
Sex Dream Meaning

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings About Sex

A dream of sex is a symbol of unity between two people, and spiritually it symbolizes the desire to express ourselves in love.

To dream of sex may also indicate that you need to look after yourself in emotional ways that are not necessarily sexual. You may need to put more effort into taking care of yourself or a relationship. I am here for you so you understand your dreams better and more importantly you can use your dreams in a positive way. Yes, during my life many of my dreams have come true and nearly 5,000 of you have e-mailed me over the last ten years about your sex dreams. Yes, these dreams have uncovered our deepest secrets.

Dreaming of having sex with someone other than your partner or if single

Strangely, dreams of sexual encounters with other people have more to do with your current relationship than with fantasies. If you are in a partnership try to focus on the relationship you have and what you want. Do not make the mistake of believing that the grass is always greener if you dream of sex with someone else (other than your current partner). Sometimes dreams help us to define what we want and need so we can nurture those qualities with the love we already have.

Do not get caught up in trying psychically to attract the person you are attracted to. The dreaming mind is not interested in teaching you love and passion, but rather in enriching your life. Respect others and be kind to them. Don't get upset or disappointed if they don't respond as in your dreams. It is important to let go of potential partners that aren't right for you. This is one of the best ways to find love. To insist on something that doesn't work seems to prevent the right person from coming along. Trusting your life and letting go seems to attract true relationships and happiness like magnets.

I have to say, that throughout the last ten years of running this website I believe that dreams better help us understand ourselves and through dream interpretation we can find a more balanced view of life. Your nighttime vision of sex may help you understand psychological roadblocks that are holding you back in your relationships in waking life. I will firstly deal with the psychology of dreams followed by a spiritual meaning. My sources of the spiritual meaning of dreams can be found at the end of the dream interpretation (research into dusty dream books in private subscription library in England)

What is the spiritual meaning of a dream of sex?

Dreams that are sexual in nature, whether you have a dream of the penis, vagina, intercourse or orgasm show that you are exploring life in your own way. Sex dreams are amazing to have. They can be so “vivid” that you actually believe you are having sex or reaching orgasm in real life. Dreams of this power can have a lasting effect on the dreamer. Sex is not often associated with “real” sex in life. Sexual dreams are often about marriage or commitment in life. In essence, the coming together of your own sexuality in the waking world. This dream represents some parts of your life that you have “emotional” connection to. Surprisingly, sexual dreams can be associated with creating a career change or a completely new move in life. It can also be a wake-up call to have the confidence to take control of one's career and life.

What is the psychology around sex dreams?

Sigmund Freud wrote and published many theories that dreams are connected to sex during the 1900s. Sigmund Freud wrote much about sexual dreaming. He believed that these type of dreams were associated with general sexual needs in waking life. In essence, he believed that any dream about sex was pure frustration in waking life. He also believed the type of sex in dreams is important.

Sex dreams and Freud are words that can be interlinked. Why? Because Freud believed that sex was the underlying power that drove our dreams to a conclusion. I will say that you and your dreams are unique. Freud believed that these type of dreams were associated with general sexual needs in waking life. In essence, he believed that any dream about sex was "pure sexual frustration." He also believed the type of sex in dreams is important. Turning to Carl Jung’s theory on sex dreams, In the simplest form, he believed our dreams represented desires and hopes and wishes of our subconscious mind. In essence, a reflection of waking life.

Since Freud and Jung, many scientists have researched the process of our dreams and concluded our emotional brain is active when the brain part “dorsolateral prefrontal cortex” is not active. So, this equals vivid dreams that can affect our own emotions in daily life. In fact, scientific research in our modern world has solidly proved that images we see in real life affect our dreams. Have you been watching too much porn? This leaves us with one question: is the sex dream an expression of your emotions or does it have a spiritual meaning? To answer this we need to turn to the complexity of research in both psychology and spirituality. In order to get to the bottom of this question, I will outline what the sex dream means once and for all.

Even in this modern world dreams of sex can leave us feeling worried in life. People often have dreams when they are worried about something in life. If in the dream you have a sexual encounter Freud believed that this was simply a symbol of the force of life which is projected as the sexual aspects in the dream. The theory that Freud connected with such dreams is that one has what is known as a “psychic censor” that this internal censor occurs during one's sleep, thus it projected that sex in the dream was dumped down somewhat and that the desire was not present when the dreamer awoke. He believed the censor allows one to hide true feelings during the dream state. Therefore, if one dreams of an ex-partner then in Freud's terms it is more about how you perceive that relationship. If we look at the great Carl Jung (dream psychologist) and his take on a sex dream he believed that the dream of sex is really something else that is hidden. There is a focus on repressed feelings. He believed that one’s sex drive is focused on the archetype that is found in one's physical body and also the mind. They are interchangeable. Sex in dreams of this nature is powerful. Carl Jung felt that our bodies are strong and that the dreamer is simply playing out the desire for sex.

