Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc

Uncover Hidden Saints meanings

Requesting petitions for the following:            

  • Freedom.
  • Conflict.
  • Overcome enemies.
  • Feast: 30-May.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Candle/Emblem: Grey. Suit of Armour.
  • Matters Concerning: For courage, freedom from containing situations, and to overcome enemies.
  • Patroness of France.

The saint is also known to many as ‘The Maid of Orleans."

The Saint was born in a middle class family and always had divine guidance. She is said to have led the army of the French to several wars in the well known war that has better known as “Hundred Years' War”, the overall effect was the coronation of French king, Charles VII. Burgundians captured her and sold her to the British where she was tried and burned while judt19 years old.

Pope Callixtus III authorized a court to review her execution some twenty five years later in which a careful examination of the circumstances that surrounded her execution were found to be not genuine and this led to her being declared innocent. Consequently, she was pronounced a martyr. She was then beatified in 1909 and canonized some few years later and that was in 1920.She has been honored by various artists in form of drawings, plays, songs and many other ways.

His Legacy

She grew into a legend for a long time time period texceeding four hundred after her death. Most of her life history was recorded in chronicles and this made it easy for people to know the real, fact about her. In the entire of 19th century, five original items that recorded her death were recovered from the ancient archives. Some few years later, historians managed to get full records of her trial which shed more light on her life

Despite the poor background and little knowledge, Joan of Arc became very prominent in France and over. The kings of England and France fuelled war though their conflicting interpretation of the then highly treasured Salic law in which they failed to agree on the inheritance. Joan had the wits to counsel even the greatest men in the land and would be asked to offer guidance on such matters

Illusions of the Saint Joan

There have been various heated debates on Saint Joan’s visions in which most of the scholars have reached at an agreement she had true faith. Quite a number of the Roman Catholic believers have come to the agreement that indeed her visions were divine. The Saint claimed that all her revelations were pioneered by her icons who were Saint. Michael, Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret; this is ambiguous as most people have to know the exact saint she intended.

Many of the scholars that have been studying her lifestyle have made a conclusion that she had some sort of medical complication but such claims are challenged by the fact that she gained recognition and favor in the face of  King Charles  VII.

Disapproval of alleged relics

There was a controversy in Paris when a jar that bore human pats suspected to be of this saint was found in a pharmacy in the city back in the year 1867. On conduction of carbon tests, it was proved that these were parts belonged to an Egyptian who had died in the 3rd century BC.

By Florance Saul
Aug 17, 2012