Three Card

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Four Of Cups Tarot Card
Queen Of Swords Tarot Card
9 of Cups Tarot Card

Card reading

The Four of Cups


Four Of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

This beautiful lady sits on a branch contemplating her decisions in life, focused on how to move things forward. She is sat at the crossroads of strategy and called success but finds it hard to focus her intuition. Are you thinking about stepping into actionable change? This card appears when we can be lifted up in the day-to-day activities when sometimes we need to take a deep breath and think that I am now ready.

"I must hold onto my thoughts," she whispers as the cups of emotion roll around her rational mind. As she looks down she knows that she is safe but is finding it hard to open up her heart to another. Looking down she gathers her thoughts about the hurt and pain that she has experienced in love but knows for sure that she will build on foundations eventually, once she can take stock of what is important in love. If you have received the Four of Cups in your reading then you are likely either experiencing a time of contemplation or frustration in affairs or you are about to experience a transit of this.

At times we all hold a lack of perspective in life. The woman, depicted on the card, when sitting on a tree contemplating his material possessions in life, but above all her heart. Yes, at times we can feel broke, unappreciated, weak, and empty. In front of her are three full cups that she does not notice and from above, another cup is placed in her reach, but she ignores it. There is a level of jadedness associated with this card. A lacking of seeing what you have and only focusing on what you do not possess. The Four of Cups is pointing out that you have a lot more than you are willing to see right now. Taking all of your fortunes for granted is a fast way to ensure that you do not receive more.

This is a cautionary card; right now you have the option of stepping out of this kind of behavior by learning again to be grateful for what you have. When you are grateful, you are telling the Universe that you would like more of what you have, lots more. When you are taking what you have for granted, you tend to fill up much of your thoughts with a level of emptiness or frustration, and then being that we create our realities, the Universe gives you more of what you are thinking about. Right thought is what the Four of Cups focuses on. You need to reorganize your thoughts so that you are in a position of thankfulness. Should you choose to ignore this, you will continue on this cycle of frustration.

The Four of Cups suggests not only the meditation on what you do have but also consider physically putting yourself in a position where you might see others who are less fortunate than you to get yourself back on track. This is a great time to give to charity, to offer your help to others. The offering of servitude will strengthen your sense of character and reroute you to a better mindset of receiving rather than ignoring. You are bored and are in need of motivation. But you haven’t been taking any steps toward your goal because you are dissatisfied with what you have accomplished. We all are sometimes are too hard on ourselves. It is time for you to prioritize and examine what you have done and then consider what you still have to do.

At this time, chances are there are people in your life or foundations or some kind of outside help that has been offering to provide assistance to you but you have not seen it because you have been so swept up in your own lack mentality. Now that you understand the guidance the Four of Cups has to offer, reevaluate and see if you can now identify those that have been trying to help you, and then accept their help with gratitude, not guilt or anger. Identify how you are feeling dissatisfied and then figure out what you are going to do about it. Identify what will help you find peace and serenity and then apply that to the areas of your life that which you are feeling dissatisfied. Meditate on the changes possible for you to get you out of your funk.

If you find that you are still frustrated or angry at your circumstances, then use that energy productively. Start getting busy; work hard until you are exhausted just so that you can feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. When you have reached this point and have crawled out of the pit of ungratefulness, you will find that everything begins to work right again. Your main relationships are supportive and under control. You have an underlying knowledge that you are not alone and that there are those out there who love to experience life with you. You will receive back that level of peace of mind that you have been missing. And then you will become a magnet for abundance and creative energy where you will be able to make your fantasies into a reality.

The Four of Cups in Love

Likely, you have been evaluating your love life, but during this interval, rather than stay on the tree and ponder - it is a time to celebrate. This card is telling you to focus on what is good in your relationship, be expansive, excited about the future with this lover. Make sure you put your energy into a relationship or possible lover if single and focus on the things that really matter. In this position the Four of Cups is telling you that energy blocked will result in stagnantion, waiting for you to see it for what it is: Broken and stale.

Maybe you are taking advantage of others as much as they are taking advantage of you. In love, the card often appears when you are not seeing the great things that are possible to you. If you are single, it is possible that you have an admirer that you are not paying attention to because you are so worked up feeling as though you will never have anyone to love you. Consider how these thought patterns are potentially sabotaging who you are in your pursuit of love and romance and then stop it from going any farther.

Within a relationship, it appears that you are caught up in life and you need more time with your lover. You feel as though your partner should be behaving in a different way. In this, you have missed the connection that you both really have. Consider what fantasies you have that could be applied to your current relationship so that you might see it in a whole new, fresh way.

