empathize or understand. It’s okay to open up emotionally at this time. In fact, you likely need to. As a warning card, the King of Wands can represent the need to do so.

When looking for love the King of Cups card can be descriptive in showing the qualities of someone coming your way in a relationship. It is a male card; however it doesn’t mean that if you are a man that another man is coming. Rather, in that situation it will refer to the aspects of yourself that you need to focus on. If you are a woman looking though it will indicate a water sign – Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio that is coming to your life or already around you now. This person is likely older than you, but not always. It’s less about age and more about maturity. This will usually be a person that has been tried emotionally and sometimes he can come off as cool or even a bit shy. He is a person secure in his own emotions and isn’t likely to be flashy or outgoing per say. The King of Cups is a person who typically has a great sense of humor and can be a little silly once you get to know him.

The King of Cups in Health

A good sign for health, the King of Cups indicates that there is a good mindset around you regarding health. Emotionally there is a positive attitude regarding health and therefore even ailments or physical illness is usually on its way up. It’s a great sign also for healing after illness or surgery. There is hope when this card is present.

The King of Cups in Work and Wealth

The King of Wands is less concerned with work and wealth than the King of other suits. When he shows up in your reading it can be an indication that you are not focusing on your finances properly or that you should stop focusing on them too much. Often when the King of Cups comes up in a financial reading it indicates that you aren’t in a good place to be dealing with your finances as you can be too idealistic, hopeful, or immature with your funds right now.

At the workplace the King of Cups gets along great with co-workers and shines in areas like networking and grievances. He is astute at dealing with adversity and can bring a level head to a heated situation. It’s likely that there is a fire that needs to be put out and the way to do this is to have a direction that is blameless and positive. Whatever is done is done and there is no going back and getting a do-over in this situation. Rather the King of Cups tells you to focus on moving forward, rather than focusing on the past.

King of Cups Advice

Drawing the King of Cups generally signals good things, the King is a master of his emotions and knows how to use his power to harness his creativity. You likely feel in control of your feelings and at peace with the emotions that wash over you. The advice here is to retain your strength, like the King depicted on this card, you must remain composed. That may mean you need to distinguish and keep to your own personal boundaries and trust your instincts. 

Notice how the king remains acting bold stood upright, undisturbed by the lion next to him and the activity behind him, you too must stay consistent. Do not be tempted away from your serenity by the external chaos of daily life. Like the King who can see the fish jumping out of the water and the ship sailing away behind him, you will still witness the emotional and material elements of life play out, but you will rise above them. 

The King of Cups in an advice reading is ultimately a sign of balance. It is an indication that you have the knowledge and ability to achieve what you’re looking for. You should continue to use your wisdom to make the best decisions while staying true to your own moral compass. Life can throw up difficult situations, but if you continue you as you are, nothing will lead you astray. Trust in your own stability and power and your emotional contentment will continue to thrive. 

King of Cups Yes Or No

When drawing the King of Cups in looking for a ‘yes or no’ answer, it is important that the reader is able to detect their instinctive feeling. The King of Cups is a powerful and authoritative figure; he is both decisive and wise. More than anything, this card suggests the power of your intuition. The King of Cups does not point clearly to yes or no, and instead tells you trust in your own instincts. Like the King, you have the balance and wisdom to make your own decision. Trust in your gut feeling and the answer will be obvious - just remember not to lessen your clarity by mulling things over too much, be decisive and fair. 

King of Cups Past

For the King of Cups tarot card to appear in the past may suggest you should reflect on your recent history and any difficult situations you have overcome, whether that be on your own or with the help of a caring figure. Either way, it is referring to something which helped you find balance within yourself and subsequently led you to where you are today. Whatever the source, the impact is still affecting you positively in the present.

Perhaps you exercised maturity, wisdom, or even power, in handling a past situation - this might refer to the ending of a negative relationship or event. Sometimes people see this card if they experienced a difficult childhood or endured a bad relationship. If you can think of a wise, calming figure from your recent history then the King of Cups may be hinting that you should try and live by their example - they gave you balance in the past, and you can sustain that in the present, too.

King of Cups Present 

When the King of Cups is drawn in tarot spreads in the present it may indicate a few different things. Perhaps you are currently faced with a difficult decision or predicament. There is a lot going on in your life, as is depicted on the card, you can see the expansive sea, fish jumping out of water and the ship sailing away - but the King remains certain and poised in his throne, he holds a chalice and scepter showing his power and balance. Take inspiration from the kings symbolism, make measured, cool-headed decisions. Don’t be thrown off by what is happening around you and instead stay focussed on what’s important.