Now, we have briefly given the “expert” opinion on a dream of sex we can conclude that you encountered sexual feelings that are associated with the connection in the real world. What Jung and Freud did not analyze is when dreams of sex turn violent. Also the identity of the lovers having sex in a dream. It is popular to note that sometimes we dream of sex with a stranger that one does not recognize.

Going back to the theory of both psychologists when it comes to sex dreams they both agree that sex is associated with masculine and feminine energy from an archetypal perspective. To dream of strange sex dreams can indicate a damaged area of the mind of the dreamer. If one dreams of being homosexual this can sometimes associate with desire in life for the masculine energy we need. Sexual feelings as emotional connections in real life could yield such dreams. The dream of sex has been connected to the various stages of one’s relationship with their partner.

As I have already concluded above sex in dreams can often be connected to our subconscious minds. Many of our dreams often have explicit content that you may find embarrassing upon waking. In our mind, we have dreams about sex and normally have what Freud believed was called “censorship” which we mentioned in the introduction. This means that whatever we dream is often associated with being repressed. Thus, dreaming of sex from a Freud perspective indicates that one is often connected to themselves and through the dream, they alter reality.

Here are some specific psychological sex dream meanings

  • To dream that you are having or providing oral sex to a partner represents your willingness to give something back to others or receive a gift from others. If the sex dream involves giving oral sex to a male it is connected to your desire for lust in waking life. You have chosen the correct “career” path in life. If the oral sex did not satisfactory or does not go well then this is all about what your partner wants from you in life.
  • To see a mass orgy and people were performing oral sex denotes that you will always remain the same and your sex drive may have suffered in life. Do you feel there is a disconnection in your love life? To dream that you are currently performing oral sex on your own represents your desire for intimacy.
  • To dream that you are having an orgasm is a strange dream to have. It means the end. Something has finished in real life. Did you have an orgasm in real life too? What have you just completed on your life? This dream can also be associated with “worrying too much” To not reach orgasm in the dream denotes that goals need to be met. To see other people's semen in a dream from a Freud perspective is associated with frustration in your life.
  • If an orgy or porn film is featured in a dream this represents the need of passion in real life. To participate in an orgy is associated with one's sexuality. You need to experiment in life. Have an adventure in your sex life! It may also mean there's much confusion about your sexual life. Do you yearn for multiple partners? Are you happy in your relationship?
  • To see an erect penis signifies sexual desire, happiness in relationships, control over others, and fertility. To see more than one penis erect in a dream is connected to having sexual frustration in waking life. For the penis to be very small indicates helping people in waking life. To dream that someone looks at your penis usually means that you are currently dealing with some problem. To dream that your penis is chopped off implies a reduction of sexual contact. You believe you're losing an important part of your identity. If you dream that your penis is detachable, then your desire to remove yourself from the difficult commitments in life. Dreaming of seeing the penis of someone you know suggests a challenging situation with that particular person. A penis in a dream suggests doubts and anxieties about one's sex drive functionality and libido - it can also be linked to testosterone. A female dreaming of a penis is associated with the desire for sex.

What does sex mean spiritually in a dream is it a connection?

Spiritual dreams of sex is about broken relationships, depressed mind alternatively illness then erotic dreams may occur. This is due to the fact that it will give you from a psychological point of view, a sense of liveliness in life. This leads to the question of what does dreaming about sex mean? It is true to say that in my research the physical sensations experienced during the dream can often be so real they are sexually satisfying. Perhaps you had an intimate dream rather like a porn movie! Applying the psychological meaning of sex dreams indicates that external things like movies, images or erotica on the TV have influenced your dreams!

For example, you could have dreamt of making love to someone famous, rather like my opening statement of having sex with Brad Pitt! From a psychological point of view, these dreams are connected to your own personal ambitions. So for example if you want to progress at work you may dream of having sex with your boss, if you feel threatened in the workplace you may see yourself having sex with a co-worker in a dream. Alternatively, if you are a journalist you may dream of sleeping with an Editor of a newspaper. What I’m trying to say is that dreaming of sex is often connected to our own internal desires.To dream of giving pleasure to another person sexually can suggest that you are feeling a sense of personal gain and enjoyment in life.

Self-betrayal is indicated if you dream that the sexual encounter is not positive. You might end up entangled in a worrying problem or difficult situation. For some, to dream of performing sexual acts in the dream means being taken for granted. Are you being affectionate towards others? For example, not have a penis but try to have sex suggests some lack of focus in life. You may have some inner doubt in life, for example, you believe that you're not measuring up to others' expectations.