The Four of Cups in Health

The Four of Cups presents itself in reading about Health to tell you that it is time that you take advantage of the physical strength and health that you do have. Right now you are allowing yourself to be victimized by your ill health. Or even by the fear of ill health. The only way to be healthy is to perpetuate it and work at it. This card is saying that there are multiple healthy bodily functions that are happening in your body at all times, but you do not recognize them and are therefore taking advantage. This is creating a sickly cycle that you must get out of should you ever decide to live an active, happy life.

The Four of Cups in Work and Wealth

When the Four of Cups shows up in your work or wealth reading, there is a level of opportunity that you are ignoring. Meaning, you are so stuck thinking about what you do not have that others have, that you are missing out on your own opportunities to progress. This is your own doing and you must change the way that you think to acquire the abundance that you desire.

Four of Cups Advice

When the Four of Cups appears in your reading it means you are being offered help but are too preoccupied with something else to accept what’s in front of you. You likely feel apathetic or reluctant about accepting help from outside sources. Perhaps you are still nursing old wounds or acting independently to a fault. This card visually symbolizes a cup that is being extended to you, yet you close your eyes and refuse to accept it - an action you may later come to regret. 

It can also refer to your personal state of mind; you may be feeling numb, bored, or discontented. Your despondency is impeding your view of the world around you and you are missing opportunities as a consequence. The man in this card is comfortably seated, despite being visually ill-at-ease, perhaps there is more satisfaction to be found in your present situation than meets the eye. That is why this card is sometimes known as the ‘grass is greener’ card. 

Drawing the Four of Cups in an advice spread is a signal that you should accept the support being offered to you and reassess any hasty decisions you have recently made. Remember, accepting help is not a sign of weakness - welcoming the kindness of others will contribute to your overall strength and help you on your personal journey. 

The wands flash across the sky like arrows, they are a blur of power and radiance. Like the wands, you must move swiftly and decisively. The butterflies that fly about the wands - vivid and free - signify aimless movement, you are an expatriate soul wandering the earth. This card whispers that travel, fastness, and movement are the order of the day. 

This card shines with clear advice; you can forge and capture the opportunities that come your way. Remember, sometimes actions do speak louder than words. Pinecones are like houses to the seeds of love; the seeds are the affection and love of others. There is a very good chance you’re already considering a decision or actively making moves towards a particular path. You may find that this decision will light up the path of love - just like warming rays of the sun. Open your heart, and open your mind. 

Fill your days as if they were your last - at points, it may seem that time is running through your fingers, your life milestones fly before your eyes. It’s true what they say, life is like a rollercoaster; full of ups and downs, slow points and fast points. Even when you feel suffocated, with your breath snatched away, you must push yourself to keep going. Hold on tight and grasp your emotions, keep them close to you. 

Take a foundation - a friendship, a lover, a career - and decide with speed what to build upon it. You can let your attention wander, free like the butterflies, and know that when it comes to love you should be picky.  The overriding message of advice - is not to dawdle but cut to the chase. Things will happen fast. Remember to not sink into the sand but circumvent it. In love questions, the advice is to go for it. Why? Because the archer sees the mark upon the path of love and sends the arrow straight towards the heart of another. 

If you’re apprehensive, remember there is a good reason this card has appeared, continuing on and acting with assurance will lead you down an important and life-defining road, so go for it! 

Four of Cups Yes Or No

You ask for a yes or no answer, but the Four of Cups is restless, refusing to hold still. It won’t give you an answer because it has none; remember, in murky waters, you can’t see even your own hand in front of your face. You can respond to this clouded viewpoint with consideration - careful thought and strategy are the lampposts to guide you through to a period of uncertainty, they will become your assets on a confusing life route. 

Moving out of a mindset of boredom will reinvigorate you and help you move past the stagnation currently blooming in your life, growing like weeds, you must pull this numbness out from the root. Lean towards positivity, there is a cup being offered on this card - you must first open your eyes to it, in order to accept it. Once you can see the opportunity before you, you can move forward with confidence in your answer. Thoroughly weigh up all your options before hastily saying “no” to new opportunities. Try and see your current situation with fresh eyes and express gratitude for what you have. 

Moving out of a mindset of boredom will reinvigorate you and help you move past the stagnation you are currently experiencing. The way you read this card will depend on your current situation and the rest of your reading, but one should lean towards a feeling of positivity and affirmation as this will steer you away from a place of dissatisfaction. When reversed, the Four of Cups indicates positivity - a “yes” to what you are currently doing. It suggests you are beginning to get your life back on track after coming out of a dull chapter - keep doing what you’re doing!

Four of Cups Past

You are like the first buds of spring, like land sighted on a lost voyage, like a shelter in a storm - the Four of Cups appears in your past position to highlight a period you have since recovered from. 

