Coltsfoot herb

Uncover Hidden Herbs meanings
Coltsfoot, also called Coughwort, it is a member of the Composite or Daisy family.
The common Coltsfoot should not be confused with the Western Coltsfoot, which has a higher level of potentially toxic alkaloids. It was smoked as a remedy for wet cough. and was used to treat lung ailments. This herb has received controversial press because there was an attempt for this herb to be banned due to the herb containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which is harmful to the liver.
It is a female plant and is associated with the planet Venus, the zodiac Taurus, the element Water, and the Deities Chiron and Venus.
Coltsfoot is one of the first flowers to show in spring and because of this and the bright sunny yellow color if its flowers, it is said to be suitable and ideal for springtime rituals that welcome the return of the sun.
Coltsfoot herb, when burned with other magic herbs, is said to aid psychic visions and remove sickness and mental problems. It is known to increase Psychic Awareness, but is rarely used alone.
Practitioners mix Coltsfoot with other so-called “psychic herbs,” such as Acacia, Althaea, Angelica, Anise Seed, Bay, Bearberry, Camphor, Celery Seed, Dandelion, Dittany of Crete, Flax Seed, Mint, Mugwort, Poppy, Purslane or Star Anise. The mix is then burned on charcoal. This is done when one is seeking to communicate with the spirits or when one wants to prophetic dreams. Burn Coltsfoot with Blessing Incense to remove sickness or mental troubles.
Coltsfoot is also used in: wealth spells, love spells and in relaxation spells because it is said to aid tranquility.
Here is an interesting outline from an ancient book on herb magic: Take a husk from the ear of a corn and put a dollar bill along with a note written on a parchment that says: “Oh, dear god of luck, money is like muck, not good except it be spread. Spread some luck here at (write your address). Thanks be to thee. Amen. (Sign your name.)” Sprinkle the dollar bill or five pounds and note with Coltsfoot leaves and roll up the husk and tie together with a green string or ribbon. Hang this token up above your door with a green cord to bring riches into your home or business.
By Florance Saul
Aug 29, 2012