Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do black spots and livid or colourless hole in a line indicate?


Black spots show a tendency for nervous diseases, and a colourless hole shows organic affection, according to the line upon which it is seen; for instance, on the Heart line organic affection of the heart, etc.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are yellowish lines a sign of?


These indicate a bilious tendency, for they allow colour proves that an excess of bilehasming led with the blood, thus showing the person to have a tendency for liver complaints.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do dark or purple lines indicate?


They are a sign of low spirits and a melancholy nature; at the same time they indicate a proud and haughty reserve, with capacity for cunning and under handed cruelty.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are very red lines an indication of?


Very red lines denote activity and cheerfulness, with a good degree of healthy ambition, bodily strength and arterial circulation, therefore the indication is a good one.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Of what form ought the lines to he in order to have a good indication?


They should be neither too pale and shallow, or too deep and narrow, but decided and clear, and when such is the case the manifestation is always happiest.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Where are the Principal lines located?


1. The line of Life encircles the thumb;2. The line of Head commences close to, or is joined to the Life line, and crosses the centre of the hand more or less; 3.  The line of Heart starts beneath the mount of Mercury on the percussion, or outside part of the hand, and crosses the palm towards Jupiter's mount, which it sometimes passes; 4. the line of Fate starts in the palm or in the base of the hand, and goes towards Saturn'smount; 5.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are the names of the Principal lines?


1.Life, 2. Head, 3. Heart, 4.Pate, 5. Fortune, 6. Health, 7. Ring of  Venus (or Saturn).

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How many lines are there in the hand?


The actual number of lines in the hand varies to a considerable extent, but the number of the principal lines which are of most im­portance in Palmistry are seven.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When the hollow of the palm inclines to a particular mount or line what does it indicate?


When it inclines to the line of Life or Venus it indicates unhappy experience in do­mestic life and with relatives: nearer the "Fate line or centre of the hand disappointment in business and money affairs; under the line of Fortune or Apollo's mount, disappointment in position and failure in artistic undertakings; and under the Heart line it shows sorrow through misplaced affection; thus we see the hollow palm to be a sign of a disappointed life in whatever direction it tends.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Is the hollow of the palm always in the centre of the hand?


No, sometimes it inclines to one mount more than another, or is situate nearer to one line more than another.