Spiritual Charging


Uncover hidden spiritual meanings

A charge can be made to increase spiritual connections or simply to raise the power of an object for our own use, for example, we can charge money in order to make it come back to us twofold. The spiritual energy is transposed into the other person or item.

We all have an inner battery that needs charging and this is biblically carried out by prayer. Charging can happen to increase our own focus on life.

How To Charge a Magical Item

Charging an item for magical use is sometimes referred to as consecrating it. There are two ways in which this can be done with the simplest being, using own personal energy using candles or through prayer. It is up to each person to choose which method best suits them before deciding to use it. It is a personal choice and no strings are attached to any specific way.

Using Personal Energy

When the personal way is used, it becomes pretty simple as the procedure is easy to follow. The object is placed on a surface that is flat. The energy is then removed through a visualization where the participant imagines a white gold light flowing from them to the object with the intent to cleanse and remove the entire negative energy.

Another option is where the participant places their hand on the object and gently presses on it as long as the object is not sharp. While pressing, they are supposed to visualize that all the negative energies are coming out of the object and into the ground. Deep breaths can be taken and visualization of a blue-white light coming out from above; from the divine and flowing into the object, thus charging and empowering it in the process.

Charging Objects

There are several things one needs in order to charge an item:

  • Choosing a chalice that is not gold.
  • Altar.
  • A silver or copper chain.
  • Anointing Oil.
  • Five blue candles.
  • Sterilized water. (can be boiled)
  • One black candle.
  • Two white candles.
  • Materials for casting include sand, chalk, and salt.

Procedure for charging items

  • A circle is cast onto the ground
  • The altar is then placed in the center of the circle facing in the east.
  • The five blue candles are lit and placed at each point of the altar.
  • The black candle is placed at the center of the altar and lit.
  • The two white candles are placed each facing the side of the black candle towards the corner of the altar, that is, in case the altar is a triangle.
  • The chalice is then filled with water, which is purified and placed in front of the black candle which is close to the participant.
  • The participant is supposed to sit in the center of the circle and clear their mind. The energy that is surrounding them is then to be drawn in so that it can be embedded in the item which is to be charged.
  • Using the anointing oil, some are placed on the participant’s index finger and rubbed onto the magical item as some magical words are recited which the participant should have learned from their coven.
  • After reciting the spell, the tool is then passed through the black candle flame. If the item is wooden, it should be passed quickly in order to avoid it from being burned.
  • The item is then dipped into the chalice of the water which is purified.
  • Once this is done, the item is then wrapped loosely with a copper or silver chain and placed somewhere where it should not be disturbed for about three days.
  • The tool is now charged.

By Florance Saul
Oct 2, 2012