Alternatively, the King of Cups may refer to something external to yourself. You may be about to encounter a person who will be able to help you achieve balance within yourself and in your life on the whole. Look out for individuals who are authoritative but fair, heed their advice and learn from their example. With their help and influence you will find that your hopes and plans can come to fruition. 

All in all, the King of Cups in the present position is a signifier of victory over chaos. It suggests, no matter the seeming enormity of your present situation, ruling with a kind and responsible disposition will see you through.

King of Cups Future and Outcome

When the King of Cups appears in a reading relating to the future and outcome position it should be taken as a very reassuring sign. Regardless of the readings in your past and present position, the King of Cups points to upcoming resolution.

In the future seeing the King of Cups can indicate that you will be guided by a calm and wise entity; this may come in many forms, it may be a lover, mentor, an experience, or even a personal journey you make on your own. If things feel difficult in the present moment, take comfort in the fact that all will soon be well. Like the king piously seated and peaceful in his throne, you will overcome difficulties with grace and decorum, either independently or with the aid of an outside source (which you must trust and follow). This will be rewarded with serene inner peace. 

King of Cups Love Reconciliation

There are few cards as reassuring as the King of Cups in a love and reconciliation reading. If you are in a relationship, seeing the King of Cups indicates contentment and happiness. This card sometimes appears before a major relationship step such as marriage, children, or moving in together - it signals that you and your partner are in harmony with each other and ready to lay a foundation for a happy romantic life going forward. 

Whatever the situation, you can trust that the love you share with your significant other is sincere and fully reciprocated - there is a very good chance you have found your life partner. Remember to keep your mind in the moment and avoid dwelling on past issues. If you’ve recently reconciled with a partner then the King of Cups is a clear sign you made the right decision in reuniting. 

The King of Cups is also a very promising card to draw in a love reading if you are single. If you are dating and looking for love then you’ll be excited to hear a new romance is just around the corner. This person is likely going to be very special to you and is bound to have a positive impact on your life. Remember to keep your heart and mind open, and the one for you is sure to find their way into your life. 

King of Cups As Feelings

Drawing the King of Cups in relation to how somebody else feels about you signifies a positive, stable relationship. This is a good card for love feelings, if you are looking for reassurance about this person’s feelings for you, then this card brings comfort. The person you are thinking of is confident in their admiration of you, it can even signal a marriage proposal. 

Whatever your relationship to this person, they feel that you are trustworthy and gracious. This card speaks volumes about the strength of a partnership and if there is a romantic element to your relationship with this person, it may even signify that you may move beyond just friends in the future and that you have found your soul mate.

King of Cups As Friendship

The King of Cups is a good card to see in a friendship spread. Have you recently met some new people or reconnected with old friends? If so, expect good things to come. You will likely find yourself drawn to a kind but authoritative person, someone who may seem to be the ‘leader’ of the friendship group. They will play a very important role in your life going forward - you will find their sage advice and emotionally mature manner very grounding. Learn from their confidence and level headedness, you have a great friendship ahead of you. 

The King of Cups doesn’t always relate to new friendships, either, it may be pointing to a change in your existing group of friends. If this is the case, it may be the case that you will be the person to take on the leadership role. You have a great deal of wisdom to share and an objective and fair sense of morality. If this sounds like you, be prepared to be giving out more advice than ever before going forward. Make sure you use your calming presence to keep the peace within your friendship group and avoid any gossip or pettiness between you and others.

The King Of Cups Reversed

The King Of Cups in the Reversed Position

The King of Cups reversed is a negative aspect of one being too emotional. While it can represent a person who is normally calm and collected being over emotional, it usually is worse than that. The negative representations of the reversed position are being irritable, moody, sullen, or extremely withdrawn. Just like the King of Cups is fully in control of his emotions, the reversed position is just the opposite. It is usually a sign that you need to seek balance emotionally and spiritually and a sign that you are overreacting to a situation or person in your life. You must find your inner quiet and reign in your emotions to get what you want out of a situation. 

King of Cups Reversed - Love and Romance

Seeing the King of Cups reversed in a love and romance reading can be troubling. If you are in a relationship it suggests there is something amiss, you and your partner are likely going through communication issues and feeling confused as a consequence. 