To have sex with your own partner in a dream is connected to happiness in life. It is about the emotional connection between two people. Having sex with someone famous can denote a feeling of being worried about how you perform in your job. It is connected to the internal feelings of being “needed” in life. To have sex with a person of the same sex can be rather worrying in dreams. It is true to say that most people have sexual urges and these show in dreams. Your hormones can play a significant influence on your dreaming state. If you dream of sex on a regular basis, it is likely that these hormones are going to be the reason why you have the dream. If the dream is strange in any way, then it is important.

To dream of having sex then having a child is quite interesting in that it shows you that real spiritual growth is taking place. If the sex activity resulted in childbirth, then things are moving forward in your life. To dream of having a penis detached from the body means that you are likely to meet a significant person soon that will give you some good advice. If in your dream you fear that you get pregnant or if you are a man you make a woman pregnant, then this indicates you have been trying to hide away from people that are close to you. Especially people that you have a sexual relationship with.

Dreams that highlight your total desire in a sexual nature mean that you can grow to love someone, and it is time to review what is important to you. Dreams that feature yourself having sex with another generally signify happiness and contentment is on the cards, but only if the experience is pleasurable. If you dream of watching other people having sex it shows that you have been struggling to gain a loving relationship. To be in a red-light district it means that your relationships are false.

What does being seduced by sex in a dream mean?

If the sex within your dream was unpleasant in any way, then this is a gentle warning that you are likely to be undertaking a social meeting or gathering in the near future, and this will lead to guilty feelings. If you are a woman and you dream of being seduced by a man, then it shows you are likely to encounter somebody which is going to influence you in some way. If you are a man and you seduced a woman, then this is a subconscious warning that you need to be more on your guard in connection with work situations. If in your dream you see your partner is angry because you had sex with another person, the ancient dream interpretation of this situation is that your pleasures in life need to be recognized.

What is the dream meaning of sex with an ex?

I want to share something with you, something odd that happened to me. In one of my dreams I dreamt of having sex with a past lover, this man never really committed to me and I must confess to this dream I did look him up on Facebook. I am sure that you spy on your ex too! Now, this dream was a vivid dream that I was in my current life having sex with my ex-boyfriend. The strange thing was that after we had sex in the dream we had a discussion about how the love in this life never occurred for various reasons. The fact that during this plane in life we were not supposed to be together, this conversation was rather vivid and led me to believe that perhaps it was true. What am I trying to say here? My gut instinct is that I believe it is indeed possible for us to make love to our ex-partner but be on a completely different astral plane. It sure as hell was real to me. So, just bear in mind that if you felt like you were living your current life and consequently had sex with an ex-lover which was vivid it might have been the fact that you were traveling to a different dimension. Astrally you may still be connected to your ex-partner. Now, back to the book based meanings! Many sexual dreams, especially for women, relive past and present relationships. Our ex-partners generally appear in a dream when we have thoughts about them subconsciously. In the most popular dreams, we relive a sexual act with a past love. Sometimes dreams of having sex with a ex-partners can be somewhat outrageous. Maybe you're ex-had a vagina when he was a man. Strange sex dreams with our ex-partner are common so don’t worry. If you’re currently in a relationship that is fulfilling then the sex dream with an ex-partner it is not that uncommon, it could just indicate that you need to spend some time closing off your feelings with your ex. Try not to feel too guilty in waking life!

To dream about your ex-means that you are still processing some feelings (love feelings) for them. It is not uncommon to see yourself having sex with your ex-partner, and it can be confusing. This will obviously resurrect feelings you have for your ex in waking life. Pay careful attention to the main details in the dream - was the sex with your ex partner enjoyable? Think about the encounter and if it was positive then great things will come your way. Also, think about how you felt during the dream. Do you want to get back with your ex-partner? Often sexual dreams are connected to your regrets and mistakes in life. If your ex-partner gets pregnant in a dream this can suggest you are scared of commitment to others. To dream of having sex with an ex many times can often be associated with concealing something in real life. Being cheated on by an ex in a dream suggests a tough situation in life.

Having sex with someone you don't like in the dream world

Why would I want to be intimate with someone you don't even like? You may like a celebrity but not find them attractive, or you may have a romantic dream about someone you would never choose to be intimate with. Here are the main reasons to dream of a romantic get-together with someone who isn’t your cup of tea.

A lover in a dream could show a characteristic or quality that you have in common with someone else you do like in the waking world. Romance and sex can signify closeness and connection, especially when it comes to getting to know a part of your personality. Women are more likely to dream of saying yes to a partner they don't like or respect, even if they have accepted another hook-up in their daily life. One woman considered accepting a job that paid well but she did not like, allowed her to travel and required her to meet with powerful clients. Although she was attracted to the job, she resisted when she dreamed about getting married to an older male at the same place of work. Often the dream world means you choose someone because of their characteristics. Consider what personality traits, options, or people that surround you, that you have a similar quality. You might need to look at your options and decide if something is right for you.

