

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Tick...tock this dream is about events in your life.

So, the watch is a way to make time management portable, revolutionized every aspect of human life. Being able to have a portable time has allowed mankind to closely monitor the passage of time. So what does it mean in a dream? A watch in a dream, therefore, represents the structure, self-containment, and the passage of time. On an emotional level, a watch may signify an over-reliance on rules and regulations in your approach to life or a lack of spontaneity. Alternately, it signifies order and precision, particularly amidst chaos.

Because the purpose of a watch is to mark the passage of time, any dream of a watch will reference time as well. That said, dreaming of a watch has more to do with the way that you manage time than the passage of time itself. Wearing a watch in a dream may indicate that you fear that time is running out on some endeavor or desire or dream that you wish to accomplish. You may need to become bolder in your pursuit of your goal. On an emotional level, you are watching the clock or biding your time, afraid of taking risks.

What is the general meaning of a watch in a dream?

Dreams of a broken watch, losing your watch or a stopped watch imply that you have lost track of the events in your life. On a practical level, this can refer to your having poor time management skills and needing to reevaluate your progress in your endeavors. On an emotional level, this can indicate that your personal growth has come to a standstill and you need to overcome some emotional barrier.

Dreaming of an antique watch or a watch that was given to you by an ancestor indicates that you have issues in your past that it is time to address. These issues may have to do with questions of how to transition from the person that you used to be to whom you would like to become. Similarly, dreaming of a collectible watch with a theme from your childhood may signify either that you would like to return to a happier more simple time and are avoiding growing up in the present moment or that you have issues with your past and it is time to grow up. To dream of a watch owned by an acquaintance, friend or stranger indicates that you feel as though your time is not your own to control and you have too many obligations. Stealing a watch that belongs to someone else indicates that you desire to live someone else's life or feel as though you are living an inauthentic life.

Possessing a watch of sentimental or monetary value signifies that you are at a point in your life where time is precious to you and you enjoy your moments with those people who are your nearest and dearest. You may find that this is a time of great prosperity or reward for you. Using a stopwatch, timing someone or being timed in a dream implies a sense of urgency in accomplishing a task or resolving an issue in a relationship. You may have hurdles to clear in your race against time. Dreams of a specific number, time or pattern of repeating numbers are pointing your attention to a specific area in your life which requires your attention.

A watch can be a peculiar dream to have. To dream of a wristwatch signifies a warning that time’s passing by very fast. In life we all know that our time on this earth is limited. I believe this dream is trying to show you that you should you better use it as best as you can. Your dream is also a sign of suppressed fears. Do you fear you don’t have enough time to do the things you want to do in life? Maybe you’re feeling too old to do something you should have done in your past? I’m Flo and have been studying dreams for twenty years. This dream must have been significant enough for you to look up the meaning. The first thing I will say is that you are never too old, and it’s never too late to do what you always wanted to do in life. Everything’s possible.

What is the spiritual meaning in a watch in a dream?

An antique watch can indicate looking back at the past. A collectible themed watch can mean time is ticking. A rare or priceless watch suggests in dreams that you will be rich. A watch of great sentimental value can imply people will turn to you for advice. If you needed a new watch the others will help you. If you found a watch in the dream you will have time for yourself. Broken a watch indicates a new lover.

Here are some meanings from 1920s dream books regarding watches

Lost your watch or a stolen a watch someone will take up your time and need advice. If you possessed a watch belonging to another person in a dream it can mean that you feel out of control. If you noticed that your watch had stopped this indicates a new start. If you used a stopwatch in a dream it can suggest rewards. Timed someone running in a dream can suggest a pattern will emerge of how you achieve your goals. Been timed while running indicates others will turn to you for advice. Kept noticing the same time or repeating numbers in your dream then take note these numbers mean something. Do the lottery!

Now, if you dream of someone watching you, it implies you feel trapped and controlled. You’re confused and lost because of people who constantly tell you want to do. This dream has a few interpretations, depending on the details. I have outlined quite a bit of information so remember to scroll down to find out the detailed meaning of your dream.