It may also be a sign of turbulence, perhaps things switch from moment to moment, some days good some days bad. When the King Of Cups appears reversed, the card can represent a clear cautionary sign, tread carefully, you don’t want to let a bad mood one day sabotage the entire relationship. This card doesn’t have to mean the end of romance, instead, it suggests that you seek stability. It’s likely a good idea to set some boundaries around personal space, spend some time cooling off and working out a clear, practical way to communicate.   

If you’re single, now is probably not the best time to look for love. The King of Cups reversed projects possible chaos and even emotional turmoil. Perhaps you have had a difficult breakup or are dealing with some personal issues. Either way, the best thing for you right now is to focus on yourself and your own wellbeing. When you have restored your own sense of inner peace you can turn your mind back to prospective relationships.

King of Cups reversed - Family and Home

Reversed, this card can signify difficulties within the domestic space. The family unit may have been shaken by a difficult event or the behaviour of a particular individual. This card signifies a time for reflection, work out what your priorities are as a family and come together to overcome this difficult period. The reversed King points to a loss of control, to try and counter this you should be confident instead. It’s clear that a steady hand is needed in this situation. Try and manifest the power of the King of Cups when drawn upright, fairness paired with authority. 

King of Cups Reversed - Work and Finances

Seeing the King of Cups in relation to work and finances usually points to a precarious period of instability. You may be experiencing this in a number of ways - whether it’s a loss of love for your career or a financially trying time, you are feeling deflated and maybe even out of control. If you’re still getting a steady paycheck each month then the King of Cups reversed should prompt you to consider your sense of job satisfaction, has your job become stale or boring? Or perhaps you, personally, are struggling with a lack of inspiration and vigor. Seeing the King of Cups reversed in a financial reading is a sign you should seek balance. Take a long, hard look at your career and be honest with yourself, maybe the problem is your situation but it may also lie in your outlook. Whichever it is, believe in your own power to change it for the better.

King of Cups Reversed - Health and Wellness

Seeing the King of Cups reversed in a health and wellness reading can cause concern to those who know this reversed card association with instability. But do not panic, when related to health issues, the King of Cups reversed is a signal that you should trust health care professionals. It can be easy to become swept up in the age of the internet, there is so much advice to scroll through, but do not become untethered by this or anyone else who is not an expert.

Instead, stick with the advice of those who know best. If your mental wellbeing is suffering at the moment, this card could be a sign that it's time to seek support. Going it alone is a daunting task and we all need a little extra help and advice from others from time to time. Let go of the feelings of overwhelm and focus on finding professional advice and support to get you back on track. 

King of Cups Reversed - Personal Spirituality

The King of Cups Reversed in a personal spiritual reading points to a careless or haphazard approach to spiritual pursuits. You may be acting rashly or letting yourself become caught up in unimportant things. To readjust your spiritual journey it’s important to take time out to explore yourself and your actions. Remember there is no need to rush into things and that patience is a virtue. Think of your long term spiritual goals and you will find far greater fulfillment than you will seek quick wins.

Upright King of Cups meanings in keywords

  • Man over age of 40
  • Offer of love 
  • Emotionally passionate
  • Unable to let go
  • Solid love
  • Marriage proposal

Reversed King of Cups meanings in keywords

  • Calamity
  • Manipulation
  • Clarity and control
  • Depending on others
  • Flighting for passion

The Hermit


The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit card is often very much underestimated. She is the underdog of the tarot that when viewed invokes a reaction from readers and querents alike. Often she is not welcome and that’s just sad.

The Hermit doesn’t hide from people; she merely likes to live life on his own terms. She has chosen to retreat into solitude above all of the madness of society. She beckons you to turn your view inward and allow yourself the time and space to think, feel, and meditate on what it is that you truly want in and from your life. By doing this you will be able to unlock your true desires and find complete happiness.

The Hermit looks to be standing on his own surrounded by nothing and holding only a lamp. Look more closely at the card and you will note that she is standing ready to move to the mountain. These are the very same mountains that symbolize monetary issues or stability in the Rider-Waite deck. His lantern is not to guide his own way, for he’s already where he wants to be. It is there to guide you to him or to his location. Now is a time to advance past trivialities in your life and focus on what really matters. It is not a damning card indicating seclusion, but rather a hopeful card showing you that there is a way to find solutions to your answers if you know the right questions to ask.

