
Crow dream meaning

Crow Dream Meaning

If you are envious of others, then I ask you this: Are you going to sink to their level or will you rise above it? Rise above like a crow? What people tell us as we grow up in this world must not limit us. The crow has come to you in your dream for a reason, to know that you can’t be limited by people. It is time for you to raise up, above all your problems or worries. In both the Celts and in Hindu mythology, they believe that our ancestors returning and watching over us (spiritually) are known as crows. This means some spirit guide could be watching over you. So my advice here is that nothing is by accident. To me, the crow tends to show up in a dream to let you know that you are being protected by your spiritual team and you need to open your eyes more to see all around you.

What does it mean if you dream of a crow?

Did you know that the crow has the brain of a 2-year-old? The crow is super clever. To me, the crow in dreams is a representation of our spirit guides or loved ones that have passed over, as mentioned above in the Celts and Hindu culture. I do feel they come when your spirit team are watching and helping you through your current difficulties when the crow appears. In some of my older dream books, it says that the dreamer will have wisdom and an intuition that very few people hold if you dream of a crow. The unconscious tells you to follow your logic and believe what you believe to be right. Crows have brilliant vision. They can see things from 30 miles -and see things on the ground that we miss. The key to the dream is to "see" the bigger picture. 

To see a crow land on you (or by your side)  in the dream means you are having trouble making decisions for yourself. In life, we create garbage, the road kills that this is what crows often eat. Scarecrows themselves have been characters in friction and along with crows ancient civilizations use to see them as Gods. Of course, they have super high intelligence and human-like behavior.  If you dream about crows pecking, then this dream could be a sign from the universe for the need to confront a problem you've been avoiding in life. And yes, we all avoid these problems. 

Is a crow dream good or bad?

I feel this is a good dream. It doesn't just show us that we need to use our intelligence but it is also a sign from our spirit team to let us know that everything is going to be okay. the actual details of the dream are equally important, and it depends on what the crows doing within the dream. it could just be a case of you seeing a crow flying by alternatively interacting with a crow.  Crows sometimes act human and they flee their predators in ways that still amaze us. 

A dream about a crow is usually an excellent omen for your intelligence. There's so much in our art, culture, and religion when it comes to the Crow. likewise, Crows actually enjoy interacting with people. From my research, Crows clean the environment, especially things like harmful rabies, waste, and pests. It is a spiritual sign to “clean things up.”

Hundreds of people have thought to understand crows over the years, Vincent Van Gogh painted many crows and a flock of crows stood before the gates of Babylon, there are more than 40 species of crows worldwide, including Ravens, rooks, and jackdaws that like to eat fruit and seeds. So the reason why I mention this is that crows have been in our culture for years, teaching us to be cleaver, teaching us to not care too much, and sour high above our troubles.

How many crows are in your dream?

To see a group of crows is named a "murder" this is if you see three or more crows, this is because they were drawn to the dead, and they were often found on battlefields. I also saw some crows around a prison when I lived near London and it made me think they are attracted to death or negativity in some way.

If you have a dream of a crow's nesting then this is a sign to be aware of your own home life and interests. If you see many crows perched on a tree or wire in a dream, this spiritually means you may have been giving advice to others but not taking on board your own advice. 

What would it mean to see a crow above the sky like a dream thing?

A flying crow in a dream represents the fact you need to "rise" in life. Say in the morning: "Something good will come to me." We would all be happier and more fulfilled if we started each day with this quote. Many of us start the day unsure of what lies ahead - which brings doubts and negativity into our minds. The power of the mind gets underestimated, but by taking it every day (with a good attitude) you set yourself up for success. 

What does it mean to 'dream of baby crows?

To see baby crows in dreams indicates new starts, now, baby crows are often known as chicks or fledglings and spiritually this dream is about learning in this world and understanding where you are now, and what you want it to be. To have a dream about baby crows is about maturing too - consider them maturing as well. The advice is that to see a baby crow: You're what you're. This baby crow dream is washing you clean. We cleanse ourselves a lot in life but what is more, is cleansing of our hearts. Native Americans saw the baby crow as a symbol of change. For me personally, this is about tidying up things in life. 

What does it mean to dream of a crow at your window?

Seeing a crow appearing at your window in a dream, or looking out of the window and seeing crows can suggest someone sending you a message. Windows in dreams often represent new perspectives. As I have said before - a crow is a creature known for its intelligence, therefore, this dream might be encouraging you to look at things from a different angle. Perhaps there is a problem in your life that you are avoiding or a truth? If the crow looks at you this might mean that you need to face a problem with courage. It’s important to consider what’s currently happening in your life and if there are areas where you feel stuck. 

What does it mean to dream of a crow flying?

There are many ways crows fly in different terrains. If you see the crow in the blue sky, then this can suggest a need for change. It is like something is “rising above” you. Something is important in life. Crows in dreams often enable us to think deeper and look beyond the obvious. I feel they can bring messages of change, insight, or the need to look at life from an outsider. 

To dream of a crow flying over you in a forest can represent your subconscious mind or unexplored areas of your psyche, this is where you hide your feelings. The crow, flying above, could mean you hold a desire to gain a wider perspective or rise above current problems, and you have probably had a number of problems if you are dreaming of the crow. 

To dream of crows flying around you, then in my dream books, this can suggest a phase of transformation. This dream also might suggest that you are at a crossroads in your life and a decision needs to be made. I would say, it would be worthwhile to consider what situations in your life make you feel surrounded or pressured, sometimes we can get stressed out for no reason just for the sake of getting stressed out. This dream might be telling you to take charge and make “that” decision with confidence.

What is the folklore around crows and why this is important?

The Indigenous people of Native America saw the raven as a messenger of the spirit world, the creator, and the trickster. They used to create tribes and name these after the birds, the Nordic god Odin also learned about the world from Ravens. In the Hotel Oden, this has a range of “raven” type artwork. In both these cases, ravens spiritually were seen as a powerful bird. In older folklore in the Scottish Highlands when they hunted and saw a crow this would be considered a good omen. The Native Americans also believed the crow was a clever liar who was banished to the sky. And, in the night sky, you can still see the crow in the constellation Corvus. 

Closing thoughts

In the book In the Company of Crows and Ravens by T Angell, and in this book I read that crows are very much misunderstood. I know that sometimes we don’t realize just how powerful these silent birds are. It also stated that people have interacted less and less with crows, this is probably because of our population expanding. If we look back at Norman times, our ancestors (during these times) hunted and fished. So, this means the interaction with crows was a lot bigger than it is today. This dream also tells me that your subconscious mind - wants you to do more and study like a crow in your dream. Crows also represent change. A crow talking in your dream may be telling you to make a major change to improve your intelligence.

In your dream you may have

  • Seen a live crow or a picture of a crow.
  • Become a crow.
  • Flown with a crow.
  • Seen a dead crow.
  • Been attacked by crows.
  • Seen either a caged or a free crow.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • The crow in your dream used intelligence.
  • The crow was flying.
  • The crow seemed to be a companion.
  • You turned into a crow and this seemed natural.

Detailed dream interpretation

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Major life decisions such as buying a home, investing, or entering into a relationship
  • Social life
  • Intelligence level
  • Education and school

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of crow

Intelligence. Strength. Inclusiveness. Friendly. Happy. Intuitive.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012