The Law of Size
Unlock hidden secrets of the Law of Size
The Law of Size is the first principle which demands consideration, and it teaches that size is a measure of power, of all things being equal, that is to say, the larger the body, face or hand, the greater the power of some kind.
When this law is disputed, we observe the authors fail give instances, and therefore, their mere statements must be set aside, however great an authority the author may be to explain it sightly better. The size of a thing may be actual or relative, that is to say existing in fact and not in imagination, or as belonging to something else. It is the relative size of an item which the character usually has to decide, and not the actual size, unless it is part separated from the whole. The usual scale for recording the relative size or the degree of manifestation of a characteristic is from -to 7, although any scale may be adopted to suit the practitioner.
Degree 1 indicates that the characteristic is Deficient, < 3-seldom manifests itself. Degree 2 indicates that the characteristic is Small, and sds cultivating. Degree 3 indicates that the characteristic is Moderate, 3. manifests itself when directed by more prominent ones, it should be cultivated. Degree 4 indicates that the characteristic is Average, 1 manifests itself in common with others. Degree 5 indicates that the characteristic is Full, and • the habits of life to a large extent, often assisting characteristics to manifest themselves.
Degree 6 indicates that the characteristic is Large, an frequently manifests itself, as it rules the action to a large extent, prompting the individual to make great efforts in a particular direction. Degree 7 indicates that the characteristic is Excessive and too easily excited. This condition denotes disease, and best termed insanity, therefore should be restrained. When a characteristic is half way between two degrees it is represented by 4 >or 5 <, as the case may be. In some areas of character reading it will be from a the simple classification of size into Large, Average, Sedium, Small, will be quite different in size.
By Florance Saul
Mar 26, 2013