White Dog Dream Meaning

white dog dream meaning

Dreams About White Dogs - Symbol Of Healing

It wasn't long ago that I had a dream of a white dog, as a medium of 30 years “white” as a color is a symbol of peace, friendship, and also happiness. A white dog in a dream can be large or it could be small -- it really depends on the context. 

Dogs in dreams generally mean friendship, it is a symbol of friendship if we look back on our historic relationship with dogs. Dogs were domesticated from Wolves and this indicates that there is a sort of rawness energeically about dog dreams. I do feel that because of the history the dream of dogs is about how we see our friendships in life. The fact the dog was white is a positive omen.

I often see dogs appearing in the dream world when we either have a problem with a friend or we need to gain some kind of advice from a friend.  I'm sure you'll agree --- why dogs are connected to healing, especially if we look in many of the spiritual books about manifestation or pulling in the energy that we want into our life. 

From my perspective, to interpret a white dog I would say the dream is something that is quite unique and powerful. it always surprises me why people choose certain breeds of dogs -- and certain colors of dogs, I can remember reading a study that said that we generally choose a dog based on how we look. In that, they often look like us. The reason why I mentioning this is because it's important for you to understand it this dream may be related to your looks. Try to think about what the dog looked like - was it somebody you know? Maybe the dog represented a friendship, lover, mother or even father? 

I had a Maltese when I was a little girl which is white - as I am allergic to dogs and the fur needed extra care to keep it clean, and it did not mault all over the place like other dogs which was the reason we had her. It's interesting to note, as well that white dogs often have sensitive skin.

Is the dream about white dogs good or bad?

This is a dream that is about healing, so is a positive dream. It is normally about healing relationships due to the symbol of the dog being connected to our friendships. If you had a dream about a white dog attack it can mean internal struggles, it might reflect a part of you that feels threatened or under pressure. I urge you to think if there a situation in your waking life that is finding that you are in conflict? Dreams can gently point us towards areas in need of healing or attention.Seeing white dogs fighting in the dream might be telling you that even in moments of fear we need to face them with courage. If the white dog is friendly, then you can transform challenges into opportunities. I also feel that transformation is normally coming when you see a pack of dogs, as dogs are within many of the tarot cards such as the fool, which indicates that this dream is about a leap of faith.

The spiritual message of the dream of a white dog

When a white dog enters your dream, it carries a message that you are going to be healed. I know we can go through some crazy, stressful times in life. Don't forget that the color white is connected to both purity and cleansing. Therefore, seeing the white dog might serve as a spiritual guide, helping you to release all the darkness and storms in life -- this is a dream that invites healing energy into your life.

Imagine the white light surrounding you, gently clearing blockages and darkness. I believe this is about bringing in all that positive energy. This light isn't just a concept or made up - it's an invitation to set your intentions towards healing and growth. When you see this light in your mind's eye allow it to fill your being with peace and warmth. Having the white dog appear is like having this light coming to you spiritually. 

In terms of myth, many writers believed that some people turned into dogs. This is known as the term “cynanthropy” which stands for believing real people will become dogs. In China, there was a man known as Dog Jung who was created from a pair of white dogs (or so Legend has it). He founded the Jung race. To dream that you are turning into a white dog can indicate that you are hoping peace and contentment will be yours in the future.

What is the biblical meaning of a white dog in a dream?

The Bible does not really mention white dogs from what I have read. But, dogs in general appear in several scriptures. In passages like Psalm 22:20 and Matthew 15:27, dogs are shown as being loyal. On a more negative front in Philippians 3:2 and Revelation 22:15, dogs are seen as greedy. I think this is quite interesting that dogs are not seen as healing in the bible but in other cultures they are. 

I interpret a white dog (biblically) as a symbol of being loyal but also a little bit greedy, this could be the biblical meaning of your dream. If you are thinking of going on a diet the white dog could have appeared as a sign of greed or gluttony, especially - if you have been eating a bit too much lately.

What does it mean to dream of a small white dog?

