

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Zombies are not real but featured in many movies and nightmares.

The definition of a "zombie" it is a person who is no longer in the living world. They often seek to hurt humans, eat flesh alternatively walk when they are dead. The walking dead in a dream is a symbolism which represents certain moments in life. A zombie in a dream, in my opinion is associated with transformation, energy and also spiritual realization. Zombies themselves can illustrate WHY and HOW we are inspired by blockages, delays and worry in waking life. The symbolism relates to oppression but also our own ambition in order to achieve.

Have you been playing too much fortnite? Zombies are everywhere: videos, in movies, or on TV. Therefore, if you have recently been exposed to zombies through these channels (or had a late night watching a horror movie!) then you should not take this meaning literally! The zombie dream is connected to you being stressed-out or a new beginning. To see zombies walking towards you in a dream indicates there may be a sense of losing control or a situation in your waking life that is spinning out of control. The zombie is the species of the undead that returns to earth - due to some pseudo-scientific reason. Zombies in dreams are often lifeless, speechless, scary and driven by the need to kill or eat us! Historically, the zombie is connected to vampires and mummies and was born from a number of Horror films notably Victor Halperins White Zombie (1932).

Dream about a zombie and possible apocalypse

Normally when we dream of a zombie we often dream of the end of the world (apocalypse) and if you do indeed dream of the end of the world this can indicate a new start in life. The program “the walking dead” in Britain has also sparked an influx of users coming to this page after watching zombie chasing episodes. Zombies can also be referred as a adjectival modifier. We have zombie employees, zombie governments which was discussed in a book by Roger Luckhurt: Zombies: A cultural History. Zombies normally try to control our own mind they normally occur in our sleep when we either:

  1. Embark on a new beginning
  2. Are feeling stressed out.

The dream of being chased by zombies is a popular one and more recently I have had a dream of being surrounded by zombies. A zombie in dreams is also known as a fantastical dream according to the dream psychologist Carl Jung. If you are wondering what this dream means I am here to help. Here are some "dream" extracts from an old folklore book by the London Press, 1939:

  • Dreams about being chased by zombies = stressed out and worry.
  • Dreams about turning into a zombie = unable to control emotions.
  • Dreams of protecting your home against zombies = new start.
  • Witnessed a zombie apocalypse = new beginning
  • Heard of / or had a virus that makes people act like zombies = new chances.
  • Tried to fight against a zombie invasion = misunderstanding.
  • Attacked zombies = worried about something in life.
  • Known someone who turned into a zombie or was bitten by a zombie = lack of understanding.
  • Cut off a zombie’s head = poor relationships.
  • Killed yourself before you turn into a zombie after being bitten = ill fate.
  • Just simply seeing many many zombie's = tough love!

Spiritual meaning of zombies in a dream

Zombie dreams are rather interesting from a biblical and spiritual perspective. They are connected to escape, that we must escape in order to find peace. From a dream psychology point of view the zombie is often connected to how you feel about yourself. Remember that zombies are essentially people that are dead. It can indicate that you are feeling somewhat out of control in your current environment. The walking dead concept has been around since the Egyptian times. This is partly due to the fact that we do not know for certain what happens when we pass on. It is quite natural to fear death and also dream of the dead rising when there is a project or ambition which has not been finished. Psychologically speaking the walking dead in a dream is a symbolization of a problem or the feeling that one cannot achieve a certain goal.

Dreams about zombie attacks

To encounter a dream but a zombie attack is often connected to our own inner stress. Dreams of this nature often occur when we are feeling vulnerable and feel other people are taking advantage of us.

Dreams about zombie virus

There are many different movies and films whereby zombies infect the human race with a damaging virus. If you dream about zombies attacking earth and this can indicate that you feel threatened. If you are trying to escape or run away from mobs of zombies and this can indicate that you are looking for something exceptional. This could be in relation to a relationship.

Dreams about a mob of zombies

I’ve mentioned this briefly in the paragraph above but if you dream of millions of zombies running after you or chasing you and this dream is a symbolic sign of feeling overworked and stressed out. Stress has become so ubiquitous that it is almost part of our everyday language. Stress also provides some sort of biological change - and this can be particularly worrisome. When we sleep our subconscious mind is often taking the time to process areas of life we encounter during the day. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed out - then the dream of a mob of zombies is likely to happen. If you watch the episodes of the White Walkers on the Game of Thrones we can see that zombies can be rather frightening. If you are stressed out it is not uncommon to have a dream of the walking dead. Freud believed our dreams are a reflection of what we have seen in the real world. I

Dream about turning into a zombie

If you dream about turning into a zombie this could be associated with the challenges and the emotional load that you are encountering daily life. If you've been watching too much Netflix this dream could just be an association with your stimulating environment. Not so long ago I had a user email me about turning into a zombie this situation resulted in her going to the emergency room in her city hospital (in her dream of course). This particular user dreamed of becoming a zombie over and over again, night after night, which is associated with the fact that she was feeling rather burned out and exhausted in regards to her career. If you take the appearance of a zombie in your dream this could be an example of the adjustment or the lack of capacity to really show your true feelings. To see someone you know turn into a zombie in my view, is connected to how you feel about them. Are they stressing you out? Do you have much contact with them?

Dream about shooting zombies

To see yourself shooting and trying to destroy a zombie is a positive dream! This can mean in the next year you’re going to achieve all your goals and focus more on yourself. Escaping and shooting the zombies in the dream is a positive omen. If you shoot but cannot kill the zombies then this is associated with you trying to aim for a target but cannot quite achieve it! Think about what you wish to do going forward!