It is possible to have an unconscious attraction.

Sometimes we feel an attraction towards someone but it is hard to see. We don't want to be attracted to people who do things we are not happy with or who belong to someone else e.g. having sex with friends husbands. Most people don't want to feel attracted to a co-worker for example - because we will be working with them for some time. There are many situations in which it is not possible to feel something for someone. It’s hard enough dealing with multiple partners. We refuse to even think about it. The dreaming mind is not like that and will gladly give you a taste of forbidden fruit - every now and again. 

It is usually easy to see that there are undercurrents towards the dream lover after such a dream. I will say this. These types of dreams are also very sensual and real. Hot, tactile, and real sexual dreams are more likely to be about actual attraction than dreams where you can remember having an affair or having sexual intercourse with someone. This type of dream is more common in men than it is for women. Yes, the Hidden desire may be the reason people believe they have to share their dreams with uninvited partners, but it isn't the true explanation. Try to trust your gut instinct!

What are the dream meanings of oral sex?

If oral sex in a dream is divisive in any way then this can be associated with how you believe people feel about you. From a spiritual context oral sex in dreams is focused on how we communicate. This is due to the use of using sex by a means of our mouth. Such a dream is a good indication of proficient communication skills. Nevertheless, if oral sex is unpleasant in any way then it can indicate that you may be struggling with expressing yourself in waking life. Dreaming of oral sex in a heterosexual relationship in a dream is based on workplace influences, spiritually. There may be office gossip or politics at work. No matter what your communication style is it is beneficial to ensure that the way you communicate is clear and concise. If you are a woman in and you dream of having oral sex with another woman then this dream is all about aspects of yourself. It can indicate your feminine side and also your cultures and beliefs and how you engage with females. The spiritual meaning of this dream represents your willingness to give something back to others or receive a gift from others. If the sex dream involves giving oral sex to a male it is connected to your desire for lust in waking life. You have chosen the correct “career” path in life. If the oral sex did was unsatisfactory or does not go well then this is all about what your partner wants from you in life.

What is the psychological meaning of a dream of sex?

Even in this modern world dreams of sex can leave us feeling worried about life. People often have the dreams when they are worried about something in life. If in the dream you have a sexual encounter Freud believed that this was simply a symbol of the force of life which is projected as the sexual aspects of the dream. The theory that Freud connected such dreams with sex is that everyone has a “psychic censor” that this internal sensor occurs during one's sleep, thus it projected that sex in the dream was dumped down somewhat and that the desire was not present when the dreamer awoke. He believed the sensor allows one to hide true feelings during the dream state. Therefore, if one dreams of an ex partner then in Freud's terms it is more about how you perceive that relationship. If we look at the great Carl Jung (dream psychologist) and his take on a sex dream he believed that the dream of sex is really something else which is hidden. There is focus on repressed feelings. He believed that one’s sex drive is focused on the archetype that is found in one's physical body and also the mind. They are interchangeable. Sex in dreams of this nature is powerful. Carl Jung felt that our bodies are strong and that the dreamer is simply playing out the desire for sex.

Now, we have briefly given the “expert” opinion on a dream of sex we can conclude that you encountered sexual feelings that is associated with the connection in the real world. What Jung and Freud did not analyze is when dreams of sex turn violent. Also the identity of the lovers having sex in a dream. It is popular to note that sometimes we dream of sex with a stranger that one does not recognize.

Going back to the theory of both psychologists when it comes to sex dreams they both agree that sex is associated with masculine and feminine energy from an archetypal perspective. To dream of strange sex dreams can indicate a damaged area of the mind of the dreamer. If one dreams of being homosexual this can sometimes associate with desire in life for the masculine energy we need. Sexual feelings as emotional connections in real life could yield such dreams. The dream of sex has been connected to the various stages of one’s relationship with their partner.

As we have already concluded above sex in dreams can often be connected to our subconscious minds. Many of our dreams often have explicit content that you may find embarrassing upon waking. In our mind, we have dreamed of sex and normally have what Freud believed was called “censorship” which we mentioned above. This means that whatever we dream is often associated with being repressed. Thus, dreaming of sex from a Freud perspective indicates that one is often connected to themselves and through the dream, they alter the reality.

What do clothes mean in a dream of sex?