The Four of Cups in the past position may also indicate recovery or revival in your life. You are likely breaking away from a chapter that you were not enjoying. Reflect on your past, have you come out of a period of dissatisfaction or depression? Whatever the situation, now is the time to keep pressing forward. Remember to check in with yourself and your life situation. Try and be appreciative of what you have, and remember to keep welcoming in new opportunities. Growth often means moving outside of your comfort zone and this is a good thing. Focus on honesty and transparency so that you don’t fall back into old habits or become embittered by small put-backs. 

If you are not happy or progressing in your current situation, then drawing the Four of Cups in the past position may indicate that your current situation has arisen out of your past refusal to accept help or take on new opportunities. If this is the case, it is easy to be consumed by feelings of blame and resentment. To move on from this situation, you must accept the past so you can move forward with new opportunities in the future. 

Reflect on your past difficulties, remember how escape seemed so fruitless at the time - when you are drowning, it seems like every breath might be your last. The Four of Cups reminds you of this most pressing lesson; you made it through this past time of desperation, take this lesson with you throughout every period of future difficulty.  

Honor your past by being appreciative of your present; so often, growth requires dipping a toe in a pool unknown to you. To step out of your comfort zone is to flourish with independence, like a bird flying the nest. The Four of Cups faces square up to you, it asks: are you repeating old mistakes? Falling into bitterness or denial? The truth will set you free, and you will be lighter for acknowledging your weaknesses. Acknowledgment, after all, is the first step towards amendment. 

Blame and resentment have never changed things for the better, but tenacity and a positive mindset so frequently do. Poke around in your mind and have a go at reconfiguring the dials, do so and you might just free yourself from future unpleasantness.  

Four of Cups Present

Drawing the Four of Cups in the present position suggests you are closed off to opportunities and solutions which would help you address the problems currently afflicting your life. Perhaps you are being hostile to those around you, needlessly acting stubborn, or ignoring advice from those who have your best interests at heart. You’re still reeling from feelings of past hurt. Bitterness is the feeling overwhelming you at present and it’s sucking up all your energy in the process. 

Seeing the Four of Cups in the present position indicates that there is still time to reassess your situation and throw off the shackles of self-imposed constraints. The cup is still being offered to you, you simply need to open your eyes and take it! Be honest with yourself and your situation - seek out areas where you can help, rather than hinder, yourself. Remember to chase opportunity and accept the support of others, so you can move out of a period of discontent and into a new era of prosperity and satisfaction.

You have become closed off to opportunities, problems are affecting your life and spreading like mold in the home, but instead of addressing these problems, you are allowing them to take over your entire life. Is there hostility in your relationships with others? Does bitterness permeate your emotions, and sap any energy you might have for rewarding activities that nourish the soul? 

The cup is still being offered to you, you simply need to open your eyes and take it! Be honest with yourself and your situation - seek out areas where you can help, rather than hinder, yourself. Remember to chase opportunity and accept the support of others, so you can move out of a period of discontent and into a new era of prosperity and satisfaction. Once you accept sunlight into your life, you will be surprised by how fast you grow. 

Four of Cups Future and Outcome

The Four of Cups card is most beneficial when associated with the future. Drawing this card in the future and outcome position points to possible enlightenment; with time, you may understand that negative experiences in your past were actually lessons and the experiences have actually made you stronger. It may also indicate that you have understood past mistakes and will not repeat them again.

Seeing the Four of Cups in your future can also indicate another decision that is upcoming in your life; an opportunity (signified by the cup) will be presented to you and you must fully weigh up your options before making any rash decisions. Take the time to think with both your heart and head, the right path will present itself to you, make sure you are patient enough to wait for it.

The Four of Cups is happiest when seen in the future position, it beckons you, calling of future enlightenment - your negative past experiences will come to make you stronger than ever before. Past mistakes will be learned from rather than repeated, with the holistic view of hindsight you will see with contentment and truth of how every blunder is essential in moving you forward to become the best version of yourself.

The Four of Cups also whispers of future decisions, waiting to enter your life - the cup will be presented to you once more, be considered in any decisions you make when this time comes - do you sense wine or poison? Take the time to think with both your heart and head, the right path will present itself to you, make sure you are patient enough to wait for it.   

Four of Cups Love Reconciliation

Your heart beats with regret, the pain resounds from a relationship that has soured or become lost. Perhaps complacency has led to faded passion, do you appreciate the partner at your side? Your full attention is needed so you can see whether the love in your life is one worth fighting for - observe the patterns of your partnership, do you move in sync or in opposition? Do you grow together or apart? 

When the Four of Cups appear in love and reconciliation reading it can indicate regret for a past relationship gone wrong or pain relating to mistakes made in your current relationship. If you are single, the Four of Cups suggests you are focusing on what is missing in your love life rather than seeing opportunities for love that are right in front of you. Are you letting a preoccupation with past loves inhibit an opportunity for new romance?

