So Mote it Be

Uncover hidden spiritual meanings
A phrase used often in rituals to close a chant or incantation.
It literally means, "It must be so" or "So it shall be." Much of what happens in the home of the standard Witch is ritualistic in nature. This means that everything that they do, has some sort of rhyme or reason to it. The casting of a circle has many steps and depending on the practitioner, each step might need to be completed exactly perfectly.
Others might allow for some error or some random changes, it all just depends on what kind of Witch is doing the work. One of the famous endings for casting a spell or conducting a healing is to utter, ‘So Mote It Be,’ at the end. This phrase is somewhat of a sealant to put the magic in order and basically say to the Universe,
‘Thanks in advance. It exists NOW.’ In this the Witch is declaring to the Universe that the magic is done and let the results come swiftly. This phrase used often in rituals to close a chant or incantation. It literally means, "It must be so" or "So it shall beYou."
Mote it be is associated with the magical initiation it is actually a command that is associated with providing responsibility of the ritual actually working. this phrase is often said in many pagan groups. It can be translated into meaning that we must allow this to happen. There are many rituals in the Wiccan tradition that you clearly show that one must believe in the actual ritual to allow this to work.
By Florance Saul
Oct 2, 2012