The Swastika

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
This curiously shaped charm, a pre-Christian cross, has been universally popular in all countries and throughout all ages.
The ancients believed that it bestowed upon the wearer long life, great happiness, good fortune, and the best of good luck. These symbols have been found in North and South America, India, Africa, Asia and Europe. They have been discovered carved in stones of the ancient ruins in India and China, where they were used as religious emblems at least ten centuries B.C., and are met with on very old Buddhist coins and inscriptions. The Swastika is also called the Gammadion, from the Greek letter gamma placed together four times.
Superstitions can be either useful or harmful. The swastika even though this was used by the Nazi's originally had positive aspects.The swastika is also known as the gammadion, fylfot and croix pattee. It is an old symbol. It means fortune and good luck and came from the word "Su" which means well and "asti" which means being. The word "gammation" was given to it because of the cross that has gammas and the short line of the symbol. This is similar to the Gamma of the Greek alphabet. This is really an equal arm within the cross. This symbol originated from India but has been known to have been traced back to ancient times. At times the four lines are made into a square or even a circle and found on terra-cotta in the middle ages. It was also found on statues of the Buddha religion.
The Chinese believe this symbol means prosperity and a long life. It was worn to create luck for the wearer. The Empress Wu back in 684-704 A.D said the symbol should be worn and is in the sign of the sun. These two symbols are both considered holy in Hinduism and Buddhism. This means luck will be on the wearer. The right face swastika is rather common in Hinduism and the left is more common in Buddhism. The Nazis used the right facing one. This symbol was chosen as a representation of Hitler's army in Germany. Was called the wheel in relation to Hitler's Germany and this symbol is also used in black magic. In essence this is a charm which in Sanskrit means "purveyor of good fortune" or "well being" there are two ways this can be placed either the male way (lucky) or female way (which is not so lucky)
By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012