If you are in a relationship, the Four of Cups usually suggest complacency; this may mean that your passion has fizzled out and your time as a couple has run its course, but it can also suggest that you are not appreciating what you have. Take the time to communicate with your partner, make an effort to reignite your flame - if your efforts prove futile, it may be time to part ways.

If you are single, the Four of Cups has a poignant message, your preoccupation with past loves is inhibiting new romances flourishing in their place. Like ripping off a plaster too soon, you are not allowing yourself to truly heal. Work on this so you may experience a dizzying and true love that fills up your soul.

Four of Cups As Feelings

Drawing the Four of Cups in a spread about how someone feels about you can suggest that the person you are interested in is closed off to new relationships. They may not have truly opened up yet emotionally - this does not indicate that you are doing something wrong, instead, it may be the case that they have yet to open their eyes to how wonderful you really are. In order for things to move forward, this other person needs to let go of their past so that they can achieve emotional clarity. Look for signs of their progress going forward - if you see none, you may be wasting your time on a person who is blinded to the potential of a new relationship.

You ask about the feelings of another, but the Four of Cups signals that they are closed off. This is a problem that goes far beyond you, the individual you ask after is emotionally stunted, wilting like a flower in the shade. Perhaps, with effort, you can help to shed some of that all-important light back into their life. Be gentle, look for signs of their progress going forward - but if you see none, you may be wasting your time on a person who is blinded to the potential of a new relationship, do not fall trapped to the same problem by focussing on them alone.

Four of Cups As Friendship

Now is the time to review the friendships in your life and your attitude towards those closest to you, sometimes our relationships with others transform when unchecked. 

Drawing the Four of Cups card in relation to friendship suggests that now is the time to review the friendships in your life and your attitude towards those closest to you. Look at your own actions and ask yourself whether you have always helped friends in times of need. Perhaps you ignored a difficult situation or closed down rather than communicating with a friend when things got tricky. If you have yet to make amends with an old friend because of historic resentment or difficulties, the Four of Cups is likely telling you to let go of the past and reconcile.

The Four of Cups can also suggest stagnation in friendships - are you sticking with one core group of friends and missing opportunities to befriend others? If it’s been a while since you last made friends with someone new, now may be the time to make new connections and watch your friendships blossom.

Look at your own actions and ask yourself whether you have always helped friends in times of need. Face this idea with honesty, don’t dwell on guilt or shame but seek to correct it through your future actions. 

Did you ignore a difficult situation or close down communication with a friend when things got tricky? If you have yet to make amends with an old friend because of historic resentment or difficulties, the Four of Cups shouts firmly that you must let go of the past and reconcile if you want the friendship to remain intact, genuine apologies are a key ingredient in aiding healing.

Things may stagnate, too, friends who are not present are no friends at all. When opportunities for meeting others are missed out of complacency, you rob your life of variety and the wisdom of others. A rich soil of variety is needed for the best plants to grow, and so it is the same with your circle of friends, now may be the time to make new connections and watch your friendships blossom. 

The Fool Reversed

Reversed Four of Cups in a Reading

The Four of Cups visits your reading in the reversed position to tell you that you needn’t worry. Things are happening, people are hearing you, and you are capable of vocalizing your needs and strengthening your world and all of its possibilities. There will be new opportunities offered to you, with new ideas. Do not worry about life not happening or moving forward for right now there are actions being taken to help better your circumstances.

Four of Cups Reversed - Love and Romance

Like a train emerging from a long dark tunnel, you are coming out of a period of solitude or despondency in a romantic relationship. Upright, the Four of Cups suggests apathy and a loss of passion - but inverted it marks the end of this period of boredom and instead marks a new, more optimistic start that is sure to bloom into something wondrous and beautiful.

The Four of Cups reversed senses that you have gone through a difficult time as a couple but whispers that you are now ready to make a renewed effort to rekindle your lost love and passion. There will be touching moments of increased intimacy, a flow of natural affection between you and your partner - your love will find an everyday expression that makes both of you feel cherished and important. 

Even for those without a partner or romantic attachment, this card’s reversal is a celebration of the end of a period of intense isolation, you are reemerging in the world, like an animal leaving hibernation everything seems bright and new. You are ready to knock down your emotional walls and open yourself up to someone new. Make sure you keep up your enthusiasm and fully embrace your fresh start, now you have healed there will be plenty of opportunities for you to spark a romance with somebody else - there is much to look forward to. 