Dream about being surrounded by zombie figures

Being surrounded by zombies is connected to how you’re feeling in life. Zombies can be a representation of the problems, perhaps you are feeling trapped? It is true to say that almost everybody at some point experiences stresses in their lives. Stress seems to be everywhere nowadays. You may have experienced stress recently due to possible work pressures, financial worries are important and the fact that you just don’t seem to have as much time to yourself. Stress can also come in specific areas such as new baby, new job, new home etc being surrounded by a mob of zombies can indicate that you need to take it easy.

Dreams about hiding from zombies

To dream about hiding from a zombie is associated with your own negative thoughts. It indicates that you wish to transform maybe create a more healthy lifestyle but you are unable to do that because you were trying to hide from something. What are you hiding from? Unfortunately, the dream itself can be negative in nature, it may take some time to figure out what associations are being carried in your sleep. If you are hiding in a house after being chased by a zombie this indicates that you are about to embark on a transformation.

Dreams about killing zombies

Death in dreams is generally connected to an inner transformation. Death is quite central to the zombie dream and there are many different associations during the day that can occur in one's subconscious mind. I have touched on the fact that this dream is an anxiety dream. Given that stress itself is normally not in a fixed state but a process of multiple phases it may be that you are undertaking some difficulty which is causing you anxiety.

I do believe that it is important to look at all the variables in the dream. If you are successfully killing the zombies then this indicates that you are looking to achieve your goals are finding it quite stressful in the process. There are many different stress triggers for humans which can be from physical for example like a lack of air supply during a coughing attack, to a psychological trigger such as a fear of presenting in front of a large audience. As a zombie dream is normally a collective of people that have died the dream itself could just be in response to a stress trigger.

Dreaming of zombies is a sign that you are afraid of an unknown situation in your life. There may be something that is going to affect your health, zombies can be a direct indication of how you must protect your loved ones. The actual dream can suggest losing people you care about and being prepared for the worse - in the face of danger. Of course, the fear of people around you turning into a zombie is not a real fear, in a nutshell, this situation is make believe as zombie's do not exist.

There have been no known accounts of true zombies but what they represent is potential health issues – if turning into a zombie in your dream. Once you turn into a zombie then you are no longer yourself. Therefore, the dream is an indication that you are worried about turning into someone that you do not want to be. To be attacked by a zombie can suggest guilt. To see a graveyard - when a person comes back from the dead to haunt you suggests that you will have an exciting time in life.

Dream about being chased or caught by zombies

Being chased by a zombie is associated with your own “inner” boundaries. Zombies can also be associated with vampires and other folklore creatures. The zombie often tests our limits in the dream state - on attachment and provides severe pressure for us to escape. The real question is why has this particular creature appeared in your dream and why is it so frightening. If you get caught by the zombie it can be connected to your emotional and social ties. The zombie to some degree can be a contemporary figure of capitalism. Being trapped financially or via recession.

Zombies can indicate creativity

Zombies are connected to art. To dream of creating a movie, for example, this is a positive sign for your own opportunities, growth, and creative inspiration in your life. For example, creating your own zombie movie plot-based story and then having it become a successful manuscript is associated with success in waking life. Thus this dream is less to do with the actual zombie topic, and more to do with the success that will bring you money and security as well as social acceptance.

World of zombies

To dream of a world zombie epidemic indicates troubles. To dream of the world changing adversely in life indicates a feeling of loss of control in your waking life. Consider areas of your own life that are out of control or is there someone that needs your help? To see zombies trying to enter your house suggests that you are overwhelmed by another and that you feel that this results in you not thinking clearly.

Dream about the apocalypse

Well, dreaming about the end of the world can be a nightmare type dream. Normally these types of dreams occur when people that are going through a stressful period in life or undertaking many different transformations. When people’s life is changing it is normal to dream that the world is ending. Having an “end of the world dream” can be somewhat worrying and making sure you do not let this bother you on waking is important.

Zombie outbreak

Saving someone you love or care about from a zombie outbreak indicates a deep desire to love this person. You may struggle to have their approval. Saving them and being willing to fight against the undead is a heroic connection, indicating that this is a person you are very close with and trust. This can show growth in a relationship and indicates success.

In conclusion, it can be quite frightening to dream of zombies. It is important to find the connection of why you have had such a dream. It may be, as the introduction suggested due to watching a scary zombie movie. If the dream is related to watching TV (as I have said many times before) then it is best not to interpret the meaning literally! The dream is most likely just a representation of your own subconscious mind replaying the movie you just watched.

However, if you feel that external factors did not affect this dream and you turn into a zombie, this dream represents your own fear of losing something in life - normally health related. Turing into a zombie is indicative of healing and connected to emotional recovery. To be chased by a group of zombies can signify lingering problems or continuing illness. It is still a good sign of future healing.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Caring about and trusting another person.
  • Being worried about loved ones.
  • Health and healing.
  • Being out of control in your waking world.
  • Being unsure about the future.
  • Feeling endangered.
  • Having the government or another person in power attack you.
  • Watching Sean of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Fright Night, Night of the Living Dead, or any other awesome zombie movie (please do not associate this meaning if you have watched these movies recently)

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of zombies

Being attacked by the zombies. Scared. Worried. Unsure. Stressed. Frightened. Determined. Fortitude. Disgust. Nervous. Concern.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You acted with many people to fend off a zombie attack.
  • You saved someone you love from zombies.
  • Create wealth from either a zombie story or making a zombie movie.
  • Finally, here are some old meanings of seeing zombies.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012