Violet leaf whole

Violet leaf whole

Uncover Hidden Herbs meanings

Violets and primroses have always been closely linked to infant deaths.

This is of course a belief and it has been existent for a long time. Some early writers such as Shakespeare and Milton mention this in their works, Pericles and Lycidas respectively. In some areas of Gloucestershire, violets are not brought into people’s houses for fear they carry fleas.

When King Napoleon of the French visited Elba, he promised to bring Violets for his people, a series of events that followed his return led to the naming of Violets the Emblem of his party, The Imperial Napoleonic Party.

Violets are common in cookery even in this era. However, they are most common among the French. The Romans use Violets to make a wine. The leaves have an odor that has been used in the preparation of vinegars.

Medical uses

Violets are have a long history of use, for instance, they are frequent mentions by Virgil and Homer. The former Athenians used them for various uses that include giving courage and offering strength for the hearth and in regulating anger to manageable amounts. Pliny described as essential for elimination of gout and spleen disorder and elimination of wine fumes, dizziness and headache when worn about the head.

Among the former Britons, it was used as cosmetic while the former Celtics are said to have used it in enhancement of feminine beauty. It was recommended for the cure of new wounds as well. In a special formulation, Violets were used to cure insomnia.

Violet leaf (whole) will help to

  • Find new lover.
  • Moderate anger.
  • Induce sleep.
  • Strengthen or comfort the hearth.
  • Relieve from dizziness and headache.
  • Eliminate insomnia.
  • Eliminating gout.
  • Dispel wine fumes.

Magical uses

The use of herbs in the cure of all types of diseases has been justified by the bible, in Genesis 1:29. In the verse, it has been assured that all the plants of earth were created for man’s use. With regard to this, the herbalists are justified to offer the plan as a prescription for several conditions and diseases.

The sweet smell of violet is what has made it reliable in various love related issue. For instance, it is believed the putting the herbs in the shoes as you wear them will assist you get a lover quickly. Its power will be tripled if the wearer uses three leaves for twenty one days.

By Florance Saul
Aug 29, 2012