Christmas Pudding Traditions

Uncover the meaning of Christmas Puddings
Here is some cool things about Christmas puddings!
Christmas pudding traditions have been in existence in Britain since the 17th Century and it all started with what was referred to as “Plum pottage” which is a tradition that had been in existence from the middle age era. The plum pottage was a thick porridge substance mixed with dried fruits and added flavor through spicy flavorings. Since it was adopted in the 17th century, Christmas is never complete without at least one serving of spiced pudding made better by mixing it with suet and butter.
Here are some great things you should know about Christmas pudding traditions: It is at times referred to as Plum Pudding:The Christmas pudding recipe has never been entirely made from the plum fruits, but from a variety of fruits which include a mixture of some dried dates, prunes, currants, or sultanas. In earlier days, these fruits used to be mixed with minced meat, with the meat being very fundamental. The Christmas pudding would consist of dried fruits, meat broth, bread crumbs, and spices.
Why the Crazy Blend for Christmas pudding?
The mixing was just to make sure that the Christmas pudding is preserved. Remember the dried fruits and spices were very expensive as they were an import which was brought in by the Crusader who had sailed around the Mediterranean. Due to the high cost, this fruit was only used for special occasions and that is how they became popular with Christmas pudding. The 17th Century Ban on Christmas pudding By Thomas Cromwell: During the reign of Thomas Cromwell, there was a ban on Christmas celebrations in order to restore Christmas into its original meaning of celebrating the birth of Christ instead of what people had turned it into more of material celebrations and eating festivals. This he did by banning not only Christmas Pudding but ALL celebrations which included our beloved Christmas carols. He declared Christmas day to be used for fasting only. By removing the “e” from the feast, and turning it into a fast, there were no more eating and celebrations allowed! This continued until Charles II came to power and the festivities were restored.
Stir Up Sunday:
Now that we have covered the general traditions of the Christmas pudding, it is interesting to consider what was known as “stir up” Sunday. Five weeks before Christmas day, the last Sunday before the advent, Christmas pudding is prepared in a family setting. This is where alcohol is mixed with the Christmas pudding before the ice coating is done. Each member of the family stirs up the mixture while making up a wish for the New Year. This is considered a lucky tradition. Women use to “stir up” the pudding to ensure they will marry if the maiden was unmarried.
The Coins Being Added to Christmas pudding:
Coins are added to the Christmas pudding, the finder will be blessed with good luck. While the family is feasting on the Christmas pudding, whoever gets the coin which will be added during the initial stages of preparation is said to be lucky the entire year after Christmas. It adds some excitement as everyone goes through their dessert to locate the coin!
By Florance Saul
Dec 18, 2016