Dreams About Animals

Animals Dream Meaning
The jungle attracts but the cage comforts. The home attracts pets but the walls comfort. Think about these sentances. Animals seen in dreams are about the fact that we have to go out there. Into the jungle. Into the four walls. Do you feel comfortable? The animal is a spiritual sign that things might have been messy. Things might have been difficult. And, there could be many "things" that you are worried about. Into the times when we are not sure what matters. If the animal in your dream is not caged and is seen in its natural habitat such as the jungle or street (for dreams of domestic animals) then this is about taking that leap in life. If the natural environment is changed then that animal might die.
This is powerful stuff. So, It would not surprise me that your environment needs changing, or you need to change something in life. In dreams, animals are seen spiritually about freedom. Your freedom - and making sure you can deal with the freedom when this comes to you. This could be financial freedom. Freedom of someone. Freedom of what no longer serves you. You will know what this freedom is that is coming. The type of animal you see in your dream also means something and can give clues as to the meaning, and I will go over each animal with the meaning of the dream.
What is the spiritual meaning of animals in your dream?
Wild animals seen in dreams is about your personal experience, and your relationship with your spiritual team. If you have what you need then the dream of wild animals is good. This dream is about allowing ourselves to be in touch with our wild side. I have to raise the question as well that "you don't have time to waste." I went on a safari with my daughter n South Africa, about four years ago --- and a guide and a Zulu accompanied us. The Zulu remained quiet throughout the journey to the Safari. This guide started talking about all the wild animals, the elephant, the giraffe, right down to the teeth and how and what they eat - and this Zulu guide did not say a word. But the crazy thing was even though he knew all about the wild animals he could not find the animals. The quite Zulu when driving back to base suddenly spoke and said he knew where the animals were. This was interesting. At this point, I realized that sometimes we have to trust our gut and we can be confused about all the external stuff that comes in our life. Like that guide who just wanted to learn facts about animals, he did not learn where they maybe. The inner feelings of what is going to happen. This is much like over-studying. We can sometimes study too hard. Be too knowledgeable that we lose that "gut instinct."
Gorillas in dreams is about our emotions and how we are protective of others. Bears are about love, cuddles and how we need security. Cats in dreams is about someone who can walk away at any time. Dogs are about friendships with other people. Any animal that eats meat is about dreams of being influenced by another person. And, it is important to remain free, this dream about meat-eating animals indicates that life's guidelines have been established by people so by following all of the patterns in the world means your simply focus on ideas and beliefs of various other people --- whether you believe them or not. This dream of "meat-eating" animals indicates you need to figure out how to look at your own life and work out how to get what you can from it. A dream about animals can be either positive or negative, depending on the details of the dream.
Seeing the animal in a dream is connected to your own inner feelings. Sometimes these can be unnoticed or unacknowledged during the day but resurface when you are asleep in the form of dreams. When you have a dream about animals, they will in a way help you to understand your deepest desires and emotions and of course, each animal brings with it a spiritual message. There could be a focus that you are desiring freedom and that is why the dreams are occurring. If you keep dreaming of animals over and over it can imply your connection to nature.
Domestic animals in dreams (such as your cats and dogs) frequently, although not always, represent the cuddly, caring, naive side of you. Maybe you left your cat or dog out in the cold, or you forgot to feed it, you're probably examining a part of yourself you've forgotten to care for. It's quite common for people who are on the fast track of their careers to dream about neglecting to allow their dog outside to play. This's pretty direct info from the subconscious about the real need to give that facet of the self some love and attention. Dreaming about domestic animals could imply harmony, loyalty, and love in your life. Seeing your own dog or cat in a dream indicates a new start ahead. I kept dreaming of losing my dog, when she was alive. This dream can indicate that you will overcome anything that is blocking you.
What does it mean to see groups of animals in a dream?
