
alchemy meaning spiritual

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings

Alchemy is not really a superstition but this appears regularly as part of the occult and it is used to promote spiritual growth.

It means that you gain power over nature. The power is the key to alchemy. It should be understood that alchemy is spiritual and magical metaphor that arose out of early Western chemistry. If you follow the alchemists' path this will teach you the deepest levels of magic.We all associate alchemy as the medieval art of transforming ordinary substances into something far more valuable; most notably the creation of precious gold and silver from common base metals and the Alchemist’s pursuit of Panacea or the “Elixir of Life.” Alchemy is generally accepted as the predecessor of chemistry though in the middle ages the methodologies were thought to be magical. The image of alchemy is old men in a laboratory, mixing metals, but there is far more to this than just that.

Most people associate alchemy with magic. The famous patriarch of physics, Isaac Newton, was an alchemist. At that time alchemy became illegal, this was because of the possibility for alchemists to counterfeit the coins of this time. The mission of many alchemists in that time was to find the right ingredients to create a philosophers stone. This is a magical substance that can be used to prolong life, cure illness, transform crystal to diamonds and change metals into gold. There has been many writings about how to create the philosophers stone.

Trojaniis cited stating that transmutation has brought location and time. The reason provided is that alchemical functions do not take place on the level of the periodic table, but rather around time, energy and also space itself. In summary, alchemy is all about time travel and a spiritual journey. In 1915, Harvey Spencer Lewis, who is part of the Rosicrucian or emder, is said to have transmuted a piece of zinc into gold utilizing little more than a wide open fire and a crucible. The actual records, which detailed this general public display, have been re-published several times within a number of businesses magazine.

Alchemy has been afforded many symbolic meanings, in Jungian psychology the process is indicative of one individual’s search for himself and the transmutation equaling "individuation." This journey begins in the unconscious, travels through the division of the psyche into separate components, and finally ends in the true values of existence being incorporated into the conscious and thus applied to life. The four stages of creation are represented by different colors: Black equating to prime matter, guilt and origin; white representative of Mercury, the feminine and quicksilver; red signifies the masculine, sulfur and passion; and gold (lapis) the absolute synthesis and transcendence.

There are seven recognized operations: Calcination (the death of the profane), putrefaction (a consequence of calcinations and the separation of the destroyed remains), solution (the purification of matter), distillation (of the elements of salvation from the prior operations), conjunction (the joining opposites, Jung’s ‘close union’), sublimation (the suffering as an effect of mystic detachment and spiritual dedication), and philosophic ‘congelation’ (the congealing or binding together as male with female).

Now, it is important to understand that the gold of alchemy was just the quickening of perfection. According to Paracelsus, when a man decides to do something then a new heaven is established by such a person. That way the man creates flows towards himself. Immortality becomes incarnated on the outwards in the form of gold and inwards through the development of a good body found within the normal body. This is what is referred to as the diamond body or simply the glorious body. That is according to the oriental tradition. To the Christians it is the spiritual body.

The transformation from one form to the other is the essence of alchemy. It can also be expressed in the form of traditional initiation formulas. That is death, suffering and resurrection of the neophyte or the god. Its representation is in the substances found in the crucible or the material owned by the craftsman. This is a clear formula which symbolizes transformation. The materials involved include base metal, raw material, human spirit or spirit. This has a meaning of purification and suffering. Patience is considered to be the most important quality for craftsman. There is no other form of suffering which is related to the narrative of creation which operates upon and in the artisan.

The alchemical substance is punished so that the clay used by the craftsman is pounded and beaten flat. It is also twisted, carded and struck by the use of the metal. It does not matter if the substance is human. That means that the character might change. That can be cut into various elements. Something must die in order to be restored into another form. That is the central idea of alchemy. This is the main source of absurdity showing that it is in the operational sense a form of quackery or superstition. All craftsmen are aware of the truth in that issue. It is known to them that the material has a form of life, character, history and needs. They must understand and feel the life so that a relationship can be seen between them and it. A pattern which is not their own is acceptable.

By Florance Saul
Oct 29, 2012