The Buckle of Isis
Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
“The blood of Isis, the virtue of the Isis, the magic power of Isis, the magic power of the Eye, are protecting this the Great one; they prevent any wrong being done to him.”
Thus reads a portion of the 156th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which was engraved, often with other invocations, on the Buckle of Isis amulets. Great faith was placed in the magic power of this buckle, or tie. It was believed that the wearer would be protected and guarded from every kind of evil forever and ever. This is known as an amulet and is normally presented as a pendent worn. The knot of Isis is normally found in pairs. There is no record of how or where this knot came from. The knot is known as a symbol of magic and Egyptian. There is many examples of where this knot was used in the book called: “Coming Forth By Day” this provides a number of possibilities where the knot can be used for magical purposes.
The buckle is a symbol of life’s currents between the astral world and buddhic. The amulet was put around the neck of Egyptian mummy’s. This was used as a symbol of protection of the afterlife. The material was normally in pottery, carnelian, red glass or Jasper. For those people that had wealth it was made from gold or silver. but always in red to symbolize the blood of Isis. It was believed that the vibrations of life were important for people that have passed over to be purified and the spirit walk freely.
This represents the divine life, the life, and the transition into the spirit world would be protected if the necklace was worn. The symbol is always associated with the “book of the dead.” Prior to the buckle being attached to the mummy, it was placed in holy water containing ankham flowers. There was a meaning of Ch. In that the divine life from the plane presents itself in the emotion of others, which must be protected. Through water and flowers the soul will be free, and enter higher vibrations and worlds.
By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012