Zodiac Dreams

Zodiac Dreams

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

To dream of aries, suggests that a problem in life will be resolved.

It means that you show real passion for others and are likely to help with a solution to a problem. To see Taurus in one’s dream indicates that one is being rather multi-dimensional. There exists problems but requires focus in order for these problems to be solved.

To dream of aries, suggests that a problem in life will be resolved. It means that you show real passion for others and are likely to help with a solution to a problem.

Gemini dream meaning

To see Gemini in one’s dream indicates that one is being rather multi-dimensional. There exists problems but requires focus in order for these problems to be solved. If we first review the sign Gemini featured in one’s dream. It can mean that there is a situation where it is important to think clearly and not get trapped in conflict with others. Gemini comes from stars Castor and Pollux who were studied by astrologists almost 8000 years ago. The twins themselves symbolize nature.

There will be skills and interests which are important to those this sign represents, therefore if you are Gemini and you dream of Gemini then this indicates that you would need alertness and perseverance in a situation connected to your family.

There have been arguments over the interpretation of Gemini star sign featured in a dream, in that the twins have been known as male and female, male male, and female female. This has subsequently created confusion in many dream books especially those from the early 1930s. During the 30s dream dictionaries were extremely popular and anything to do with the occult and spirituality was extremely fashionable. Despite these conflicts in dream dictionaries the key meaning remains that since one must avoid conflict with others.

As the third sign of the zodiac, the symbol can indicate to people contradicting each other. So what does this mean to dream of the Gemini? As the two characters are twins a dream featuring the twins alive suggests challenges within the family. If the characters of Gemini appear happy and contented this can signify this that rather than conflict the dreamer needs to be more versatile in their approach to problems. It is important to understand how spiritual dream is. The color of the dream is also significant. If the dream appears in black-and-white and the twin characters are featured then this indicates that you will enter a stage of life that is content and happy.

By Florance Saul
Dec 30, 2016