Palmistry Minor Lines

Lines Minor

Palmistry is the study of the palm of the hand and is an ancient art practised across many cultures and many areas of the world. It's believed to have begun in India and China, by Hindu Brahmaists and Chinese holy men in the Zhou Dynasty around 3,000 years ago. The aim of palmistry is to learn more about oneself and discover the path one's life might take. By using the major lines, the Heart Line, Life Line, Wisdom Line and Fate Line, the general character of a person can be discovered and the broad details of their life determined. However, skilled palmistry practitioners look beyond the major lines to the minor lines - here lies the details that make up a person's innermost desires, beliefs and dreams. These minor lines, also known as secondary lines, differ from individual to individual and so provide a deeper look into a person's character and life. 

These minor lines can reveal an individual's talents, strengths and weaknesses, and interests. Some lines are very faint or don't appear on the palm - whether they do or not gives the palm reader more insight into their subject, the individual whose palm is being read. Remember that in palmistry, the right hand is always the hand that is read: the left palm gives congenital information, related to a person's inherited genetics and family history, whilst the right hand gives postnatal information - information after birth. The left hand can be used to gain information or insight about what the right-hand says by providing a genetic history. 

Here we'll discuss the most commonly visible minor lines, and avoid the lines that are not present on the majority of the population. This article will explore the Marriage Lines, Sun Line, Children Line, Health Line, Bracelet Lines and Intuition Line. 

Palmistry Minor Lines

Bracelet Lines In Palmistry

If you see above you will see the bracelets. I'm going to start with this meaning before moving onto the minor lines. Bracelet Lines, also known as Rascette Lines, are located on the wrist where you would wear bracelets, at the base of the palm. Most people have three bracelet lines, but some have four - this suggests the person will live to up to 100 years old! These lines give us clues about a person's health, prosperity and longevity. The more solid and unbroken the lines, the better the chances are of living a good healthy life. 

The bracelet line closest to the palm is for our youth, the middle for adult life, and the last for old age. Thick, long and straight lines mean good health in whatever age the line represents. A curved, thin or broken line usually means poor health and a weak body - this is most commonly found in the last line for old age. Islands usually mean kidney, heart or lung issues and crosses means that individuals are not taking care of themselves and suffer from avoidable conditions - perhaps due to substance abuse, smoking and poor diet. 

The Rings In Palmistry

Each finger can have a ring, and each one means something different. A ring around the index finger is called the Ring of Solomon or the Ring of Jupiter. The ring can appear in a straight line or semi-circle variation. Traditionally, this ring represents King Soloman from the Bible and Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods. For this reason, those who have this ring are usually leaders and found in positions of authority. They will be well respected, intelligent and well suited to these roles. 

A ring on the middle finger is called the Ring of Saturn and is quite rare. It tends to mean an individual will lead a reclusive and unhappy life due to their serious nature. They may be a very pessimistic person by nature, or constantly unhappy. 

Meanwhile, a ring on the ring finger is called the Ring of Apollo and indicates a blockage of creativity at some point in the individual's life. It means individuals are creative but have to try harder to overcome the creative blocks they meet in their life - palmists believe this line is not in itself bad but leads to greater growth in overcoming its effects. 

Palmistry is a complex and fascinating subject, and these minor lines and their meaning just scratch the surface of what can be discovered about an individual from their palms. By studying the Major and Minor Lines, much can be learned about a person's innate character traits and what course their life may follow!

By Florance Saul
Jun 30, 2020

Marriage Line Palmistry

The Palmistry Marriage Line

Marriage Lines, also known as Relationship lines, are found at the base of your pinky finger (on your right hand). They may be one or many. They don't just indicate an individual's marriages or partners, but all significant relationships in one's life - any relationship that has a deep effect on the individual's heart and life will be here. So if you see many lines, don't panic! It doesn't mean you're going to be married 5 times!