If you dreamt of sexy clothes or a strip club, then this is specifically related to your perception of yourself, and it is time to improve your reputation. To dream you are having sex fully clothed indicates that you have been feeling guilty about a situation related to your relationships, and you are hiding something. This guilt is a failure of commitment. If you dream that you had a date, conversation or meal before you actually had sex, this indicates you will be able to improve your relationship.

What does kissing mean in a sex dream?

If you dreamt of kissing another it means there is a desire to respect your partner. Please see the kissing dream meaning by clicking here. It is important that you could understand the learning from this dream in order to improve your relationship. To have a positive experience with yourself and your lover is a successful omen, and it relates to how you feel in the waking life. French kissing generally means that you need to find more ways to excite yourself in the bedroom.

What does it mean to masturbate in a dream?

To dream that you masturbated it shows that you have not acknowledged or expressed sexual desire when it was needed. To see others masturbating in your dreams demonstrates your anxieties and worries about your inhibitions. It may also be a sign that an issue in your waking life is not as satisfying as it might be. Keep in mind that this dream may not necessarily represent sexual relationships or satisfaction. This dream may be analogous to some situation or relationship in waking life. Have you been looking after yourself recently? Masturbation can also mean that you have some sexual tension that needs to be released.

What does it mean to have sex with the same sex in a dream?

Homosexuality in your dream often relates to doing a favor for somebody of the same sex. It is important to note it is very rare that dream involves being gay in the waking life or even having desires for the same sex partner. The majority of these dreams are usually symbolic in nature, and denote that you are helping out people of the same sex in waking life.

What does it mean to change sex in a dream?

If you are female and you dream of having sex with another woman, this is trying to tell you that you need to balance your own emotions at the moment. You have also been helping out females in your life. If you are a man and you dream of having sex with another man, this indicates you have been feeling insecure. It is important that you need to recognize what made you feel this way and how to improve your life. You have also been spending time with males in your life. To dream of changing sex for a woman predicts there is likely to be new opportunities for advancement in the future. If the experience of changing sex is an unpleasant one, then it is important to guard yourself against others that may challenge you to stop. If you are a man and you dream you are changing sex, this indicates you need to watch your steps in regards to your behavior.

What does it mean to dream of sexual organs in a dream?

To dream that you had a sexual disease it indicates that you have been worrying about your social popularity. To dream of having no sexual organs suggests that you need to be able to listen to advice from others in order to improve your working relationships. To expose your sexual organs to others it generally indicates that you need to be careful about what you say in the near future. If you have an orgasm in your dream, this is in relation to your attitude towards sex and your sexuality, and you have a positive outlook.

What does it mean to reach orgasm in a dream?

To dream of not being able to have an orgasm indicates that you are likely to get into some minor trouble, because you are going to say something to somebody which will be taken in the wrong way. To rectify the problem explain in a clear manner your true intentions. To reach an orgasm while in your sleep means that good news is ahead. To dream that you are having an orgasm is a strange dream to have. It means the end. Something has finished in real life. Did you have an orgasm in real life too? What have you just completed in your life? This dream can also be associated with “worrying too much” To not reach orgasm in the dream denotes that goals need to be met. To see other people's semen in a dream from a Freud perspective is associated with frustration in your life.

What does it mean to dream of sexual diseases?

To dream of sexual problems such as common STDs - Chlamydia, genital warts, herpes, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis and Syphilis, it means that you may find someone accusing you of something that you have not done. To dream that you have AIDS or HIV and you do not have it in the waking life, it shows that your psychological integrity is soon to be attacked. Maybe you have been unable to defend your position in a matter.

What does it mean to dream of sexual intercourse?

I feel that to dream that you are having intercourse with another person generally means that emotional pleasure is soon to enter your life. Intercourse can also foretell that you are trying to understand your own personality. If a child is born in your dream from little intercourse, then this indicates continued success in a project. If you have any desire to hurt others through sexual encounters in your dream, such as rape, this often indicates that you need to sort out your emotional well-being. If you are raped it means that you feel a deep emotional attachment to another person in your everyday life. It is time to something that is going to make you happy. If in your dream you were abused in any way, this is directly related to violation of your personal space. The majority of dreams which involve rape are often a sign of a power struggle between your emotions.

What does sexual incest mean in your dream?

Oh dear! Having sex with a family member or an encounter with incest in a dream can be rather worrying. If you have never been a victim of incest in waking life, dreaming of sex with a brother, father, mother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother or grandfather can result in a nightmare. It can indicate a number of problems in waking life. Sex with a parent might be totally about maturity. In that, you need to be more mature in the waking world. Sex with a brother or sister is connected with goals in life. You need to set clear goals and work towards them. Sex with a grandmother means you need to be nurtured in life. To have sex with your grandfather in a dream suggests a male figure in life will give you material possessions soon. If you're raped in the dream by a family member you have to personally seek out help from others. To suffer abuse in the dream (of any sexual nature) then this can suggest childhood problems in life. Any type of incest in your dream symbolizes the desire for comfort in your life, traditionally the ancient dream interpretation for incest means you need to improve your relationship with your parents or family members.