To see many animals (maybe you were on safari or visited a zoo) can suggest that you just need to banish shame. The more animals that arrive in the dream the more your spirit team are saying that you need to be yourself and focus on yourself. Suddenly you may see other people's flaws and mistakes much more than normal. This dream (in my view) is about finding out new ways to invent yourself, inside and out. The more animals you see in that dream (think of Noah Ark) the more you need to try to shape how you need to be in this world. And, don't forget -- delight yourself, not other people. Maybe in life you have felt like a ghost, or people have not really treated you very well. This is all about making sure you know yourself, deeply. I want to let you know that when I had a dream of all these animals in my house it was because of a lack of career drive, I had struggled with this for years and in my forties I have not reached my goals or milestones. The animals came in my dream to ensure that I moved forward with that growth I needed to.
What type of animal did you see in the dream?
The animals in your dream could be symbolic of your true behavior in real life. I feel that after reading dream psychology literature from Carl Jung and Freud, the animal can be connected to one’s sexual nature, which can also be depicted by the animal that you see in your dream. Having an animal featured in your dream is a representation of your uncivilized self, your true “animal” nature. Consider the animal in your dream to be delivering an important message to you and pay attention to what the animal is saying. If the animal is talking to you, consider it is a message from the spirit world which you should pay close attention to. Here I am going to mention a few popular animals in dreams. More importantly how the animals were displayed in your dream.
Lion: The lion in your dreams to me represents that courage and strength you have within - a real call to your fearless spirit. Was the lion caged or not caged? This makes a difference because it shows if you are ready for a new awakening. I feel this dream is a reminder that you can overcome any obstacle, just like the king of the jungle. At times of craziness, remember the lion's roar which is bold. I really feel this is about the fact you should not be fearful.
Horse: A horse normally pops into dreams as a unique symbol of balance, as the horse has 4 legs which is balance. The “dream” horse is about weighing up what is important in life. I normally see these dreams come after chaos and when things are settling down. They push you to stand out and blend in where necessary.
Cats: When you have a dream where you see cats, then it will all depend on the color of the cat. If it is black, then it is symbolic of your powers, secrets, and fears. If the cat is known to you in waking life this dream implies a new focus on yourself.
Bear: When you encounter a dream about bears, in general, or that they are trying to attack you, it is a sign that, in your waking life, there is a problem which you are trying to avoid. After the dream, you may have the chance to tackle the problem. Bears per say, rarely “attack” in real life. So, a grizzly bear featured in a dream can mean that you will be focusing on yourself going forward. If the bear is sleeping, then it means that you need to think before sharing your ideas with other people. If the bear is standing up, it is an indication that, you need to defend your beliefs and opinions. I have written quite a bit on bear dreams so click here for more information.
Elephants: A dream where you see elephants are an indicator that, you are able to handle whatever problem comes into your life. An elephant is a symbol of stability and power. If you dream that you are riding on an elephant, then it is a sign that, you are likely going to be a leader in your family.
Frog: A dream where you see frogs denotes positive energy because a frog is symbolic of love and prosperity. If the frog is jumping then this dream is a sign that, your biggest wish is likely to come true according to old dream lore. Alternatively, the frog in your dream could be symbolic of transformation and spiritual matters. If the frog is in the water, then it is a sign that you are having some emotional problems but it is a situation which you will easily come out of.
Snake: I have spent so much time interpreting the dream of snakes, as the world’s most popular dream the snake is connected to how we love and interact with others. Snakes in your dream could be an indicator that, you have hidden fears and knowledge. It could be your conscious trying to bring out your desires and wishes. At the same time, it could be symbolic of your spiritual or emotional transformation. If the snake bites you in your dream, then it means that you should stop trusting those people you are going to meet in the coming days. If you fight with the snake, then it means that you are trying to struggle with your emotions. If the snake talks in your dream, then it is a sign that you have a lot of success and there are new opportunities coming your way.