The Hermit card in your reading sometimes shows that there is a need for healing and understanding in your life. It is a very personal and spiritual card that shows you that you are not alone right now even if you feel that way. If you are going through a time of loss, feeling insecure or incomplete now is the time to embrace those feelings not as negative aspects but as empowering life-affirming experiences. It is easy to feel abandoned at certain times in one’s life as people can be let down by expectations placed on others, society, or the world. Consider who has let you down or disappointed you and left you feeling as you are.

Do not wallow in this feeling and do not allow it to eat at you. The Hermit has chosen to walk away from it all not for her disdain for mankind, but rather she was seeking answers and understanding through solitude and taking herself away from materialistic possessions. Now is a good time to pick up the book Walden by Ralph Waldo Emerson, grab a cup of tea, cozy up in your favorite chair and embrace the times that you have when you are on your own. Focus on the own inner quiet of your existence and check in on your true self.

The Hermit in Love

The Hermit may be alone standing on top of the mountain looking down at you, but this does not mean that you must do the same. In fact, the Hermit card is a sign for you to take stock in what you have going on in your life’s relationships that are good and revel in them. Rather than focusing on what you WANT now is a time to focus on what you need from love. Knowledge is power and you have the power to get what you want out of life through your relationships.

Since the Hermit card represents focusing on the positive aspects of your life, it may show up in your love reading as a suggestion to stop trying too hard. In a relationship that is rocky for example, the Hermit often advises to take a step back and allow arguments or disputes between two people to die down and to focus on what you brought you together in the first place. Allow yourself to go back to the basics of love and feel them again in retrospect. It is likely that you will find that the arguments in your relationship are not the root of the problem. Often there are outside issues that destroy our relationships such as work stress and finances. Put those issues aside for the time being and focus on the true connection between the two of you.

If you are looking for love and this card comes up it can have one of two meanings. The first is a representation of your lonely feeling by not being in a relationship. The other is a representation of needing to take a break from your search and focus on yourself for a while and allow for love to find its way to you. Maybe consider taking a break from dating and taking up a hobby. Find things in life that truly satisfy you and through those avenues, you will likely find what you are looking for.

The Hermit As Feelings

As feelings, The Hermit radiates emotions of warmth and companionship - but not passion. It can also suggest deeply buried feelings or emotional stuntedness. If you are asking in relation to romantic possibilities, now is probably not the best time to pursue this person in passion. They may think well of you, and maybe they are even attracted to you, but they are too lost in their own minds and perceptions to dedicate any real estate to that right now. Save yourself the heartache by keeping a safe emotional distance and time will handle the rest. 

The Hermit tarot card is one of the most iconic images in all of tarot readings. This symbolic figure harkens back to an old tradition: Every year at mid-winter, people dreamt of a Hermit, or “wise person” who could help guide them as they navigated their journey through the darkness.

In modern tarot readings, The Hermit card has come to represent the mystery of life and nature. It can suggest delving into our innermost depths and accepting our true selves on a spiritual level. When this card appears in the feelings position it is indicative that we should embark on a journey within ourselves - to look inside and find our own personal truth and wisdom.

By shining the light of insight on their feelings and life's direction, the hermit understands where their feelings lie. Rather than determining if they like you or love you, you need to figure out where the relationship is headed. For those embarking on new romances or single hearts looking for love, it can signal they feel they must grow first before taking that next step - a journey inward through contemplation and self-discovery. As his feelings for you, the Hermit card conveys he is feeling a sense of aloneness, of being alone to figure out what he wants. If you pulled this card for her feelings towards you then she clearly has her lantern in hand, seeking out knowledge to understand the future of love --- in order to reveal its possibilities. She is holding a lantern on my tarot cards, which makes sense since she is looking towards the light. She is simply shining that light to find out how she feels. 

The Hermit As Love Recognition

The Hermit tarot card for love recognition is a great card to pull, it is a symbol of being alone to figure out what you want from love. The Hermit, naturally, places emphasis on empowering and formative solitude that allows the individual to heal old wounds and develop new aspects of personality and skill. While a figure of seclusion may seem unfavourable in a love position, for those in strong romantic relationships it does not guarantee or even suggest the end of a partnership (though it can). Instead, it recommends space apart so that you can ultimately grow closer together. 