Small white dogs may represent a part of yourself or someone in your life who has these qualities, suggesting a need for nurturing or protection. They can also be a sign of joy. I also feel, that seeing a small white dog in a dream might mean that you should pay attention to the "simpler" parts of your relationships with others Overall, these dreams are about joy and care in your life and may mean you need a calm phase in your life, in that it has been very stressful. 

What does it mean to dream of a large white dog?

In contrast, dreaming of a large white dog can be a sign of strength and protection. To me,  the large white dog may be a connection with a friend that you think greatly of -- remember when I said that dogs represent friends, this means the larger the dog the larger the feelings that you have for a particular person. It could be your in a relationship, you have been ghosted or had a situationship. Now, white dogs could represent some kind of nurturing too. Figuring this out means that your life is going to get better. I also feel the white dog can signal a grandmother, mother, or somebody that looks after you. I often see these sorts of dreams when we've had a difficult childhood. 

I'm not sure if you've been doing a bit of counseling or work with your inner child? But the larger the dog in the dream the larger the work that is required in order for you to have a healthy mind. The crazy modern world can sometimes knock us,  break us, and leave us feeling a little bit overwhelmed. The larger the dog in the dream the closer the people that care for you. I know you will know what I mean by this. If you are taking to the large white dog or you are out for walk this can also indicate that you need to have some time alone. the key to this dream is to understand that the dog is a sign of friendship.

What does a white dog playing in the dream mean?

To dream of a white dog playing with you, to me - is a sign of your inner child and that you could be seeking that "fun" in life. I don't know if you have done much inner child work but that little boy or girl is still there, this is a dream that is urging you to embrace better things in life. The dog playing with a ball in your dream - says to that you need to let go of your stresses. If you see someone else playing with a white dog in a dream (such as a child) or that you play with your childhood dog this can signify that someone is trying to understand what you can provide for them. It is also about "playing games" with someone. Therefore, you may find that you may need to think about who this could be. 

What does dreaming about a group (pack) of white dogs mean?

Dogs by their very nature are pack animals. When I talk about “a pack” it means that these are a group of white dogs that live together. in the 20th century, many dogs still display some kind of “pack” mentality. Within the pack, there is always an alpha dog. This is a dog that is considered to be far superior to the other dogs in the pack. If you are dreaming about a white dog within a pack of dogs then this is a reflection of your relationships in life.  Often, this kind of pack dogs look to each other in order to structure how they see one another. This is quite important when it comes to your dream. Simply because if you dream of white dogs in a pack it can signal that you are going with the status quo. It doesn't really matter what color the dogs are in the pack but what does matter is the fact that they are in the pack - if you understand me. A pack of dogs in dreams is a symbol for you to be conscious of other people in your life right now. The other thing that I want to mention is that a pack of animals often live together - in order to form some kind of bond and relationship. As human beings, we are not structured to live alone, although many people in this day and age do live alone. The fact that you have had a dream about a pack of white dogs could mean that you are missing somebody's company.

What does it mean to dream of a white dog far away?

If you saw a white dog from the far, perhaps you've seen this in the field or you have seen the white dog running away from you this is a direct indication of how people view you stop it could be that you just want to be left alone full stop sometimes we do just want to be left alone in life. if you are running away from the white dog because perhaps it's attacking you then this dream serves as a kind of reminder that there are solutions to all your troubles and problems. I know you might not think that at the moment, but seeing the white dog from afar is all about moving forward in life.

What does dreaming about a white dog running?

To dream about a white dog running can indicates to me trying to run away from something in life. We all feel like this sometimes. It can indicate that maybe you have experienced a health problem or your trying to run away from something important in life. Seeing a white dog running towards you in a field indicates that a friend may come "running back" to you. To dream of seeing a white dog that you used to own running towards you in the dream can indicate other people might turn to you for advice. If you see a random stray dog running in the dream, this is much like the “retreat” card in the tarot deck, in my deck this is the 5 of swords and it means that you just need to be on your own for a while. 

