Saint Joachim

Saint Joachim

Uncover Hidden Saints meanings

Saint Joachim is known as the father to Holy Mary who bore our lord Jesus Christ. Many Christian believers have held the belief that he used to be a priest and was therefore holy enough to be regarded as the grandfather to Jesus.

Saints Joachim and Anne are said to have been quite old when Mary was born to them, the story goes, that while Joachim was away from home, it was revealed to him through a vision that Anne was to conceive miraculously and that she would receive him with joy on going back home and that she could give him the news as she would have the same revelations also. The Jewish tradition had it that if any child that was to be born when the woman was old, then the child would be very important to the society and would be having lots of blessings as a result. Joachim is said to have given Mary for the service of God’s temple while she was just three.

There is no historical or canonical record that supports the existence of this saint but many churches hold the belief that he was existent and thus refer to him quite often. The only historical proof of the existence of the saint as the gospel of James that has not been included in the bible, this is an apocryphal book that most people made references to.

Saint Joachim’s image was printed on most of the European coins between 100 and 1600. An example is the 1520 Bohemia coin that was s known as Joachim’s taler.

Requesting petitions for the following:            

  • Faithful husband.
  • Feast: 26-Jul.
  • Day: Friday.
  • Candle/Emblem: Green. Two doves seated in a basket.
  • Matters concerning: For a faithful husband.

The Roman Catholic tradition perceives the saint as a patron of linen traders, cabinet makers, fathers, married couples, grand fathers and the grandparent. The early artists depict him as an old man always accompanied by his wife; there are other times in which he is in the company of daughter Mary and grandson Jesus.

In 1989, a tomb for the saints was discovered some place in Jerusalem. Saint Joachim’s feats or saints day is observed on 26th July according to the second Viaticum.

Various symbols for the Saint accompany his pictures. The symbols include doves to symbolize peace and scroll or book that symbolizes linen makers. On Order’s insignia, the saint is drawn as having shepherd items which symbolizes good shepherd for God’s people while the green robes that he wears symbolize hope.

The tradition of Christians

In the bible, the parents of Mary the mother of Jesus have not been named; however, the Bible has given two names for the father of Jesus Joseph. With regard to this, the scholars who lived form the 8th century and later believe that the genealogy in the book of Luke is the family of Mary concluding that her father is Heli, the traditions hold the Heli was a cousin to Joachim.

There is no liturgical celebration for Saint Joachim that has been incorporated in the Tridentine calendar, however, it was added to the general Roman calendar back in the year 1584, and it was then moved to the Sunday that comes after Octave for Assumption of Mary to enable the remembrance of Joachim as Mary was being celebrated.

By Florance Saul
Aug 17, 2012