Coriander seeds

Uncover Hidden Herbs meanings
Coriander are also known as Cilantro.
They are associated with the power of the planet Mars and the element Fire. According to Chinese folklore, eating Coriander seeds while pregnant will make the baby a genius.
Coriander seeds are used to draw love, to stimulate passion and to keep a lover faithful because it is believed to be lucky in Drawing New Love and bringing about Fidelity in Marriage. It is also used as a charm against illnesses. Mix Coriander food with love herbs and place in a red mojo bag and include the name of the person you wish to attract to harness its Love-Drawing ability. It is said that when mixed with Cumin Seeds, Periwinkle Leaves and Magnolia Leaves and then sewn to the mattress, it promotes faithfulness and fidelity in marriage. Coriander seeds are one of the ingredients in a Happy Home Spell Bottle - to ensure that the home is happy, calm and peaceful every day, and Come To Me Bottle - to help you become closer to someone you desire.
Coriander will
- Help with a new love.
- Luck.
- Happy home spells.
- Peace.
Other great uses
Other uses of Coriander seeds include aiding in clairvoyance, divination, fertility, prosperity, health, keeping secrets, passion, protection, retention and weddings. Mix with Angelica Root, Lotus Seeds, and spring water to get rid of evil spirits. Fill a conjure bag with Coriander seeds, Flax Seed, Angelica Root, and Golden Seal Root and carry around to prevent illness.
This is also one of the ingredients that can be used to make Four Thieves Vinegar. This vinegar is useful in illness, banishing spells and commanding spells. Grind Coriander seeds, ashes, salt and red pepper to a fine powder and add spring water to banish unwanted people and/or spirits.
- Steep in boiling water for 5 minutes dried lemon balm
- One cinnamon stick
- Five cloves and one-quarter teaspoon of coriander seeds.
Strain and drink to stimulate fun, happy dreams, cure headaches and break hexes. It is also considered by some as an elixir of longevity.
Coriander seeds give out a nutty scent when burned. It may be mixed with Olibanum, Cypress, Sandalwood, and Cinnamon for use as incense during consecration or when doing prosperity spells.
By Florance Saul
Mar 11, 2013