Tiger: Look at the strips. Seeing a tiger indicates an important message, it is about how to be strong in life. In Hindu culture tigers are about power. Think about the fact the coat is sort of red-orange. This is about the dark times (stripes) and trying to over come them. It’s teeth are four inches long ready to attack and ready to protect. To see a tiger in your dream calls to action for change.
Zebra: A dream of a zebra is about black and white thinking. The colors indicate going “up” and “down” in life. Seeing a running zebra in a dream indicates self-assurance - it encourages you to rule over your own kingdom with righteousness.
Leopard: If we look back to the egyptian times the leopard was suppose to represent power. Leopard are slender and agile in the jungle, they represents being able to adapt and stealth. In dreams they are a reminder to be resourceful and to face challenges in life. Leopards also signify breaking nasty habits and stepping into new ventures. Leopards are all about balance and independence which is important to to focus on the good and bad. Think about the dots it is a symbol that we sometimes just have those little dots of challenges in waking life.
Panther: Seeing the panther represents hiding in the darkness. What are you hiding from? This is your representation of the magic that exist in your subconscious mind. A panther dream may also indicate change and to face the darkness we sometimes feel from within. When things are not going well, we turn to ourselves and sometimes we are so messed up inside with so much trauma and things thrown at us it is hard to see. The black panther has spots that are on a black background, and some look like the puma. This black coat my be a calling from your spiritual team in that you can deal with the mess life throws at you, you can deal with the people you just need to believe in yourself.
Eagle: Eagles have the best vision and eyesight. Eagles soar in the sky, there is one outside my window hovering in the sky as I write this, it’s looking for it’s prey. It calls you to see more clearly. I feel, it is a spiritual signal in dreams to just trust your “instincts and the wisdom” within you. The eagle is also about freedom and how to overcome all those messy situations we have in life, it is about making sure you can soar higher in life. See beyond and discover what is not yet known.
Butterfly: I’m sure you will already know that the butterfly shows both renewal and transformation - a gentle sign from your spirit team of cycles in life. It brings with it change and asks you to accept change and growth. Its wings represent hope in life.
Owl: The owl in your dreams shows real insight and intuition. Your spiritual team has sent the owl to let you know that you must - trust your own wisdom and knowledge. In the darkest of times, the owl's hoot is heard, I know I can hear this sometimes as I live in the countryside. This animal, to me, is all about our souls and carry messages a message that we can get over things in life - with the right wisdom.
Fox: Well, the fox is not to be trusted, I am sure you know that. If seen in dreams the fox is connected to our inner intelligence and how we adapt in life. I’m sure you remember as a child that foxe’s are both cunning but have that sort of grace. The fox sign - says “think outside the box” - sometimes the best solutions are the ones we can’t see.
Dogs: When you have a dream where you notice dogs, then it is a symbol of loyalty. Now the meaning will be different depending on context. If the dog in your dream is barking, then it is an indicator that, in your waking life, there is someone who is talking bad about you. If you are bitten by the dog, then it means that there is something which is making you feel guilty. If the dog in your dream happens to attack you, then it is a warning that you will need to think before engaging in anything.
Ants: If you have a dream where you see ants, it could be symbolic of some annoying or irritating thing in your life. If the ants are all over your body, it is a sign that, you are having unfinished business which you should pay close attention to. On the positive, ants can be a representation of your hard work.
Lizards: This is a strange dream and I have only seen a lizard in my sleep once. When you dream that you are seeing lizards, then it is a sign that, you will need to be careful with your relationship with those around you. If the lizard is running away, it is a sign that, you are having fears of a certain problem in your life. If the lizard in your dream bites you, then you should stop what you are planning because it is destined to fail.
Deer: A deer I remember used to follow me around when I walked my dog, it was always, to me spiritually a sign of both gentleness and sensitivity. This elegant animal is a sign from above of both kindness and compassion. It could be that someone is not giving you much time, they are not treating you kindly or you have fallen out with someone. This is a sign from the spirit to teach others with understanding, even though they might act in a way that is not great.