What do dreams of having gay sex in a dream mean when you are straight in real life?

Although you're not gay in real life, having sex with the same sex person is connected to your self-esteem. Sex is all about loving yourself better - do you accept your strengths and weaknesses. Sex with a man (if you are a man) might connect your own insecurities in life. Are you worried about your job? To dream of having sex (bisexual/homosexual) with a friend suggests that you have to challenge others better. Someone is taking advantage. You will be glad to know it does not indicate you wish to sleep with your friend in waking life.

What does sex with a stranger mean in your dream?

Carl Jung had a concept that we all have an animus or anima. An animus is a female's energy. It about merger of both feminine and male elements in your own being. And sex with a stranger in one's dream is connected to progression in life. If you cannot see the person’s face in a dream but you are having sex this can suggest you need to strengthen your career goals. You might have to focus on nurturing your own animus in life. Dreaming of getting it on with a star is all on your desire to fortify your standing or to attain popularity, comprehension, fortune.

What does rape mean to your dream of sex?

It is still fairly common to have rape dreams if you have been the victim of rape. First of all sorry. This can be unsettling to relive the rape in your dream. It is your subconscious trying to give you advice. Look into these fantasies to learn what went on. These dream types are an unguent call to improve your own self-esteem. It can suggest someone in waking life is violating your self-worth. Sex dreams involving rape are undoubtedly the toughest and most upsetting to shake off when you awaken. To be raped by an ex-partner can imply you will have unwanted attention in life. Click here for more dream meaning on rape.

What does a dream of being cheated on or seeing your partner having sex with someone else?

It can be worrying to see your partner cheating. The good news is that this dream is focused on inner insecurities or anxieties in your relationship. It could imply that you are worried about your partner cheating.

What does sex fetishes mean in a dream?

To dream of any type of fetish or usual sexual urges generally highlights the lack of capability in life. On a subconscious level, this indicates that you are trying to escape from the realism of life, and it is important to recognize what challenges you in order to move forward.

What does a strange penis or vagina mean in a dream?

Having sex in a dream and noticing something weird happening with genitals can be rather worrying. This is connected to creativity, your own sexuality or character. Based on the deformity of your private parts you might be questioning your own sexual pleasures. Often to dream of having wired private parts represents: worry, shame, guilt, or anxiety around your sex life or lack of sex life. Are you in a dead bedroom? Does your partner still want sex? Perhaps you have a surge of passion that has to be "met," it can mean being sexually frustrated in life. To see a female with a penis in a dream of sex means you are shifting as a person, developing and maturing. If you're male and dream you have female genitalia or a ladyboy in a dream it can mean you are focused on improving your own inner animus or anima. It could signal you are not being aggressive enough in life or being too weak. It might be a sign of balance between your masculine and feminine elements in life. If you are a hermaphrodite in your dream it can indicate things are missing in your life.

What does dreaming of bondage mean in sex dreams?

The first question is: do you like bondage in real life? If so, then this dream does not really have a meaning. To dream that you are trapped in bondage suggests you are repressed or that your emotions or responses to life’s problems are controlled by others. You sense that you're a captive of your own downfall or could be restricting something in life. If in your dream vision you're and are not bisexual, then it can signify some repression. You might be attempting to compensate for your lack of expression. The dream could represent confusion. In a dream sense, seeing bondage equipment can reflect your own desire for control.

What do breasts mean in dreams of sex?

To see breasts in a dream of sex signifies unacknowledged passions or sexual nourishment along with thinking about progressing in life. It implies that you need to think about caring for people more. Breasts can suggest nurturance, babies, motherhood, and dependency in waking life. To see one's breasts aroused suggests energy should be projected positively. Seeing your own breasts can denote a feeling of privacy. If you are male and you dream of having breasts it can specifically indicate anxieties.

What does it mean to dream of sex in a brothel sex?

Paying for sex in a dream is connected to deprivation and dissatisfaction with your sex life. To be in a brothel can mean finding a new passion in waking life. It can also be connected to one's psychological connection with others. Attention is needed by your urges. To dream of a castration suggests your fears which you've dropped feelings or your virility of stress. It signifies a lack of imagination. To dream that you're unable to have sex reflects your fears of intimacy. You could be attempting to block your energies or time on others. To see sexual toys in a dream signifies feelings and your attitudes. The dream may be a metaphor. Maybe your manner of thinking of obsolete.

What do condoms mean in a sex dream?