These lines can provide clues about a person's ability to handle commitments and relationship troubles, and if the lines are well defined they suggest that a person has the ability to make long-term commitments. Shorter and weaker marriage lines indicate relationships that don't last or ones that end for a long time and begin again. A fork at the end of the lines signifies a divorce or break up. One long, straight line suggests one partner for life. A line that curves down at the end suggests a partner with a short life span, whilst lines curving upwards suggests happiness, a settled marriage/relationship and consistent love. The higher the line goes, the happier the person will be! Islands on these marriage lines suggest relationship and marital problems, clashes and obstacles to be overcome.

Children Lines

Children Lines In Palmistry

Children lines are found below the pinky finger and usually cross Marriage Lines or lie above them. They were very faint and each one represents a potential child - events in a person's life affect whether the child is born or not. Many lines may mean a vocation in which the individual works with children (like teaching) and influences many children, or has relationships with many children. They care for children throughout their life but these are not necessarily their children by blood. 

Some palm readers say that broad lines mean male children and narrow lines indicate female children. Clearer and longer lines indicate healthy children who are loved by their parents and those around them - the more uneven the lines, the more sensitive and frail the child will be. An island at the start of a Child Line suggests they will have very ill health at the beginning of their life. And, when a Child Line crosses a Relationship Line later (remember that Relationship Lines run from left to right) it could mean they are born late into the relationship!

Sun Line Palmistry

The Sun Line Palmistry

The Sun Line, or Line of Apollo, is not always present and when it is, shows how successful someone's life will be - creative and self-confident individuals often have this line, as they will go to any lengths necessary to achieve their goals and always follow through on their plans. These are individuals who are great communicators, sensitive to others feelings and able to share their ideas well and empathically. 

The line begins at the ring finger, from the Sun Mount and continues down the palm. If it's present you may be very lucky in your life - particularly from a young age! A missing Sun Line doesn't necessarily mean you will be unlucky or unsuccessful, but you may not have the natural good fortune someone with a Sun Line has.

A short Sun Line indicates a normal life, without any huge fame but also without any huge problems. The longer the line, the more wealth and fame an individual will accumulate: if it runs all the way from the ring finger to the wrist, expect a life of great enjoyment, luxury and renown! If there are islands in the Sun Line, this means the fame will likely affect the individual's wellbeing and their reputation will be troubled. Two or more sun lines suggests varying interests and divided attention. 

Health Line Palmistry

Health Line Palmistry

The Health Line, also known as the Liver Line, shows an individual's health and wellbeing throughout their life. It can refer to the nervous system, liver and kidneys as well as mental health and wellbeing. If the line is broken or frayed it may indicate illnesses that come and go. 

There is no set or fixed location for this line - it usually starts below the little finger and extends across the palm, to the base of the thumb, connecting to the Life Line (one of the four Major Lines). If there's no line, it doesn't mean bad health - it may actually mean no significant health problems! If it is present, the top indicates health as a child, teenager and young adult, the middle as an adult, and the bottom as an elder. 

Some palm readers believe this line is present if a person has the ability to heal others - that your vocation may be in medicine, therapy or other healing sectors. 

Generally speaking, an unbroken and clear line means strength and good health. Wavy lines indicate anxiety, and broken lines represent poor health that may affect an individual's personal and professional life. Crosses and horizontal intersections suggest the individual is very accident-prone and may break many bones in their life. Branches towards the life line may indicate a serious condition that leads to death. 

Intuition Line In Palmistry

Intuition Line In Palmistry

This is a reasonably rare line that's found below the little finger and curves toward the middle of the palm and back - making a half-circle on the left side of the palm. It indicates an individual who is particularly perceptive to others, with a strong sense of insight and the ability to sense other people's energies. Essentially, as the name suggests, the bearer of the line has much greater intuition than those without the line. 

Highly empathic, people with an intuition line may possess psychic abilities. A clear and defined Intuition Line means there will be strong and tangible empathic abilities that shape the course of the individual's life. A shallower line means the individual may not make good use of their abilities or only use them sporadically throughout their life, whilst a broken line indicates someone who is overly sensitive to the point of hurting themselves in the process. Individuals with broken Intuition Lines need to be careful that they are not absorbing other people's energies too much and making themselves unwell in the process.