Birds: In your dreams, a bird is about being free. If you are seeing birds then this could indicate communication. The type of bird, from a parrot to a crow is important. Any type of crow, blackbird, or robin is all about making sure you grow and put in the right elements of freedom to do so. If the birds are singing (maybe morning glory) when all birds sign this could indicate that there is something you are going to see. The bird, in my view, is saying "See what others cannot see - trust your inner voice and go with the flow." The bird is asking you to face your fears spiritually and face bad times with positivity.
Wolf: Like dogs, wolves are regarded as a friendly energy in dreams. Wolfs live in packs and are the same as dogs when it comes to spiritual meanings. This animal represents the spirit of cooperation and communal bonding. This is the energy of this dream. I believe that seeing a wolf in a pack can indicate you should follow your instincts. On a spiritual level, I feel, it teaches you to connect with what is important inside.
Cheetah: Cheetahs sprint in the jungle, so I feel this dream is about you “moving” forward, therefore, in my view in dreams, they are signs of speed and focus. They help you set goals clearly and efficiently. Seeing a cheetah in the dream may signal urgent action to overcome problems now. It involves conserving your energy and keeping your sights on your goal.
Jaguar: The jaguar is a bit of a mystery when it comes to meaning, it is black so creeps about but is also so striking and beautiful to watch. When the Jagulars pop up in dreams, it means finding your own power again and facing your fears. Jaguars are there to urge you to try new things and test your inner strength. They represent personal transformation.
Hyena: Hyenas are rather unusual in the dream world in my view. They are normally about how we need to deal with our current problems. I know when things get tough it can be hard to see in life. The hyena looks a bit like a cross between a cat and a dog, and they are great hunters who are super intelligent. They have come to you spiritually, to remind you that sometimes we need hope even in dark situations. The body of the hyena can grow up to 2 meters long, and they normally live in savannahs, grassland, and woodland. The environment is important as this tells you that you need to make way for something better.
Giraffe: When I was writing this I wondered what gave the Giraffe that extra long neck. It was really evolution that helped giraffes get the long neck, as they kept stretching to get the food in the trees. Now, seeing a giraffe in your dreams represents vision and foresight. The neck of the Giarfee allows it to see far ahead, and of course, eat leaves and flowers that are high up. Giraffes remind you to put conflicts behind you and look forward to your life's goals. Their presence calls you to higher goals.
Monkey: You're probably trying, I am sure you are. This is about building towards something in life. Society may tell you your value, but the monkey appears when things are not what they seem. Maybe someone is trying to get you to do something work-wise, and you end up getting a bit angry. It’s like a little monkey is playing you, like a puppet on a string. On a more positive note, Monkeys remind you to have fun with everyday challenges in life. They are focused on creativity and moving forward in your pursuits.
Chimpanzee: In dreams, the chimpanzee is a bit sneaky, it is a way of adding up what you feel and where you need to go in life. In my research the Chimpanzee is super smart and social, it is out not looking at life through a lens (good or bad) but about making sure you know what you need to do. If you are among the chimpanzee in the dream, this suggests that cooperation with another person is important. You could feel pressure to get married or date when you don’t really need to have that pressure.
Bear: Bears in dreams are about discarding something that's not important to you. if the bear creates fear during the dream then this indicates a slow and pointless exercise in life. the numbers on your credit card statements may feel a little concerning, or even that bank balance isn't as high at the age you are. Bears in dreams remind us of cuddly times, it's about coming out of hiding maybe the bear is in your imagination. If the Bear has appeared towards you then it can mean you are trying to move away from a situation. if you are being chased by a bear, this could indicate that a scary situation might have recently have happened and you are fearful of this? If a bear is chasing you, clawing at you then this means you are trying to get away from something in life.
The squirrel: Seeing the squirrel in our dreams is that you are going through life like a good student I would say. One of the things I want to say is that the squirrel is about hoarding and this is about living in the moment. Squirrels remind us to prepare for the unexpected, and finding maybe the “middle” ground in life.
