Days of Power


Uncover hidden spiritual meanings

Days that hold great magical power such as the Sabbats.

There are many dates that in occult we need to be aware of. These are key date of occult occurances. There are many key dates within the occult calendar that are significant. The first days of spring, summer, fall and winter are known as quarter days. These are the days that significant.

  • August 1st - this is known as Lammas
  • October 31st - halloween
  • April 30th - known as walpurgisnact in Germany.
  • October 12th - Aleister Crowley birthday and December 1st when he died.
  • January 1st - Druid feast day / new years day
  • January 7th - St Winebald day
  • January 17th - Satanic Revels
  • January 29th - St Agnes Eve
  • January 31st - Candlemas
  • February 2nd (Sabbat festival of candlemas)
  • February 25th 0 St Walpurgis day
  • March 1st - St Eichatadt
  • March 15th - Eides
  • March 20th - Spring Equinox
  • April 24th - St Marks Eve
  • April 30th - Roodmas day
  • May 1st - May day
  • June 21st - Demons Revel
  • Jul 25th - St James day
  • July 27th Grand Climax after summer solstice
  • August 1st - Lammas Day
  • August 3rd - Satanic Revels
  • September 21st - Midnight Host
  • September 22nd - Feast day
  • October 13th - 30th Hallows
  • October 28th - 30th - Satanist High
  • October 30-31st Halloween night
  • November 1st - Holy day related to Halloween
  • December 22nd - Winter Solstice
  • December 24th - Christmas eve

Firstly the winter solstice is made up of 13 weeks.

These are the key dates of occult history:

3800-3000 BC

  1. First phonetic writing (3500)
  2. Earliest alphabet developed in (3100)
  3. Stonehenge built in (2900)
  4. The great pyramid built (2680)
  5. Civilization in Crete (2000-1500)
  6. Hinduism code written (2250)
  7. Abraham born (2000-1800)
  8. Greek alphabet is created (1100)
  9. Greek destroy Troy (1250)
  10. Solomon’s death (800)
  11. First Olympic games (776)
  12. Alexander the great (356-323)
  13. Roman domination (100-44)
  14. Cleopatra (63 AD)

By Florance Saul
Oct 2, 2012