Four of Cups Reversed - Family and Home

Drawing the Four of Cups reversed in a family and home spread can suggest your family is transitioning out of a difficult period. Perhaps you or your partner have come out of a time where you were allowing work to take over with lots of overtime and hours spent away from the home. You, or someone in the family, may have become self-absorbed and isolated themselves from the rest of the clan. Before, the joy and the company of loved ones were missing from your home - but now you have come out of this darker chapter and are all feeling closer than ever. This is the perfect time to spring clean your home and make an extra special effort to enjoy quality family time together. Having recovered from a chapter of apathy you can feel extra gratitude for your family and the security the home provides for you all.

Four of Cups Reversed - Work and Finances

A light in the dark, a glowing light, see it settling across the horizon, spreading through the sky like the first glimpse of dawn. Work and finances are the bread and butter of life, when they are good we feel healthy and fuelled when they are bad our souls feel lacking and our happiness wanes. 

The Four of Cups reversed is confident, a feast is coming your way. There have been tough times in your career in recent months and years, boredom, stagnation, competition. But now, new opportunities are presenting themselves to you, and you will be proactive in chasing them

Whether it’s leaving an old job that was draining your energy or achieving a coveted promotion, the Four of Cups gleams with hope, for you shine with potential. Keep a handle on this positive energy, use it to steer you in new exciting directions. Reach the pinnacle of this energy and you might just find a personal epiphany or moment of realization strikes your life with new, exciting colors. You have let go of past jealousy and instead turned your focus inwards to reinforce a feeling of contentment - be proud and revel in it. 

Four of Cups Reversed - Health and Wellness

An elevated sense of health and wellbeing is the key ingredient for the vibrancy that starts from within and shines out of your body as a healthy glow so that you are rosy with shining health. In the recent period you suffered from poor energy, and your physical and mental drain is over - your road to recovery is flowering with natural beauty, and your body is adjusting to true wellness. 

For those still managing continued health issues, this card suggests, instead, that you have secured heightened wellbeing through a spiritual adjustment in perspective. You are bathed in gratitude, you see with a sudden clarity all that you have and the many things you should be smiling and grateful for. 

In the past, you may have allowed issues with your health to affect your overall outlook, but the Four of Cups reversed is a celebration of your achievement, you are ready to let go of bad energy and enjoy your restored health and wellness to the fullest extent - you are sure to be as free and contented as a child at play. 

Four of Cups Reversed - Personal Spirituality

Drawing the Four of Cups reversed in a spiritual context bears a message as valuable as a gold chalice; you are on a road to spiritual liberation, your aura shines with revelation and your emotional baggage evaporates so that you can see the vibrating energy of the universe with renewed clarity and appreciation. Your reconnection with your spiritual journey is of a sacred nature, you are closer to the highest form of living and every step of your life seemed imbued with glimmering gratitude. You are no longer adrift but focussed - now proceed to experience this spiritual fulfillment in new, revitalizing ways. 

Upright Four of Cups Meanings in Keywords

  • Bright sparks of love
  • Blocked path
  • Rejecting love
  • Fountain of memories
  • Mirror of time
  • Unhappiness

Reversed Four of Cups Meanings in Keywords

  • New possibilities
  • Clarity and love
  • Letting go of the past
  • Smiling
  • Fountain of change

The Queen of Swords


Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

When you have received the Queen of Swords in your reading, you are seen as an assertive perfectionist who is also hyper protective and ambitious.

A mother figure as well as a knowledgeable leader is often the embodiment represented by the Queen of Swords. You have ideas that are ruled by the drive of the heart which is what makes you so uniquely you, and someone that others enjoy being around and depending on. You are highly informed and an excellent communicator. There is very little that consistently confuses you because you are so good at figuring things out, and when others need assistance creating a plan, they come to you to help them organize their life. This card is the representative of the sheer force of will to achieve, to better one’s journey in life, to better one’s self.

The image of the Queen of Swords as it appears in the Rider Waite Deck shows an image of a Queen who is sitting very regally on her high throne staring off into the sky. Her sword is raised in her left hand, which suggests an almost daring nature, daring others to try to throw her from her throne. She will have none of it. The base of her thrown is decorated with butterflies, which are symbolic of the soul. This card is symbolic of a brown haired brown eyed woman.

She is keen and quick witted and often representative of someone who has put a lot behind her in her life. She may be a widow or someone who is unable to bear children. There is a sense of longing or mourning within her strength, longing for those that is far from her. This card can stand for widowhood, mourning, kindness but with a firm hand, gracefulness and observation as well as a fondness for dancing.

When one is having a hard time, there is no one better to go to then the Queen of Swords, for she will put your life into perspective like no other. If you tend to be referred to as someone who is very similar to these character traits then know that you are going through a phase in which all of your skills will be fine-tuned. The Queen of Swords is going to be blessing you with productivity. If you do not feel that you are currently this kind of person, then you are either going to be blessed by learning how to become adept at this kind of behavior or you are going to run into someone who is going to play this role in your life.

