Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What mounts fully developed would lead to suicide?


Saturn excessively developed, also the mount of Moon large. The former would show general depression of spirits and oc­casional mania, and the latter would show love of solitude, restlessness, brain sickness, and madness; the mount of Apollo being small, would render the person careless of this present existence and hence suicidal tendencies.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are the signs of an affected person?


An affected person has long and slender fingers, with the first joints of philosophy well developed and Jupiter's mount large; these persons are also mean, cowardly, and deceitful unless the thumb is strong and the Head line clear.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are there any special signs indicating a tendency for madness?


Yes, a tendency for hereditary madness is shown by a very long and sloping Head line, a star on the mount of Saturn and a poor Health line. The Head line split through its entire length and ending on the mount of Moon with a star, also indicates danger of mental aberration. When a line from the Head line reaches to Jupiter's mount, and the Fate line turns and loses itself in that line, it shows danger of madness through exaggerated pride and self-love.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Are there any special indications of a quarrelsome person?


When the Head line leans towards Mercury's mount and Mercury's mount is flat but covered with lines, when the mounts of Mars and Moon are full, and the joints well devel­oped you find all the qualifications for a quarrelsome woman; more especially so, if the finger nails are short and wide. If the first phalange of the thumb is long there will be power to control the hasty nature, but the tendencies are there nevertheless.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are the signs of a deceitful nature?


A high mount of Moon, Head line drooping low on the mount of moon with red points on the line. A short thumb, and the inside of the fingers having a sunken or shrivelled-up appear­ance; these signs are made all the more sure when the Head line is separated from the Life line, but the space between being filled up with small lines.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are the signs of a natural thief?


A twisted Head line, its colour very red, the joints well developed, a grille on Mercury's mount, small lines running from the third phalange of Mercury's finger to its mount, a deep line like a scar on the mount itself and the whole hand dry and thin.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the appearance of the hands of a sensual or voluptuous person?


The fingers are smooth and pointed, the third phalanges fatty and having the appearance of being swollen, the hand white and the palm strong.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What kind of a hand is a murderer likely to have?


A very red hand, or of a livid colour: if red, the murder would arise from a fit of fury; if livid, then the murder would most likely be premeditated as it would arise from an intensely evil and cruel mind. The first phalange of the finger of Mercury heavily lined, Head line deep, with a circle on it, but twisted and probably joined to the Heart line but separ­ated from the Life line, and the Life line thick and spotted red at its commencement.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How can proper judgment be given when a person possesses only one hand?


The signs relied upon by Palmists, like those of all other branches of character reading with nature in a normal, not in an abnormal condition: but when abnormal conditions are present, nature always finds some means of manifesting her powers, as in the Case of a person who has lost one eye, the other becomes unusually strong, and the man who possesses only one leg has double the usual amount of strength in it; and when the nervous fluid has only one hand in which to register the workings of

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Does Palmistry teach Fatalism?


At first, to many it may appear so, but on reasoning the matter out it will be seen to be just the reverse. Palmistry does not positively state that a certain thing must happen, but points out what the tendencies are, and what will probably occur if events and circumstances are left to themselves.