Superstition definition

Superstition definition

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings

A superstition can be defined as knowledge or a reason for not doing something or to do something in life - that is the purest definition.

This is normally a custom or tradition. There is a fear if the task is not completed then bad luck will follow, or good luck will fall upon the individual. These are the top ten most famous superstitions of all time.

Why Are People Superstitious?

It is the desperation to find a link to a misfortune that drives most people to be superstitious. The superstition help them to at least explain the extraordinary by hiding the mistakes and blaming it on luck and that it is only fate who is control and not them. It is also believed that stress can be a source of superstitions; it makes people believe not only in rituals but also in funny theories which result in them seeing or hearing things which actually don’t exist.

Even with all the modernization of life, superstitions still hold true in society. Do you avoid walking under a ladder? Do you think that if you smash a mirror seven years of bad luck will prevail?It is common knowledge that, at some point in life, there is a superstition which one holds on to dearly. To some extent, every one of us has had an absurd belief which is superstitious in nature, and if you disagree, then read on and you will be shocked to find some of the happenings maybe superstitious in origin.

Halloween and Superstitions

The modern Halloween celebrations which focus on fun ghostly acts is a result of a Celtic festival of the dead which was built around superstitions. They believed that they have to leave a lot of goodies outside for the souls of their departed loved ones in order to discourage them (the spirits) from causing harm to the living. It was such a dreadful occasion. The more desperate someone becomes, the more they regain control. Anytime one lacks control of their mental health, they begin to hallucinate, which might, in the end, lead one astray. It is common and most people get satisfaction through justifying a deed with some concept or should it be called misconception? Things which make people be somewhat superstitious include: Having a need to take control of something. Life’s worries. Living in denial.

The Origin of Superstitions

Superstitions are as old as the world and beyond. Every civilization that we read about in history had its own share of superstitions. They have come across superstitions and myths which help shape society. Superstition comes from those beliefs which resulted from the ignorance and fear of the unknown – not knowing what is causing whatever is happening, resulted in a myth or a superstition being coined from it. Natural events which couldn’t be explained were automatically explained via a myth or a superstition. This didn’t stop with our forefathers; it has continued to be there. Superstitions can be divided into the following three categories: personal, religious and cultural. If you are not religious, all the beliefs and practices of religion may seem superstitious to you. Every culture has its own way of explaining illnesses and bad luck that befalls them and if you are not from that culture, it will come across as being superstitious to you. Even if you claim not to be superstitious, there are things which at times you do and you cannot explain why you did them, that is also a superstition.

  1. Magpie - one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret that must never been told. If you see one of these birds the song above has the message of what will happen. If one magpie is seen then saluting the magpie will take away the sorrow / bad luck.
  2. Find a penny pick it up all day long you will have good luck.
  3. See a ladder do not walk underneath as you will have 7 years of bad luck.
  4. Breaking a mirror results in seven years bad luck.
  5. A left itchy foot means one will travel.
  6. Never leave shoes on the bed or table it will equal bad luck.
  7. The thirteenth is an unlucky day - especially Friday the 13th.
  8. Finding a four leaf clover is good luck.
  9. Do not open an umbrella indoors.
  10. Avoid stepping on a crack or drainpipe on the path to prevent bad luck.

By Florance Saul
Dec 27, 2016