Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is considered a good Spatulate hand?


One that is firm but yielding, with a good amount of elasticity in the touch, as it then indicates a practical, all-round nature, with a desire to look onbothsidesofaquestion.It also shows affection,amian honest disposition.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Spatulate hand indicate?


Self-reliance and much resolution. The individual is ambitious, active, mechani­cally inclined and a hard worker, more especially if the hand is hard as well as firm. It is a useful hand altogether, but not very delicate. It also indicates courage, capacity to op­pose, and its owner may he said to shine best under difficulties. People with this type of hand are fond of music, but musical instruments requiring mechanical skill are more to their taste than vocal music.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How can the Spatulate hand be recognised?


By the widening, or flattening out of the finger ends. Spatulate Meant to spread out.The whole hand in this type is large and strong, rather thick, and usually firm to the touch.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Can the Elementary hand be developed into one of a higher type?


Not completely, because the type of hand shows the natural tendencies to be low, and cultivate a pig as much as you like, it will still remain a pig; as, however, there is nothing on earth but what is capable of improvement in some form or other, the Elementary hand can be Bome what improved by proper training, but it must necessarily remain of the earth earthy, because its owner possesses a low and grovelling spirit, with very little self-control, and is invariably he tool of others.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Elementary hand indicate?


That the owner has very little intellect, especially if the thumb is not very large. When opposed they are brutal in the opposition, but do not make rulers, being ruled by others.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How can the Elementary hand be recognised?


The fingers are short and stiff, the nails small and the palm long in pro­portion to the fingers.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Is it easy to distinguish one type from another?


Yes, when the type is pure, which, however, is not very frequently the case.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How does Chirognomy deal with the many shaped hands?


It classes the hand into different types, and divides each hand into three parts. The lower portion of the hand (which includes the root of the thumb and all below it) corresponds with the animal or material portion of our nature. From the root of the thumb to the root of the fingers, indicates the extent of our intellectual abilities.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Who first discovered and founded the system of Chirognomy?


M.D' Arpentigny, an officer in the French Army. It appears that he had exceptionally good shaped hands, of which he was rather vain, and in comparing them with those of others he was gradually led to study character from the shape and formation of the hand in general. He felt more desirous of pursuing the subject after his palms had been read by a gipsy female, although it is stated that he attached no importance to her prognostications and deductions.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Is Chirognomy closely allied to Palmistry?


Not of necessity, for the former deals with character only, whilst the latter treats of events, past, present and future, also fortune as well as character.