Codependency is all too common, sometimes we lose ourselves and our identity in a relationship like water disappearing down a plughole. This is counterintuitive as your partner loves you for the unique person you are, not for the way you reflect them. Focus on spending time rediscovering yourself, and if your relationship is on the rocks, now might be the time to move on.  If you’re single, this card suggests that now is not the best time to seek a new partner. You will benefit much more from a period of independence, in fact, it may be crucial to the success of your future relationships – to know another, you must first know yourself. Identify yourself thoroughly before trying to get to know someone else and it will be worth it in the long run. 

It calls to the heart, reminding us of the one person that has been there for you; though it may not always have been passionate kind of love, there was still an important connection. If you get bored with the  same old routine, re-downloading and rinsing and repeating the same mistakes in this relationship. 

The cherry on the cake (so to speak) of this relationship will have always been the unique ability to defy expectations. There'd be times when you both need space and feel entirely alone in your own sadness. Even if you have experienced ghosting, something metaphysical has told you to keep a distance until your lover finds their way back to you. The Hermit, to me, is a card of weeping in darkness and feeling frustrated by the difficult times in this connection, but still, here I am telling you (standing in a haze of three or four Jaffa cakes around me) that the Hermit is a sign that “space” is needed in this relationship.

The hermit tarot card represents being alone and understanding within oneself and allows us to move past any pain or conflict if it appears in a love reading. There are times when all we need to do is take a step back and look within for answers while we are away from them.  Love Reconciliation can be found in the Hermit tarot card, if only one can look closely enough. 

The Hermit in Health

For some true happiness is found simply by following the initial advice of the Hermit card. So many of us are busy day in and day out that worry and stress literally eat us from the inside out. It can be hard to find joy in the simple things as you drive your child to soccer practice after a long day in the office only to get home and cook dinner and finally plop down exhausted wondering where the day has gone. The card in your reading can be a sign that you are doing too much to the extent that you are at risk of health issues and concerns. Exceedingly high levels of stress and pressure can also cause health problems.

Consider taking time for yourself to find your own center and balance. You may want to invest in a low-level fitness program to rejuvenate your mind and body. Daily walks, time to meditate, and time to reflect is important to your mental health at this time. Do not take your own health for granted. You are not expendable.

The Hermit in Work, Money, Business, Career, and Wealth

You may find that you are at a point in your life where you question what everything means. Consider that perhaps you really ARE running in circles and getting nowhere and it is time to take a new direction in your life. The hermit is also searching for something and is connected to how we reflect "work"in life. This could be inner search for self-confidence or in taking a new step career-wise. In essence, this card often appears when we need to be alone to think. The hermit could in some cases represent unemployment or self-employment for a period of time - in order to reflect what you REALLY wish to do in life.

Money can certainly be the root of all evil if you let it. Consider if you are putting too much focus on money or work at this time. Often this card will come up when a person is feeling desperate to find a job. It’s easy to say that money is not important when you have it. When you are out of work and feeling the hurt employers will also see this in your when you go to interview. Focus on thinking about what kind of work you want and a reasonable income that will satisfy your lifestyle without being in excess. Take time daily to close your eyes and see what it is that you need in order to sustain your needs and to be comfortable. Create this image and hold on to it when thinking about money and finances in order to manifest this. As the hermit relates to Virgo which is the 5th house, this represents employment, it might be time to start a new business? But, you have to find your own way with the light.

The Hermit is so often misunderstood. To be introverted is to be comfortable in your own company and to be quiet is to be reflective – wisdom and decision-making – these are the two qualities that give this card its strength, like scaffolding behind an old building. The night may be dark and long, but like the woman on this card, you have the lantern to guide you through it. Trust in your own inner power, now is not a moment for consulting mentors or others for guidance, instead turn your energy inwards towards your own power and intelligence. 

The best way to learn to trust your own wisdom is to take a leap of faith and go for it. Depending on your situation, this may mean pushing forward - but it more often refers to taking time out. Remember the sturdiest homes are built on solid foundations. Lay the groundwork before acting, the results will be more fruitful and longer-lasting. A lantern is a very particular kind of light, it can lead groups, not just individuals. This is the card for the educator seeking enlightenment, and guiding others on their path. 

The Hermit As Action/Advice

The Hermit for questiojns on advice or action is about disconnecting from the noise of life and instead turning inward, to one's true path. You may not find answers in others or their words; but use the light of the lantern and look only within yourself can you seek out an understanding that will lead your journey towards spiritual growth. Let go of all negative energy inside--and whatever is outside too - so the good energy won't be wasted away. For advice the Hermit is about discovering faith and abiding by what’s right here and within your heart in order to get what you need in life. Actions towards you then the Hermit says the person is likely to remain quite for some time.

