Old Crush / Old Lover

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
An old crush or an old lover in a dream is a symbol for desire and wanting something in your waking life.
Sometimes these dreams are about wanting an object or simply needing something however, most of the time they are in reference to not feeling loved, wanting affection, or wishing your current relationship was like an old relationship. These dreams do come with a reminder that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
In this dream you may have...
- Seen an old lover or had a crush.
- Flirted, had sex with, or made out with an old lover.
- Yelled at an old lover.
- Ran away from an old lover.
- Saw an old lover or had a crush on someone else.
- An old lover had a baby, got married… etc
- Wanted to see an lover.
- Had sex with an old lover.
Positive changes are afoot if…
- Said goodbye to an lover.
- Enjoyed the dream.
- An old crush and had a baby.
Detailed dream meaning...
When you dream about an old crush you are usually fantasizing about specific ideals that you want from love. Old lover dreams sometimes make you wake up wishing you chose another type of life, worrying that you still have feelings for this old lost love. When time passes there is a sense of longing associated with these dreams and people tend to see things as they want them to be rather than how they really were. Idealizing your old lover and someone you had a crush on are common dreams of simple desire. These types of dreams mean it is important to weed out romantic fact from fiction. Dreaming about having a crush in a sexual manner is an indication that your sexual needs are not being met in your current relationship or situation.
Being enticed by an old lover or flirting is an indication that you need more affection or that you are not being understood. When you yell at an old lover, this indicates that there is unresolved issues from that relationship that you are keeping you from committing in your current relationship, even if you have been married for years this dream has come to light because you need excitement in your life. For example, if your old crush was mean towards you and made you feel insecure, you are carrying this insecurity around with you?
Dreaming of being chased by an old lover shows that you are placing expectations against them or being frustrated in love. Your mind is using this person as a way to work out current issues in your life so that you can process and move on - into healthier relationships. The one good or positive aspect to dream of an old lover is when you let them go or say good bye to them. This shows that you are ready to move on in your life or that new love is coming into your life soon.
Dreaming of an old lover and having a baby can also be a positive sign. This again shows momentum in your own life and usually is a good omen for you for having a family of your own.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life...
- Problems in a relationship.
- Looking for love.
- Being bored in your current relationship.
- Wanting some sexual excitement.
- Holding yourself back from opening up to someone new.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of an old love or crush…
Sad. Forgotten. Dismay. Unloved. Ugly. Unhappy. Longing. Lonely. Happy. Content. Proud.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012