To find a condom in your dream after having sex suggests that you need to focus on being “together” with a partner nothing must stand in your way. This is symbolic and you need to be able to trust your partner. Traditionally, a condom that is not wrapped and used in a sex dream means you want sex with another. To see condoms in a shop can denote difficult times sexually. The condom dream often occurs with sex dream and is a warning of being careful in sexual encounters in life. To have sexual transmitted diseases in a dream (due to not wearing the condom) can be connected to protecting yourself from other people’s hurtful words.

What does seeing a sex orgy mean in a dream?

To see a mass orgy and people were performing oral sex denotes that you will always remain the same and your sex drive may have suffered in life. Do you feel there is a disconnection in your love life? To dream that you are currently performing oral sex on your own represents your desire for intimacy. If an orgy or porn film is featured in a dream this represents the needs of passion in real life. To participate in an orgy is associated with one's sexuality. You need to experiment with life. Have an adventure in your sex life! It may also mean there's much confusion about your sexual life. Do you yearn for multiple partners? Are you happy with your relationship?

What does an erect penis mean in a dream?

To see an erect penis signifies sexual desire, happiness in relationships, control over others and fertility. To see more than one penis erect in a dream is connected to having sexual frustration in waking life. For the penis to be very small indicates helping people in waking life. To dream that someone looks at your penis usually means that you are currently dealing with some problem. To dream that your penis is chopped off implies a reduction of sexual contact. You believe you're losing an important part of your identity. If you dream that your penis is detachable, then your desire to remove yourself from the difficult commitments in life. Dreaming of seeing a penis of someone you know suggests a challenging situation with that particular person. A penis in a dream suggests doubts and anxieties about one's sex drive functionality and libido - it can also be linked to testosterone. A female dreaming of a penis is associated with a desire for sex.

What does the scientific research say about sex dream meanings?

In our modern world scientists have tried to uncover what sex means in dreams. There have been numerous studies! Research by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine 2007 indicates that sex dreams are equally common in men and women. During this study, approximately 3500 men and women’s dreams were analyzed. And the most common dream was that of intercourse, kissing, masturbation and proposition of sex. And did you know that a massive 20% of women’s partners were current or past romances? So, don’t worry your dream is common. There is no other website that I have come across that merges both spiritual and psychological dream theory.

Finally, what does it mean if you dream of sex a lot?

It is not uncommon to have recurring dreams of sex, that can often change with time.

According to Carl Jung sex dreams are generally less about sex; and more about a conflict. We never really know what dreams really mean, and our subconscious mind can produce many different elements while we sleep. Dreaming of sex is one of the most common dreams. There is a focus on being inexplicably anxious after having this dream. There is a distant relationship between sex dreams and also our own romantic life. Our night-time visions can help in our daily life, specifically to improve or understand our relationships better.

While sleeping, your mind may merge the things you’ve seen that day, for example: if you go to a coffee shop during the day, then before bed you see a picture of an old school friend on social media, it would not be unusual to merge the two and dream about that friend swimming in a pool made out of coffee! I am trying to explain that what happens during our waking world, affects our dreams. That being said, if you have been in a relationship then it is common to dream of this person. Elements that come through to us during our sleep.

New beginnings in your life are needed if in your dream

The sexual organs were not normal or missing. You grew a penis or vagina (when you are not the right sex). The dream involved you feeling used by another, and you were unable to stop this during your dream.

Conclusion of dreaming about sex

To dream about sex is usually a sign that different parts of your body are in conflict with each other, and the content you see in your dreams represents how those conflicting parts of yourself come together. Although dreams will vastly differ from person to person, it is suggested that someone is likely to have 100,000 dreams in their lifetime. Sex dreams consist of 8% of these.

To dream about sex can sometimes be unsettling, as dreams such as these can involve anything from an ex who you’ve had a bad experience with; someone you have very negative feelings for; or even a sibling or parent. To wake up from a sexual dream involving someone is usually extremely hard to just forget about. But it is very important to remember that this does not mean you actually desire them in a romantic or sexual way. To dream about yourself having intimate relations will usually mean you are subconsciously becoming like your partner in the dream. You might feel as though you are emerging into adulthood; or that you, yourself, are soon to become a parent. If you dream about yourself having sex with someone close to you, perhaps you are in conflict with yourself and feel concerned about what new responsibilities you have to take on? On the other hand, if you dream about a parent or other relatives, such as a sibling, it could mean you are longing to be closer to them; or perhaps mend your broken relationship.