The Queen of Swords is someone who is a great counselor with a sharp wit and she knows how to give just the right kind of assistance. Her mental processes are developed, and she has a great spiritual depth through her experience with long troubles which makes her a master of her circumstances. Always seek the clarity that comes with the truth. You need to not allow yourself to get caught up in the lies and drama of those around you because that is counterproductive.

The counselor that is within you is waking up at this time and she seeks clarification so that you can get to the bottom of things. She uses her strength of character and her intellect to free herself of the chains of doubt and fear. She looks at the world that is caught up in drama with disdain and frustration, but at the same time she opens up her hands to it so that she can help if necessary. The clouds may surround her, but her head remains clear in the air of the real truth. She sees no restriction of gender; she is a fierce, strong, and empowered woman. You must at this time be at peace with yourself, accept whatever happens without losing your cool. Allow the negative that comes your way to being absorbed by your counseling, positive mind. See-through the illusions that the world presents.

The Queen of Swords in Love

The Queen of Swords gets what she wants. She is a fiercely independent woman who doesn’t need anyone to be happy. She is content with who she has become and the years have made her wise as well as brave. When it comes to acquiring the love of another, she does not need it but she may be in the position of desiring it just to have the company. Therefore this is a time in your life to start to selectively pick and choose the kind of people that you want in your life, and if a romantic partner is on your list of desires, then begin to make that known. Start to search for the right person who can fit your independent nature. You cannot be an equal partner with someone who is less then you in any way, be it emotionally, physically or financially, so you must begin to work the mental magic out to begin attracting someone who will compliment you.

The Queen of Swords As Feelings

The Queen of Swords as someone's feelings for another is being cool and cutting you away. There is a focus on widowhood. It could also mean cutting through the crap and the truth is clear. This Queen of Swords is a card of being wise, moving through all the smoke and hurt. It can mean they are feeling pain about the situation but does not want to give away their true feelings.

Queen of Swords Advice - Upright and Reversed

When you need to cut someone from your life the Queen of Swords appears. This is for your own good. She is all about being fine on her own. The queen is clever, intellectual and can be sometimes arrogant. She suffers no fools lightly and knows when things are not right. Do not open or show yourself too much, be kind-hearted but also deep. Try to act with restrain. Swords are also given communication and the way we express ourselves. 

Traditionally, this card is known as the widow but can mean a women who is single. This is a common card for single parents. The Queen of Swords offers perspective and the ability to see the bigger picture. In a card reading in terms of advice, she shows strength in the face of problems. If you have two queens in the spread it means rivalry, three Queens is helping friends and four queens women meeting up.

Reversed, the Queen is associated with bad behavior and attack. It can mean an opponent or someone has suddenly turned on another for revenge. The Queen lacks awareness and she cannot back away. Make sure if you get this card you do not accuse someone of something they have not done.

The Queen of Swords in Health

Sometimes your stubbornness gets the best of you. You may be avoiding a doctor’s appointment, but now is not the time to be so stubborn. If you have something going on in your body that you do not quite understand, then it is time to go to the doctor and get it figured out. No, you do not need help, not really, but there is a difference between being independent and being callous in choices that are important.

The Queen of Swords in Work and Wealth

The Queen of Swords tells others what they must do. Therefore if this Queen is transiting your reading regarding Work and Wealth then you must pay attention for opportunities that will present themselves that make it possible for you to be in charge. You will know that a position or opportunity is right for you because you will automatically feel compelled to take control of it, simply because you know what you are doing. Start advertising for yourself. Now is an excellent time to pursue going into a business venture of your own.

Queen of Swords Tarot Reversed

Reversed Meaning - Queen of Swords

You have potential that you are as of now, ignoring. You have put up walls around yourself and you are becoming too introspective and hermit like. Almost as if you are so convinced that you know the right way of being for everyone else, who you tend to be right about, that you no longer want to go outside and interact with others because you know what is best. It is almost as if at this point you know too much. But you need to know that the people that exist in your life who are intolerant only have a narrow outlook and that is something that you need to avoid at all costs. But you need to also remember that you needn’t internalize someone else’s beliefs. Their perception is their own and it has nothing to do with you. Let go of your attachment to what others think, and let go of the attachment that you will be able to help everyone, because frankly, you won’t be able to.

Upright Queen of Swords Meanings in Keywords

  • Women over age 30
  • Dark hair and eyes
  • Not afraid of the truth
  • Learning what you don't want to know
  • Exploring facts
  • Questioning everything
  • Lack of trust in people

Reversed Queen of Swords Meanings in Keywords

  • Questioning beliefs
  • Re-evaluating yourself
  • Fixing your personality
  • Direct confrontation
  • No masks, no lies
  • Cannot stand small talk
  • No compassion

The Nine of Cups


The Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The balancing act of the tarot and the story that it tells is no more apparent than with the Nine of Cups.