The Hermit Yes Or No

The Hermit does not deal in absolutes, it can be frustrating to draw a card like this here because it does not point with any certainty to one way or the other. However, just because this card is non-definitive, it doesn’t mean it lacks guidance. In fact, this card is a big signifier of intelligence and intuition – some intellect is innate, and this is the kind of skill this card illuminates. Reassess your question, perhaps you already have the true answer within you, trust your mind to be like a compass and guide you through it.

The Hermit As A Person

Hermits are complex and hidden people, often feeling conflicted and helpless when faced with inner problems. As a person they protect themselves from the unknown, preferring instead to revert inwardly, away from the troubles around them. Their internal reflections can become quite soporific at times, conjuring up an image of babbling brooks mumbling and musing. It is difficult for many people to gain clarity about anything when confronted with a Hermit, since these individuals tend to be lost in their own spiritual selves; only by offering patience to yourself and others can one ultimately escape any situation.

The Hermit In Past Position

A time from your past; a quiet point, away from the day-to-day bustle of life and instead meditative, reflective, full of contemplation and inner discovery. You learned many things about yourself in this period, perhaps you spent time studying for a new skill or qualification. It may simply have been a break in your career or your relationship that served as a buffer and breathing room between the usual madness of life. Either way, it was your solitude which helped to instil you with the strength and endurance you have today. Be thankful for this time, and remember that you know how to be on your own when the situation calls for it – just like a lone wolf, sometimes, everyone must spend time away from the pack. 

The Hermit In Present Position

The path is rugged, the road ahead unclear – but there’s a goal at the end of it, and you’re on a quest to get it. You’re seeking something, it may be to do with your own growth or your general position in life. Like the woman on this card, you look up to the moon and imagine your future. You will see that her dress is ethereal and cloudy, like the night sky, it symbolizes all the possibilities of your future and where it will take you. Remember, this card is all about the power of isolation and independence. Don’t let your self-doubt stop you from taking this journey of self-discovery on your own, and don’t be swayed by the naysayers out in the chaotic world. By the end of this voyage, you will know more about yourself and your own world view than you ever have before.

The Hermit In Future and Outcome Position

An epiphany lingers in your future, a moment of realisation is just around the corner. If you are experiencing difficulty in your present, you will find that in your future, you will finally muster the personal strength to change your situation, just like a superhero discovering their powers for the first time. Perhaps you have already been mulling over this situation, this card can sometimes refer to letting go of something that was once dear to you, but now is only causing you pain. Whatever the case, do not stress or resist this moment of enlightenment - when the time comes, you will be ready and you will accept it. Like day and night, change is inherent to life and brings good things in the long run.

The Hermit As Friendship Or Family

Here, The Hermit sees power and depth in relationships that can last a long time without being supplemented by continual attention. Like birds of a feather, sometimes we fly in groups and sometimes we fly alone; we all go through periods of extroversion and periods of introversion, right now you should trust that distance doesn’t mark the end of your companionship with others. Of course, do not neglect your duty as a friend, but don’t push for unnecessary or over-the-top interaction, either. Friendship is based on a foundation of genuine connection, not doing things for show. This card is a sign that either you, or one of your friends, is in need of some personal space - this person will want to know their friends are available without feeling obligated to reach out regularly. 

The Hermit Tarot Card Reversed

Reversed Hermit in a Reading

The reversed Hermit indicates a dire situation in the extreme; usually representing of someone so far gone off their path that they may be best just wiping their hands clean of a situation and starting over completely. The light of wisdom is snuffed out, the path obscured, and hope gone the Hermit is alone and doesn’t know where to turn. When this card shows in the reversed position it is very important to look to the other surrounding cards for cues as to which way to go to get out of the current situation. The reversed position can also indicate seeking outside counsel or turning your introspection to those around you.

The Hermit Reversed - Love and Romance

An old flame begins to flicker once more, could this be the time for rekindling? When reversed, The Hermit can actually suggest that you’re on the path to reconciling with an ex or old lover. Perhaps you are coming out of a period of personal solitude, you may have reconnected with your own wants and desires and now feel ready to have another go at a relationship you weren’t mature enough for before. Equally, it may be your previous partner who has undergone this transformation – like a sleepwalker coming to their senses. If the moment feels right, you could try extending an olive branch and see where the new connection takes you.