Mongoose: I do think this is a bit funny when it shows up in our dreams, the mongoose is about what drives you crazy in life. When you can’t feel things that you should. It’s about your agility and overcoming your difficulty. A Mongoose is super quick thinking so seeing this in a dream indicates you need to have real faith in yourself.
Porcupine: In dreams, porcupines are all about protection because they have prickles just like the hedgehog. Spiritually seeing a porcupine in a dream is about your own boundaries. This is a dream whereby you need to establish what is healthy in your life.
Koala Bear: Koalas are super cuddly - when appear in dreams as symbols of relaxation and leisure. They say to slow down and enjoy the present moment. Seeing this in your dream (maybe you were in Australia?) is a reminder to rest.
Wombat: The funny thing I came across is that wombats burrow in the ground. This means despite everything you have to look at grounding yourself. This means you have to tell others what you want. As sometimes what matters to you is not always underwood. Don’t trust someone either if the wombat comes along as it is a sign someone is burying their head in the ground.
Is the dream of animals good or bad?
I do think this dream is good, but it really depends on what animal appeared in the dream to really get the meaning. It's always good for your spirit team to show you what animal you need to learn from in waking life. The strength of a grizzly bear, the wisdom of a whale, or even the friskiness of a horse might mean you are locked in the depths of your deeper nature. Numerous indigenous traditions thought that people have a power animal that provides unique strengths to each of us. Martial arts styles also use the metaphor of animal movements (like the cat stand-up or the cobra strike) as metaphors for recognizing balance, speed, courage, and strength. If in the dream you saw the animal this is about you. and discover no match in your waking life, try this interpretation. Exactly how would it affect your present situation in case you were to make use of the attributes found in the dream animal? If you decide to use the patience and tranquility, unquestionable ability of the elephant? The relaxed yet totally prepared posture of the lion?
What does it mean to dream of an animal attack?
This can be quite a scary dream, if the animal appears to be aggressive. First of all I would note the actual animal and secondly break this down to why it was attacking. Was it scared? Was it hurt? It's quite common for us to see characteristics of loved ones, coworkers or people in the actual animal that is attacking us. In order to uncover the true meaning of your dream about an animal attack, you will need to remember all the details of the dream. All the details and circumstances which you saw should not be left out. Think about if the animal was wild or tame. Try to remember it’s color, what was it eating, was the animal was walking or seated, slow or fast in its movement. Once you get all the areas you could see it is easier to understand the context of the dream.
What does it mean to dream about animals in your house?
Dreams about animals in your house could indicate that you are needing comfort at the moment. Often, these dreams occur when we are feeling lost in regard to our direction in life. Perhaps that you are tolerating someone’s behavior. In mythology, the dream about animals walking through your house represents that you may be repressing your true feelings for comfort. We all need inner freedom. To see a large animal (such as an elephant or giraffe) in your house can suggest that you have hidden potential and that things have become commonplace.
What does it imply to dream about looking at animals?
When you have a dream where you are looking at animals, it is a sign that, in the near future, you are going to reach out to friends so that you can reconcile. Visiting a zoo in a dream can indicate a new start and you are essentially “looking” at comforts in life. When you have a dream where you are looking at animals, it is a sign that, in the near future, you are going to reach out to friends so that you can reconcile. Visiting a zoo in a dream can indicate a new start and you are essentially “looking” at comforts in life. Every step of the way in life we often come across an animal, if we walk down the road we might find a dog, or cat who crosses our path. if you are staring at a wild animal during the dream - this could mean that your feelings are too wild. Or your “feelings” will only bring perhaps trouble and pain to your life and you might find this difficult to handle. I know it's hard when we have this kind of dreams -- but when you are staring or looking at something the question from me to you is: do you need friends to get back the comfort that you're looking for? are you okay alone? since we were in a pandemic and many of us were alone, it means you may be staring or looking at an animal in the dream because you are happy alone.