What does dreaming about taking a white dog for a walk?

To take a white dog for a walk in your dream to me, is connected to the requirement for a real friend in waking life. Maybe you have not felt very wanted or loved. I also feel you need to think about "where" you have taken the white dog for a walk. It can mean that someone will be there for you when something crazy occurs. In life we all have our crazy times. In some older dream dictionaries, this dream can suggest that there will be areas of your life that need reviewing - whereby you may wish to walk away from. This dream also to me is about your control of walking away. If you are in a field walking the dog this is about enjoying nature, if you were on a beach walking the dog in the dream it can signal that emotions might run high in a situation. This is due to the ocean and waves that you may see. Walking the white dog on a short lead through houses can indicate success - following a period of delay. I can conclude that life is prosperous for you.

What does dreaming about walking a white dog on a leash means?

We sometimes (if you own a dog) let them run free, at other times we keep them on a tight leash. To walk a white dog on a tight leash in your dream is all about your need to control everything and everyone. We all want to step in control sometimes. However, you must remember that people don’t react well to others who control their lives. It is a dream, which means you need to control the narrative. 

What does dreaming about a white dog growling foretell?

The growling white dog in your dream is warning you of possible danger just around the corner. Observe the people closest to you and detect the Judah. Not everyone around you has best intentions. I like to think that the white dog (if being aggressive) then you need time to retreat. There is a message here: be careful when making some business deal. Maybe it’s best you wait a little while before you start working on some new important projects.

What does dreaming about a white dog biting you represent?

If you dreamed about a white dog biting you suggests you need to keep an eye on your enemies and friends in older dream books. This leaves one with two choices: ignore and focus on your success. Or show others that you can achieve. If the white dog drew blood in a dream also denotes your openness. Are you sure that your secrets are safe with your friends?

What does dreaming about a diseased white dog foreshadows?

To dream about a diseased white dog in ancient dream lore denotes misfortune. There could be a wake-up call in life and that you may be consciously ignoring something important. Also, the dream symbolizes a neglected relationship in waking life. Are you paying enough attention to the people you love?

What does dreaming about a dead white dog means?

To dream about a dead white dog means things are likely to work out for you in the future. You will feel a little confused after going through some hard periods. Your dream denotes the disorientation of your instincts. Dreaming of a dead dog as a symbol of loss or grief, while others might interpret it as a sign of rebirth or renewal. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream symbol will depend on the context in which it is seen and the individual's own personal feelings and experiences. In conclusion, the meaning of a dead dog in a dream can vary depending on the individual and the context in which the dog appears. Some people might interpret dreaming of a dead dog as a symbol of loss or grief, but I personally see this symbol as a sign of rebirth or renewal.

What does an aggressive white dog mean in a dream?

Normally, in most dream books the interpretation of an aggressive white dog as a symbol of anger or violence, while others might interpret it as a sign of fear or insecurity. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream symbol will depend on the context in which it is seen and the individual's own personal feelings and experiences. If you think about it the white dog is spiritually about healing it can mean that you need to heal but is also a lucky sign for you my lovely.

What does it mean to see a white dog playing in a dream?

A white dog playing is a symbol of happiness or playfulness, even a sign of innocence or naivete. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream symbol will depend on the context in which it is playing, to play with a ball or object can mean that you need to think about significant people that can help you heal. Think about recent feelings and experiences that you have encountered. As the white dog may symbolize purity or innocence playing in dreams is normally a fun activity.

What does it mean to dream of a running white dog?

In essence, a white dog running as a symbol of freedom or liberty, on a more negative note such a dream might mean there is a sign of recklessness or abandonment. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream symbol will depend on if the dog is running in fear or not. I also feel as that result of this dream it could mean that you need to be committed to your goals in life. And also, make sure that you rest in your life. At times, in life, we are challenged and the dream of a running white dog can indicate that you need time to focus on yourself.

What does it mean to dream of your own white dog?