When the Hermit card appears in a love reading reversed, it typically means that we are seeking an answer to a messy situation --- but don’t know which way to choose. The Hermit can represent someone who is alone and feeling spiritually isolated from others. On my card, you will see she is holding a lantern, this means that the hermit is the “wise guide” or teacher, leading you towards answers while keeping some distance, I also want to add this card could be interpreted in our relationships when we feel that something isn’t quite right yet don’t want to let go of it completely.

It could also point to the need to avoid difficult conversations or potential truths. In most cases, I believe the reversed Hermit can mean we have a need for guidance through that old path (or road) that we have not walked on before. To draw this card in a love reading (reversed) it really invites reflection upon your more “lonelier thoughts” and asks if your emotions are stable; ask yourself if they have been fully expressed as well as listened to by both people involved. Maybe there are still unresolved issues and you just need “breathing space” both mentally and emotionally -- or a period of hiding away to make sense of all the craziness in relationships.

The Hermit reversed - Family and Home

There is beauty in solitude, but when taken too far it turns into isolation and can generate selfish emotions. Seeing The Hermit reversed regarding family and the home usually suggests you have taken your solitude too far. We all need time alone, but, especially within the family, there must be community and shared experience, as well. You have an important role to play in your family, you need to support your loved ones and show them your affection (just like they do for you). 

It is in these moments family really shines with the golden goodness of sunlight, not when you’re shut away from each other. Don’t retreat into yourself entirely, otherwise, when you do reemerge you may find that some of your most important relationships have suffered irreparable damage. This isn’t said to scare you, just to gently warn you that personal time must be dispersed with shared family time, too. Don’t take your family for granted, they have a lot to offer you – and just like sharing gifts, reciprocation is essential to that process. 

The Hermit Reversed - Work and Finances

Does it feel that your potential is being wasted? Like a plant growing without rain, you’re missing a vital ingredient to success: collaboration. If you’re struggling financially, look for guidance on budgeting to help you create structure and order. And if you feel stunted at work, talk to your superiors about a more constructive process for climbing the career ladder. While upright The Hermit is all about independence, reversed, it is about not being afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are few realms where guidance and mentorship are more beneficial than in work and finances, it is here that leaders can truly lead you to new exciting lands. Ask for help and you’ll reap the rewards, just like an autumn harvest after a warm summer.

When we reverse the Hermit tarot card, it almost always indicates more of a negative outcome, either that something will not happen or that further guidance needs to be found. It could represent the need for caution while taking risks related to your money or career. The reversed Hermit can also indicate inner blockages with regard to progress --- whether they be emotional, mental, or spiritual --- so reflection and introspection could prove necessary before undertaking any course of action.

The Hermit Reversed - Health and Wellness

Something has staled, turned bitter like sour grapes, what was once good is now unworkable. Have you fallen into bad habits, perhaps you’re not nourishing yourself like you once were. This card is rarely a sign of anything serious to worry about, instead, you should take it as an indication that you need to freshen things up. Try and find a balance between things that you enjoy and things that are good for you (don’t ever forget it’s possible to achieve both, balance lies at the heart of all life). You could try cooking with your partner or exercising with a friend - these things are bound to give both your health and wellness a welcome boost and the collaboration can improve the overall experience. Take the time to listen to your body, feel it fully and it will tell you what it needs to thrive. 

The Hermit Reversed - Personal Spirituality

Overindulgence is wreaking havoc with your quest of spirituality, its impact is resounding like a siren and causing other issues to boot. Yes, a personal spiritual journey often requires inner reflection, but this is not an excuse for being blinkered to the world around you. It’s good to expose yourself to the wisdom and experiences of others as this can be spiritually enriching too. Remember that our learning on this earth is never done, so keep your mind and heart open. Be confident, but not arrogant. When you learn to balance reflection and action, solitude, and collaboration, you will find yourself spiritually enlightened. 

The Hermit Upright Meanings in Keywords

  • The need for alone time
  • Turned away from the world
  • Thinking deeply
  • Deciding what to do
  • Coming out of you shell
  • Mysterious person
  • Walking alone

The Hermit Reversed Meanings in Keywords

  • Reflecting on inner conflict
  • Feelings as oppose to actions
  • Withdrawn
  • Egotistical
  • Self defining