What does it imply to dream about an animal talking to you?
A dream where animals are talking to you could mean that you are in need of comfort. It is trying to remind you that, you need to seek help in case you are stuck in whatever situation. Once, my sister worked at the zoo in London and she saw an elephant pacing up and down. She could hear a human voice say I am not feeling well, four days later the elephant died. This was so sad. And, it is a story I will never forget, in dreams when animals speak to you it can mean you will get hurt by people. You might not understand or like these people. But if you don't forgive them they will hold you. That emotion never leaves you. The only way to really be free is to move on and not worry about what people think of you.
What does it denote to dream about starving animals?
Witnessing starving animals in your dream could be an indicator that, you are in complicated relationships with those around you. It is also possible that you are having an imbalance between your actual possibilities and your needs. Alternatively, it could be foretelling difficulties in your life in the near future. Starving animals can occur in many ways, from just seeing them or actually seeing someone else starving the animals. Animals are hard work, they are allot of work for some people and they simply can't look after them, this is no excuse whatsoever but seeing starving animals in a dream could be that someone will be wasting your time or not able to listen to you.
What does it imply to dream about saving an animal?
To dream about saving an animal implies that, you have acknowledged some of the characteristics of the animal. It could also signify that you have feelings of being overwhelmed or you are inadequate about something. Saving a cat up a tree can simply being focused on saving things in your life. Saving animals is about trying to save someone in life. Many people go no contact throughout all their life. This could be with a Mother, friend, daughter, boss, or lover. They don't speak up until it's too late. They fail to express the necessary words of forgiveness or love. Please don't hesitate to be yourself and communicate your true feelings.
What does it mean to dream about laboratory animals?
This can be a nightmare type dream. To have a dream about laboratory animals denotes that you are having some aspects of your personality repressed. If you are carrying out investigations on these animals this can be connected to a feeling where you think that you are unable to fully express your true desires and emotions. Testing suggests that there is evaluation and validation in life. This is about truth or understanding and obviously the "test" in life. My question is: are you testing something? This dream reflects the trials in your waking life, where you're trying to prove your worth or validate your decisions. Also, think about the animal being tested. What experiments am I running in life?" and "Which way is my inner animal coming out?" The dream is about our sense of control in testing things in life. This dream could be trying to focus on growth but more importantly how to test things in life. To dream of someone else testing on animals can be rather distressing. This dream means you will be guided by someone soon. This guidance will help you.
What does it mean to dream about unknown animals?
Dreaming of unknown animals is a sign of unusual activities or events that will happen in your life in the near future which will surprise and amaze you. When you know you are seeing animals but you don't know what they are, or they are super strange or wierd then this is about hidden aspects of yourself. Think about wild animals these are connected to being truthful. Life is sometimes full of the unknowns in life. You need to ask yourself - what is causing us to be vulnerable and insecure? If the unknown animals are attacking you then this is the force which pushes you forward. When I was at school I was bad at sports, but today I frequently come first in running events. I used to be a quiet person, and my legs would shake whenever I speak in front of a crowd. Now I speak on TikTok on my online videos, Youtube and I am not scared anymore. The unknown in the past does not scare me anymore that is what I want you to know when you have this dream.
What does it mean to dream of petting animals?
We all love our animals - I hope you will agree. In my view, this is a super good and positive dream, an animal in a dream shows comfort when it is cuddly. A dream about petting abandoned animals (those that do not have a home) or strays could imply that you are likely going to lose your home due to someone’s fraud or your careless attitude. In my view, this dream suggests a need for affection. Maybe someone has not been affectionate to you? This dream can relate to your nurturing feelings or lack of these feelings. The dream of someone petting animals near you - may also show calm. This dream might also mean you hold a desire for peace, I know that life gets tough sometimes and the "pet" has come to you to calm you down, to make you think, and to make you feel less stressed.