Coming from a place of pain and moving on to new yet unsecured horizons seen in the Eight of Cups makes way for a hopeful and positive time in the Nine of Cups. It truly is one of the most positive cards in the deck and a welcome addition to any reading. When you see this card in your reading you can be glad that good things are coming your way.

The yellow background in the background of the Nine of Cups indicates happiness and emotional security. In the center of the card a man sits, arms crossed with satisfaction and before him nine filled cups. This truly is a wish-fulfillment card and it tells you that whatever you put your mind to that you are bound to get. It’s a very positive card in many rights and can influence many aspects of your life. The card is highly emotional and intellectual, showing satisfaction in both of these areas but it is also one of the few cards that are well rounded and reflects physical pleasure as well. Now is the time to act on what you want and keep a positive attitude, knowing that you can find success. You truly have to be able to believe to achieve!

The Nine of Cups in Love

Moving on from a dormant time in love, the Nine of Cups appears and offers you hope for new reunions and rekindling in relationships. Usually appearing during a recent change in a relationship when you are hoping for the best and it’s an excellent card speaking of building on what is already present. With this card showing up for someone who is currently in a relationship it states that now is a good time to show your desires and start to make plans for the future. It may not be time to talk about them yet, but that time will come soon.

For those of you looking for love, this is still a great card. With the possibilities open for you in this card, you should really be on the lookout for a new interest coming your way. The card also has strong indications that now it is a time to put yourself out there and show the world what you have to offer. You are in a good place emotionally but more importantly, a healthy place to be looking for love. You are aware of your own shortcomings as well as knowing your own worth. Luck is a good helper when it comes to finding love, but knowing how to market yourself is also key.

The Nine of Cups in Health

The Nine of Cups in health has a positive note, as in all other areas but specific to wellness there is also a warning. Because the card is so positive often there is reasons to celebrate and the card can indicate overindulging can be a health concern at this time. Be sure that while your life may be having turns for the better that you do not take your health for granted.

The Nine of Cups in Work and Wealth

The man on the Nine of Wands is a confident character and you should be too! With this card showing up in your reading there is a hint of smugness, like he knows the secret to success. Wishing and hoping for success is good but it isn’t going to get you all you want. Hard work, diligence, and knowing when to act are all part of good business practices. When the Nine of Cups card comes up it is likely that you are in a place where you can make things happen or yourself financially speaking whether it is finding a job that suits you, advancement, or knowing what to do with your money. Pay attention to remarkable opportunities and pounce! Don’t let a good thing slip through your fingers by being unsure. Go off of your instincts and make your dreams happen!

Nine of Cups Advice

When you draw the Nine of Cups in an advice reading you should take time to reflect on what you have and all that you should be grateful for. This card is often linked to materialism, and it may be suggesting you’ve become overly concerned with the things in your life, rather than the people around you. It can also refer to a state of prosperity and happiness, you likely have a lot to be pleased about right now. This message of advice can be read more as a reminder, sometimes we allow ourselves to enter a state of continual unfulfillment. Make sure you appreciate what you have and don’t wish it away too fast. Practise affirmations of gratitude and revel in your own contentment, you’ll likely find you have everything you need to be happy right at your fingertips, the only thing needed is an adjustment in your perspective.

Nine of Cups Yes Or No

When seeking a yes or no answer in a tarot reading, the Nine of Cups is a big and certain yes! This card is linked with feelings of joy, contentment and general happiness. It often highlights a bright future in which your ambitions are achieved. In this sense, the Nine of Cups is one of the most positive cards in the entire deck, and there is no obscurity here; the answer to your question is a definitive yes. Considering the positive prospects that so commonly go along with this card, the outcome of your current situation is likely to be a good one. 

Nine of Cups Past

In the past position, the Nine of Cups usually refers to a previous period of happiness, or more likely a big achievement in your life, one which may still define you to this day. It could be a project which you received great acclaim for, marrying the love of your life or even just a golden chapter of life in which everything seemed to be going right. While we can certainly draw strength and inspiration from past happiness, it is right to be mindful of not becoming stuck in the past. Use your past successes to propel you forward in the present; they should remind you of your strength and capability. Avoid falling into the trap of endless dwelling, remembering the good times is a lovely thing, but letting them overtake your present day entirely only spells disatsafication in your future. 

