Tarot Cards

Here you will find tarot card articles that will help you on your journey of learning about the cards. Hello! You've reached the best Tarot Meanings ever. This is your one-stop source for detailed Tarot card meanings in every situation (and spread) that you might encounter. It's likely that you are here because of some confusion about your tarot spread. You think you are too close to the situation to be able read it correctly. If you are simply unsure of where you are at the moment, and you are not sure what your reading means then I will help you with my meanings.


Latest Tarot Articles

Florance Saul /

King of Wands and Nine of Pentacles Combination

King of Wands and Nine of Pentacles Uptight Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles and the King of…

Florance Saul /

Tarot Card Order

When I carry out a reading I always (depending on the situation) put my tarot cards into…

Florance Saul /

Two Card Reading

Here I have just briefly run over the two card spread.

Florance Saul /

Find your true path in life

I am sure reading this article, you might have heard of tarot cards and tarot reading.  But…

Florance Saul /

Death and The Tower Combinations

Death And Tower Tarot Combination - General Meaning

These two cards suggest that it is time for…

Florance Saul /

Justice and Five Of Wands Combination

Justice And Five Of Wands Upright Meaning

The five of wands means that there is a competition…

Florance Saul /

The Fool And Magician Tarot Card Combination

  Tarot Cards