Sometimes, this dream (I have seen) means seeking a connection with someone that is special. Regardless of whether you are going through a big or a small difficulty in your daily life, we all encounter hardship at some stage. We'll survive each time. It is not easy, but you need to ask yourself what can you learn from it and just how you can let it go. Petting (and stroking) animals often mean emotions. Petting is a positive action, and therefore a positive dream. When you dream that you are petting cats or dogs or showing love it is a great dream. It denotes that, you are going to acquire property or profit, though it will be from a questionable source. To comfort a dying animal can indicate that you may feel someone is watching your next move.
What does it mean to dream about weird-looking animals?
Sometimes animals are presented in different ways in a dream. When you have a dream where you see odd-looking animals, it is an indicator that you are going through an unexpected and unusual problem in your life which will make you worry a lot. If the animal is not what you think it should look like, for example, a purple lion indicates that things may not be clear cut. To dream of super odd animals can be confusing, and this is about just making it in life. This is about holding on when it is tough. If you hold out for a bit longer, this means that things will get better and things will be alright. If you saw a cute-looking by strange looking animal then this is about something you need: change or growth. Strange animals in dreams might also mean hidden fears, they could also represent untapped potential. Consider what the animal means to you. Have you ever had time and this not be your friend? This is about “running out of time.” so you are sick of the foolishness and you don’t have time to play games. These dreams might suggest new directions or ideas, and that you have just had enough and you don’t want to play games again. If you see animals looking alien (ish) then it can mean something is on the line. If you see an animal that is traditionally wise, like an owl, it could suggest a need for guidance or a deeper understanding of a situation in your waking life. It's important in my view, to consider not only the characteristics of the animal (and the type of animal if you know it) but also the emotions you experienced during the dream.
What does it denote to dream about eating animals?
To dream about eating animals could mean that something is being missed in waking life. Maybe there is something you can't fix at the moment. This is about making sure you can focus on everything that will bring you light, your spirit team is saying you must accomplish your goals in the future. This dream can mean you are trying to accumulate resources, energy, and knowledge. Eating common animals: such as chicken, pork or beef can indicate that you need to focus on your diet. Serving meat in a dream suggests a feeling of being at ease in life.
What does it mean to dream about small animals?
Right, small animals could just represent childish and immature behavior so you could be dealing with someone like that. After the dream, you will need to grow up and start behaving like a mature adult. Mice can indicate a new focus and fish indicates feeling free in life. Have you ever put your hopes on something small and when you get to it you are not sure, where you hopes fell like Niagra Falls? To dream of small animals indicates being angry or shows some vulnerability. This is the moment, today after having a dream of a small animal is about regection. Seeing small animals can reflect feeling small. Maybe your heart fell into your stomach if you faced rejection. What do you do when you really need something to work, then you work really hard. Sometimes though it is just not enough. It is too small --- like the animal.
What does it mean to dream about wild animals?
I have covered this above, but think about being wild. Or what WILD means to you. It can be that something might be wrong. To dream about wild animals could imply that, you are being forewarned about some difficulties which you are likely to encounter in the coming days. If the wild animals are grazing or you went on safari it can mean you need to look at how you are displaying friendship to others. It also denotes feeling “free.”
What does it denote to dream about taming an animal?
When you have a dream where you see yourself taming an animal, then it is a sign that, you have the tendency of controlling others. I remember I had a dream once of taming a lion. The “wild” animal maybe your own hidden anger or negative thoughts.
What does it mean to dream about an animal attacking you?
When you have a dream about an animal attacking you, then treat it as a warning. Spiritually, an animal attacking can mean minor conflict. Alternatively, the dream could be a sign that, you are filled with negative emotions which you need to deal with as soon as possible to enable you to move on.
What does it imply to dream about monster animals?
A dream where you see monster animals could mean that you lack self-control in your life, you have excessive needs and have unreal fears. If you were able to defeat the monster, it implies that you will be able to overcome the above obstacles in your life.
What does it mean to dream about helping an animal in pain?
