Pink Carnation

Uncover Hidden Flowers meanings
Aside from being a symbol for being unforgettable, these flowers best describes a mother’s pure love.
It all started with the Christian legend about Mary and Jesus. At the time that Jesus was carrying the cross, Mary cried. Wherever her tears fell, pink carnations sprung up. From that time on, pink carnations became a symbol of a mother’s undying and unending love for her children. That’s why on Mother’s Day, pink carnations are given to moms everywhere as a symbol of thanks and appreciation.
- Name: Pink Carnation
- Color: There isn’t only one hue of pink carnation – it ranges from baby pink to shocking pink.
- Shape: Think about a cheerleader’s pompoms when you’re thinking about what pink carnations are shaped like. Regardless of how many petals there are in one blossom, carnations look like small and delicate ruffled balls.
- Fact: Of all the different colors that carnations come in, pink is the most popular. It’s symbolic and it has a huge historical significance for being the décor of choice by the Greeks and the Romans. Christians also believe that the first carnation that ever bloomed on Earth was spawned by the Tears of Mary after seeing his son Jesus carrying the cross.
- Poisonous: Pink carnations are poisonous plants. The poison comes mostly from their leaves but it only in minimal amount. However, you might want to keep these flowers away from your pets.
- Number of Petals: Carnations can have a great number of petals on it. The least number of petals a pink carnation can have is five but if it has double flowers in one blossom, it can have as much as 40 petals.
- Victorian Interpretation: Carnations are the go to flowers that signify love but the color can symbolize different things. During the Victorian times, carnation basically symbolizes fascination or may even mean “I’ll never forget you”. If it comes in red, it means a love-stricken heart but if it has stripes on it, it means refusal to accept the love being offered.
- Blossom Time: Most varieties of carnations bloom in June to August.
- Superstitions: Pink carnations have something to do with fortune. As a way to tell a young girl’s fortune, young Korean women wore three pink carnations on their hair. Lined up on the side of a girl’s hair, it means that the girl was going to have a life of misery if the carnation on the bottom died first. If it’s the top most carnation went on to die first, it means that the girl’s last years of life would be hard. And if it was the middle flower that died out first among the three, this means a girl’s earlier years would be difficult but will have a long and fruitful life.
- The Shape: Carnations don’t really have a definite shape like a cup or a bell. Mainly, it’s blossom that forms a fringed or scalloped pompom.
- Petals: Pink carnations have petals that have scallops on the edges. This gives the whole look of the carnation a more ruffled up appearance. Depending on how many petals there are in one bud, the flower looks more puffy and vibrant.
- Numerology: Carnations fall under number 5 in numerology. It depicts changes, opportunity and also freedom.
- Color: The petals of a pink carnation vary from light to dark shades. Mix and match these shades of blossoms for one bouquet to show your love for your mom or someone that you’ll never forget. Keep in mind that a darker shade is an expression of deeper feeling of love, gratitude and admiration
In the earlier times, carnations only come in color peach and shades of pale pink. But over the years (or centuries), carnations grown in the garden came out in purple, white, yellow, red and sometimes even color green.
Herbalism and Medicine
Carnations have toxic properties in it that can cause skin rashes. However, this only applies to people with sensitive skin. Pink carnations that are processed into oils, creams, lotions or tea can help with inflammation, nausea, skin dryness, stress and also chest congestion.
By Florance Saul
Aug 17, 2012