

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings

Generally angels are viewed as benevolent, spiritual beings, divine and pure.

They are the messengers and attendants of God and liaisons to the Earthbound. While our image of angles can vary, they seem most often represented as beautiful and flawless, human in form but for the addition of wings and clothed in the purest white.

Angels are suppose to be the messengers of god. Common object symbolism associated with angles includes harps, trumpets, flaming swords, scepters and lilies. There is no religion that does not include angels in some kind of form. Angels are believed universally. This could be from Greek, Egyptian, or even Roman mythology. They all feature a winged creature who brings about happiness. We are all aware people given a guardian angel throughout life.

This guardian angel guides us and tells us how to be the best in life. Giving much advice to people. Zoroastrianism is associated with many types of spirit guides. Normally referred to as “area fravash.” Angels feature deep in much artistic works. Famous paintings where angels have been the subject. Authors and artists, even poets have attempted to cover the hidden fields of angel work. This doesn’t just focus on artistic work but also music and paintings. To the point where one could actually believe they are real. Angels have been featured in many works of poetry from elder Allen Poe to Henry Longfellow. We have lot's more on angels in our magic section of the site. Including specific overview of each well known angel.

How to Connect With your Angels

Many of you have contactacted me about angels and how you can bring in your angels. Now, angels are different from other spiritual guides and they offer direction, comfort, and healing. It is believed that everyone has an archangel who is always with them and you can tune into their minds and over time they will become conscious of the angels. The energy around the angels is subtle and one needs to be quiet and still in order to become aware and open them up.

How You Meets Your Angel

In order to meet one’s angel, you need to create a sacred area, with candles, altar, oil essences, and incense. The altar can be a simple one where you just place a fabric that is pleasing to the eye on the  stand and place a candle in a place that is secure at the table end; colored candles are also required to represent the four elements. A green candle should be placed  to the north to represent the earth element, a blue candle is placed to the west to  represent the water elements, the red candle is placed to the south to represent the fire element, and a yellow candle should be placed to the east so that it represents the element of air.

Yin is represented by a female statue, which is placed on the side of the table, opposite Yang; while Yang is represented by a male image, which is placed directly opposite Yin; all these elements represent the energies of the goddess and the god. Crystals can also be placed on the altar in order to help produce spiritual energies and before the meditation, it is advisable that one uses a smudge stick in cleaning the area where the work will be done and use it again after the work is completed. In order to close the circle, the smudge stick is moved around in an anticlockwise movement.
The candles are then lit, oil essences and incense make sure that the containers are comfortable and it is recommended to stare at the candle blazes for about ten minutes until your breathing become consistent and calm as this will enable them to be more amenable to tune into angelic energies.  The angels then help you to “expand” your mind. 

How To Connect To Angels

Angels are vibrational beings which fit in a cluster of frequency where the practitioner needs to remain calm and still in order to feel them. They honor a hierarchy in which they are assigned different tasks with their energies emanating all that is good, beautiful, kind and spiritual. They are believed to be the envoys who communicate to human beings from the deity and they make mankind to have peace, joy, understanding and tolerance. Each angel has a different role to play in the life of mankind and it is upon the practitioner to be able to invoke the particular angel they are in need of.

By Florance Saul
Jan 20, 2017