When you have a dream where you see yourself helping an animal which is in pain, then it is a sign that, you are still having some feelings which you have been experiencing lately. There is a possibility that a tragedy happened in your life and you are still in denial about what really happened. Alternatively, the dream could denote that, there is someone close to you who is currently undergoing some pain and you are of some help. The dream could also indicate that you have a compassionate and caring nature.
What does it mean to dream about releasing an animal free?
To dream of setting animals free in ancient folklore is considered a good sign. It is indicative of you are able to finally express your basic desires and instincts freely.
What does it denote to dream about animals with their offspring?
When you have a dream where you see animals with their offspring or babes, then it is a sign that, you are going to encounter a parent or a mother in the coming days, it could also mean you want children (if you are at that age). Alternatively, it could mean that you have a very close relationship with your mother.
What does it mean to dream about animals which scare you?
A dream where you see animals which scare you could be a warning I am afraid. There is a possibility that you are likely going through a somewhat tough stage in your life at the moment. The dream is, I believe trying to encourage you to stop worrying about anything, and have more positive thoughts in relation to solving your problems. Don’t just sit there and be unhappy.
What does it denote to dream about looking at someone with animals?
When you have a dream where you see someone else with animals, it is an indication that, in your real life, you are trying to please someone who gossips about you and doesn’t have any respect for you. If they were hunting or killing animals in a dream this can indicate you are feeling out of your comfort zone.
What does it imply to dream about hiding or running away from animals?
A dream where you see yourself hiding or running away from animals could mean that you are unable to control your instincts or desires, and this is what is causing you problems in your life at the moment. If the dream was a “nightmare” it can imply that you will encounter a new start. Hiding from animals in dreams is about hiding something in life. What are you hiding from? For instance, dreaming of hiding from a lion may mean courage or strength, while a snake might mean you are hiding from someone who is showing you deceit or hidden fears. Regardless, of the animal simply hiding from animals (during your dream) may suggest fear. The fear could be of something unknown. It might also indicate avoidance of issues in life. Now, I feel, that running from animals in dreams may display your stress. It could be you are stressed out. This stress could be from real-life situations, people or just day-to-day living. I believe this dream reflects a desire to escape problems.
What does it mean to dream about trying to put animals in a cage?
When you dream of trying to put animals in a cage, then it denotes that, you are trying all you can in order to control your behaviors and instincts. Seeing birds in a cage denotes that you wish to feel free. Wild animals in cages denote that you are feeling out of control.
In conclusion, animals in dreams could indicate that you need comfort at the moment. Often, these dreams occur when we feel that we must focus on “comfort” in order to uncover the direction in life. In mythology, the dream about animals represents that you may be repressing your true feelings for comfort. Remember, I said above, we all need inner freedom.
My closing thoughts
If you dream of animals, this can hold real meaning that I have gone over most of them above. I feel that any animal's dreams often reflect feelings, and it depends on what animals you see in the dream. An animal in dreams is like a Mother. Now, a Mother is a figurehead, somebody that every child looks up to no matter what age. A good Mother is someone who puts in the effort throughout her life and makes sure children are loved and well taken care of. If this is you, then you ought to be proud of who you are and what you've accomplished. The reason I mention this is because the "animal" in my view has been sent by your spirit team to comfort you.
I want to say that different animals suggest different messages (I have tried to give these above). Cats might mean independence. Dogs could suggest loyalty or friendship. Snakes often mean fears or transformation. I am sure you can read my website to find out what each animal means. The environment surrounding the animal within the dream can also influence your dream's meaning. As well as comfort (which is why I mentioned the Mother above) the dream it could represent a specific person or aspect of their life. If this was a dog or cat (or pet) that passed this indicates that you are missing someone or even maybe your pet. A loyal dog might signify friendship and trust, while a free-spirited bird could mean some sort of independence or a desire for freedom. I also feel these dreams may serve as a reminder to think about your own instincts and emotions.
By Florance Saul
Jun 30, 2018