There are two aspects of this dream, firstly a dog you know (maybe has passed) or a white dog that you do not know. It can mean a lot of things to see your dog spiritually when they have passed away. It could mean that they are trying to tell you something, or it could be a sign that they are still with you in some way. Sometimes people see their dogs in dreams or meditation, and this can be a way for them to connect with them on a deeper level. If you have recently lost your dog, it is important to be open to any signs or messages they may be trying to send you.

Maybe you dreamed of a white dog that has passed over or a white dog that you do not know. In a nutshell, dreaming of your own white dog as a symbol of self-awareness or introspection, if the dog you own was aggressive can mean vanity or narcissism.

What does it mean to dream of a white dog attack?

The attack of a white dog might be interpreted as a symbol of aggression or violence or a sign of fear or insecurity.  Dreams about being attacked can be unsettling and make you feel scared or shaken. Dreams, however, are not always literal. It may be a symbol of something else going on in your life instead.

There are a number of different interpretations of what it means to dream about being attacked by a white dog. One interpretation is that it may symbolize something that is making you feel vulnerable or exposed. This could be something going on in your personal life, such as relationship problems, or it could be work-related stress. Another interpretation is that being attacked in a dream may represent repressed anger or rage. It may be that you are feeling threatened or overwhelmed by something in your life and your subconscious is trying to tell you that it's time to let that anger out. Think also about the color of the dog (white) it is significant as can mean that something that seems good might not be so good. Of course, there are many other possible interpretations of what it means to dream about being attacked by a white dog, it is important to look inside and see how you can focus on healing.

What does it mean to dream of a white dog chasing you?

A white dog chasing you is a symbol of fear or insecurity, determination or persistence. When you dream that you are being chased, it can symbolize many different things. It might represent something that is causing you anxiety or making you feel overwhelmed in your waking life. This dream could also mean that you are avoiding your problems rather than facing them head-on. If you are being chased by a menacing white dog, it could be a sign that you are suppressing some dark aspect of yourself. Alternatively, this white dog could represent an outside force that is threatening your sense of safety. Whatever the case may be, this dream is likely prompting you to take a closer look at what is causing you stress or anxiety in your life.

What does it mean to dream of a white dog watching you?

A white dog watching you is a symbol of protection or guardian, I believe this is a sign of mistrust or suspicion. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream symbol will depend on the context in which the dog was presented in the dream - and your own personal feelings and experiences.

The meaning of a white dog watching you in a dream is a symbol of protection or guardian, while others might interpret it as a sign of mistrust or suspicion. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream symbol will depend on the context in which it is seen and the individual's own personal feelings and experiences so make sure you look at other features of the dream.

What does it mean to dream of being bitten by a white dog?

Being bitten by a white dog as a symbol of aggression or violence, possibly a sign of fear or insecurity. The interpretation of this dream symbol will ultimately depend on the context in which the bite happened - as well as the individual's own feelings and experiences. It is important to note that the meaning of being bitten by a white dog in a dream can depend on the individual and the context in which the dog appears. Dog bites are a serious problem that can cause physical and emotional damage to both the victim and the dog's owner. There are several reasons why dogs may bite in dreams, including fear, aggression, territoriality, and protectiveness. Dogs who are not properly socialized or who have been abused or neglected are more likely to bite. Think about how you are socializing with others at the moment.

What does it mean to dream of owning a white dog?

Owning a white dog during a dream is a symbol of responsibility or commitment, while others might interpret it as a sign of luxury or wealth. It will ultimately depend on the context in which this dream symbol is seen and on the individual's own feelings and experiences to interpret it. Was this a good dream? If so, this is a positive omen. White dogs can have different meanings based on the individual and the context in which they appear in a dream. Depending on how you interpret it, some people may interpret owning a white dog in the dream world as a symbol of responsibility or commitment, while others might interpret it as a symbol of luxury or wealth.

What does it mean to dream of a fluffy white dog?