Nine of Cups Present 

The Nine of Cups is a great card to draw in your present position because it indicates success and happiness coming your way. If you’re currently hard at work on something, or going through a dark period, you can rest easy knowing your endurance will be rewarded. This coming happiness may take many forms, it could be a new lover or friendship, but more likely it will be something you have made happen through hard work and perseverance. The end result will be blissful and worth the wait. If that happiness feels far away right now, don’t give up, you may not be able to see it but this new bright period is just around the corner. If you’re already feeling content and happy, make the most of it! You’ve worked hard to get where you are, now is the time to kick back and enjoy it. 

Nine of Cups Future and Outcome

When the Nine of Cups appears in a reading relating to the future you should feel inspired and relieved; this is a card of hope. No matter how hard, challenging or unsatisfying your life seems right now, good times are on their way. Remember, the only thing that can stop the coming of this happy period is your own self-sabotage. You must preserve in your current situation, and you will reap the rewards in the future. Whether this means remaining kind and helpful, rather than bitter and resentful, in an period of emotional difficulty - or, keeping on with a task or project you are currently failing at, the outcome will be the same: ultimate success. You have lots to look forward to, and many lessons to learn along the way - so keep doing what you’re doing, and enjoy the journey, too.

Nine of Cups Love Reconciliation

In a love and reconciliation reading, the Nine of Cups points to a blossoming relationship that’s going from strength-to-strength. An already stable love will become even more committed and intense. Those in a couple will find their happiness is more blissful and dream-like, as well as passionate and fresh, than ever before. This card sometimes appears after you’ve reconciled with an old flame, you are likely experiencing all the throes of passion you have missed in the time you spent apart. If you’re single, this card doesn’t necessarily mean your soulmate is soon to come round the corner. Instead, it suggests you have reached a place of happiness and self-contentment. You have bettered yourself and so, you will be better prepared to deal with a happy, healthy relationship should one come your way. Your primary focus should be maintaining this best version of yourself, do that and everything else - romantic or otherwise - will fall into place naturally. 

Nine of Cups As Feelings

If you are trying to understand how another person feels about you then the Nine of Cups is generally associated with presence and affection. That means, in this context, the person’s feelings you are trying to understand are very much positive. This person is certainly aware of you and you are likely important to them. In fact, you may make them feel positively about themselves and they enjoy your company. While this card doesn’t explicitly suggest a romantic side to their feelings towards you, it forcefully implies positive emotions and the potential for a prosperous relationship (platonic or otherwise) between you and this other person. 

Nine of Cups As Friendship

In a friendship reading, the Nine of Cups is a very positive omen. You are surrounded by loving, supportive and genuine friends - this card suggests relationships are reciprocal and fulfilling. You should certainly feel grateful for those around you, and know that they are grateful for you, too. Now may also be a good time for you to meet new people and connect with others. Overall, this card is a sign of happiness, the kind that celebrates the beauty of human friendships.

Nine of Cups Reversed - Love and Romance

When the Nine of Cups appears reversed in a love and romance reading it can indicate trouble in paradise. Often this comes after a particular event or rocky patch, you or your partner have been left feeling disappointed. Sometimes this happens after a relationship’s initial flame goes out; it’s easy to feel caught up in the passion at the start, but if nothing remains once that period has fizzled out, it might be time to call it quits. While the upright version of this card indicates prosperity and happiness, reversed it suggests things have gone stale, you might not be outrightly sad, but you’re certainly not happy, either. If you are single or dating, this card reversed indicates an imbalance in your romantic life. Perhaps you have been meeting the wrong kind of people or dating too much. It’s important to remember that fulfillment first and foremost comes from within. You must focus on loving yourself before you try and build a meaningful relationship with anyone else.  

The Nine Of Cups Reversed

Reversed Nine of Cups in a Reading

With the Nine of Cups in the reversed position, there is even more positive energy around than in the normal position… almost too much. This card in this position can be cautious of being too overconfident or conceited in your endeavors. Be careful about putting yourself on display or taking on too much. You will wind up not being able to complete tasks, falling behind, and ruining your reputation. Consider ways in which you are reaching too far and falling short.

Nine of Cups reversed - Family and Home

In reading about family and home, the reversed Nine of Cups suggests you have become overly concerned with the material world. You are letting money and objects take priority over your family. Oftentimes, people feel they are doing this for the good of their family - for example, working extra hours for a nice holiday or new car. But ultimately, happiness in the home comes from the strength of personal relationships. Now is the time to take stock and figure out what really matters most to you. 

It’s okay to strive for success so long as this reflects your own wishes and those of your loved ones; don’t let yourself fall into the trap of prioritizing things that project the best image to others.

Upright Nine of Cups meanings in keywords

  • Happy romance
  • Prosperity and bliss
  • Well deserved holiday
  • Getting what you want
  • Wishes coming true
  • Satisfaction

Reversed Nine of Cups meanings in keywords

  • Superficiality
  • Not getting what you want
  • Cannot handle problems 
  • Stinginess
  • Too Materialistic