If, on the other hand, if you see yourself having sex with a celebrity; someone you admire; or even someone you may find attractive in real life, this dream represents the feelings you have towards them. Dreaming of a celebrity will usually mean you are longing for fame, fortune, and success. Dreaming of someone you admire or find attractive in real life, will usually suggest parts of your introverted self that could be in conflict with each other. To be dissatisfied with yourself in the dream is very common, but these dreams will show you hidden feelings that you may not have actually realized. Are you are unhappy in your real life? This can be both negative and positive. Being unaware means you are not affected by it so much, but it also means you are still carrying around a negative state of mind with you.

To stop carrying this “negative” feeling with you, you need to understand what it is you need to move on from, and how, rather than still keeping it with you but pretending you’re not by trying to push it out of your mind. If you are watching others have sex in your dreams, you might be too involved in their relationship. This can be for many reasons, such as longing for your own; or having problems with the one you are in. If you dislike the people you see; or if you, yourself are having sex with someone you dislike in your dream, then this could mean they are very much in your face with their opinions and judgments.

If you are dreaming about having sex with and people are watching indicates nothing to do with desire, but rather a frustration, envy, or the need to detract from them. Lastly, your dreams generally consist of things you have experienced throughout the day. To dream of having sex with your sister is connected to our inner hopes and fears. Maybe you have been thinking deeply recently. Dreaming of having sex with your brother can be associated with being lost in a work situation. Do you feel you need to study more in life?

Common dreams include

  • Had pleasurable sexual encounters is a content happy dream meaning good times in life.
  • Ending up in a conflict or unpleasant behavior can suggest problems at work.
  • You dream that you are a prostitute or that you see a prostitute can mean changes in life.
  • Your dream involves seeing or being a virgin indicates fresh new times ahead.
  • To dream that you have an affair or have sex with somebody unknown indicates challenges in life.
  • To dream that you are being forced to conduct things in your dream against your will indicates important changes.
  • You have reached orgasm in your dream or the experience was pleasurable is a lovely dream of spiritual happiness.
  • You dream of having sex with a famous person or somebody in your working life, then think about your needs in life.
  • During your dream you recognize that you are actually of the other sex can indicate you are confused about yourself right now.
  • During your dream, you ignore your own sexual nature and pleasure indicates a new start.
  • You had a strange sexual experience that you would not encounter during your waking life.
  • You dreamt of castration, this means that things are going to be rocky for some time.
  • To wear sexy clothes or you were fully clothed during a sexual encounter can suggest worrying about the future.
  • Fear of pregnancy or the responsibility of childhood was featured in your dream suggests a new start.
  • Dreaming of homosexuality or the desire for sex with a partner who is of the same sex as you.
  • The desire to hurt yourself or others during a sexual encounter. This means that you need to try to overcome a painful encounter.
  • Being found by another in a promiscuous position, the message here is that you need to remember that people around you need care and attention sometimes.
  • Being celibate or not wanting sex from another. This means that things have been complex in a close relationship.
  • You were having sex with your own partner in real life is common indicating happiness in the relationship.
  • You were having sex with someone famous in a dream is positive, meaning people will listen to you
  • You had sex with a being (not human) can suggest in dreams a new approach to problems.
  • You were having sex with a person of the same sex as you can mean tough times in life.
  • You had sex with an ex-partner indicates a spiritual connection with this person.
  • You were having sex with a friend in your dream means that you have feelings for this friend.
  • You were having disturbing dreams about sex indicates problems in life.
  • The sex in the dream consisted of violent acts means changes in life.
  • You were giving oral sex or receiving this in your dream can mean problems.

Common dreams:

  • Having sex with a celebrity.
  • Naked.
  • Watching others have sex.
  • Having sex with someone you despise.
  • Cheating on your partner.
  • Your partner cheating on you.


  • You communicate with the people in your dreams without feeling conscious of them.
  • You learn what the conflicts are between you and the people in your dream.
  • You understand what boundaries you have with the people in your dreams.
  • You separate sexual fantasy, idealism, and/or relationships with the people you dream of.
  • You are honest with yourself.
  • You are honest with others.

Feelings associated with sex in your dream:

Sexy, ambitious, successful, wealthy, dangerous, prosperous, and lucky.

Key sources used to write the dream meaning of sex

Freud and sex (1930s magazine) The occult review (1902), Interpret your dream, London Times (1880), The Jungian Dreamwork Manual (1980) Strephon Kaplan- Williams, Dream Alchemy (1991), Dreams and the occult (date unknown paper and magazine)

Who I am: My name is Flo and during the last twenty years, I have been decoding your dreams, both a psychological and spiritual point of view. Now, as a psychic many of my dreams have come true which led me on the path of dream discovery. Why does Brad Pitt show up in our outrageous sex dreams? Did you know that a whopping 8% of our dreams involve sex according to dream research at the University of Montreal. This makes your dream of sex common. Yes, this sounds quite a lot of us having rather steamy dreams!

By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012