I love fluffy white dogs. Some people might interpret dreaming of a fluffy white dog as a symbol of innocence or purity, while others might interpret it as a sign of docility or meekness. Ultimately, the interpretation of this dream is that you need to feel fluffy and happy in life. The white dog’s fur represents focus in life and that you need to write down what you really want. In dreams "fluffy" normally represents innocence or purity.

What does it mean to dream of swimming with a white dog?

It may be a symbol of your need for emotional support or companionship. Another possibility is that you are treading uncharted waters. Innocence and purity may be represented by the white color of the dog. The white dog may also represent something that is bothering you and weighing on your conscience. What is bothering you right now? Swimming is also associated with our emotions as water in dreams is about how we navigate our emotional focus.

What does a white puppy mean in a dream?

You may dream of a white puppy when you need emotional support or companionship. A white puppy can also represent something that is bothering you or weighing on your conscience. Innocence may also be a sign that you are treading unfamiliar ground. White puppies in dreams are about making sure that you know that you can rely on others but more above yourself. A puppy is like a baby in life. What is your baby? Do you have a project that you are working on? If so, the dream of white puppies can mean you need to focus on what you need in life.

What does it mean to dream of a white dog that barks?

Barking in dreams is about noise, the fact the dog is white means it is shouting that you need healing. You may need emotional support or companionship in your dream. Something that bothers you and weighs heavily on your conscience may be represented by the white dog barking. It could also be a reflection of your own playful nature that you are barking.

What does it mean to dream of a white samoyed dog?

There may be something bothering you and weighing on your conscience in the form of the Samoyed dog. If you dreamed that you needed emotional support or companionship, the dream may be a symbol of your need for those things. You may also be treading unfamiliar ground if this is the case. 

What does it mean to dream of a white Maltese dog?

You may dream of a Maltese dog as a symbol of emotional support or friendship. You may also be treading uncharted waters if it occurs. The dog may also represent something that is bothering you and weighing on your conscience. Alternatively, the dog may simply be a reflection of the puppy's playful nature.

What does it mean to dream of a white terrier?

The white terrier in your dream may symbolize the fact you need to look after yourself. The white terrier is also a sign of softness, I also feel that terriers are about deep friendship. The white terrier dog may also represent something that is bothering you and weighing on your conscience. 

What does it mean to dream of a bichon frise?

The Bichon Frise in your dream may symbolize your need for emotional support or companionship. You should always stay positive and never give up on your dreams. The sign of this dog should also be grateful for what you have and appreciate the people in your life. Finally, don't forget to have fun! Life is too short to be anything but happy. 

What does it mean to dream of a bulldog?

The bulldog in your dream may symbolize that you are being bullied by someone or something. A bulldog is also about a possible crisis. This dream represents something that is bothering you and weighing on your conscience. 

What does it mean to dream of a poodle?

To dream of a poodle may represent your need for love or closeness. It may also indicate that you are embarking on an unknown journey. Think about the poodle’s fur - it is coarse and hard, therefore, the poodle could represent something that is bothering you and weighing on your heart. 

What does it mean to dream of a Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzus may represent your need for companionship or emotional support. In other words, it may focus on making a compromise. The white dog may also represent a reflection of other people’s focus. This is also about having a lust for life and a good sense of humor. 

Summary of white dog dream

White dogs are powerful symbols that can be used for spiritual healing. If you are open to working with white light, trust your intuition and allow the white light to flow where it is needed most. There is no right or wrong way to work with white light, simply do what feels right for you. Remember to set your intention, focus your attention on the highest good, and trust that the white light is doing its work. Give thanks for the healing that is taking place and release all attachments to the outcome. Trust that you are being Divinely guided and protected. The breed of dogs in the dream is equally interesting and if the white dog was a husky or even a rare pomeranian the dream will mean something. Dogs are all strong-willed and the white dog in your dream can suggest your own willpower. To see a white husky dog pulling a sled can indicate that you will not have any hesitation to move forward. I do hope that this dream resonated with you and remember that healing is important in your life which could be the reason why the white dog appeared to you in your sleep. 

By Florance Saul
Apr 23, 2018