What does it mean to be watched in a dream?

To dream that you were watched in your dream, denotes you fear for your security in waking life. Maybe you’re scared of your enemies, or you have watched the news and feared something bad will happen to you or the people you love. Your dream also symbolizes fear and suppressed aggression. You’re scared of something or someone and that makes you angry. Maybe you’re feeling angry at a person who failed your trust. You might be surprised by the person’s explanation and honesty. This is a “warning” dream so try not to act recklessly!

What does it mean to see a wristwatch in a dream?

If you saw a wristwatch in your dream, it foretells you fear your time has gone. Maybe you believe you don’t have enough time to do the things you want to do in life. Yet, you’re wrong because time doesn’t actually exist. You exist. And your dreams exist. And your dreams should be realized. My advice is that it’s never too late, and you’re never too old.

What does it mean to find other people watching you in a dream?

Finding out that other people are watching you in your dream, it means you’re under feeling under pressure. Do you feel like you’re constantly watched and controlled in waking life? It’s time to start a new life without the people who make you feel that way. Walk away and break free. You’re capable of surviving alone.

What is the meaning of feeling of so will be watched in the dream?

If you felt like someone’s watching you in your dream, it denotes you’re trapped in your own mental barriers. These barriers have been focused on people’s opinion of you, society rules and your family’s wishes. It’s time to break your mental barriers and think more openly. It’s time to be the real YOU.

What happens when you wake up and you feel others have watched you while you sleep?

If you woke up and felt like others were watching you while you sleep, it means you’re feeling like you should live your life according to other people’s expectations of you. It’s like you’re always checking if you meet their criteria. If you feel that you are being “watched” in the dream while you are sleeping it can be unnerving! It of course, is not a ghost or anything. This dream, according to ancient dream books indicates that you will finally realize in time that you should focus on living your own life. Do the right thing and listen to your own intuition for the first time in your life. If you’re an open-minded, independent person, and still have this dream, it denotes that you fear that you maybe judged by others.

What does a gold watch mean in a dream?

To dream of a gold watch foretells wealth. So this is a positive dream. In a short time, you will become a rich and wealthy person thanks to your hidden talents. If you’re starting out in your career, it implies you’re going to work hard until you become successful but it’s all going to be worth it at the end. Never give up on your dreams. Your dreams will keep you alive.

What does it mean to dream of a broken watch?

If you dreamed of a broken watch, it indicates a right decision you will make at the wrong time. You will either be too early or too late. Pay attention to your future plans and carve the way of what you want to do in life. Also, be more cautious when it comes to your career. If you see a wall clock broken it indicates you need to respect deadlines.

What does it mean to find watches dream?

If you found a watch or a few watches in your dream it implies that you wish to find your path in life before it’s too late. Well, guess what, it’s never too late, and it will never be too late to find the right path. Give yourself a second chance because no one will do it for you. Reconsider your values, beliefs and determine your life goals. After, follow your heart and gut. This will show you the way.

Other watch dream meanings

  • You saw a wall clock in your dream state: It indicates a warning not to take everything for granted. You should pay more attention to the events and people in your life. Enjoy each moment at last.
  • You were watching someone in your dream: It denotes you’re obsessed with change and sometimes you need to sit back and listen to others. Maybe you need some answers from the person or want more attention.
  • You lost your wristwatch in the dream state: It means you’re going to experience a financial problem but don’t worry. You’ll find an optimal solution or an exit strategy that will help you overcome it.

So, I hope you enjoyed these dream meanings. I have taken these interpretations from the following:Sources: A-Z dreams (1934), what do our dreams mean (1954) unpublished paper on Freud, by J H Hammond, London press (date unknown)

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You saw a pattern of repeating of numbers such as 11:11.
  • You found a watch.
  • You own a watch of monetary or sentimental value.
  • You purchased a new watch.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a watch

Harried. Controlled. Organized. Lost. Disoriented. Dutiful. Triumphant. Victorious. Hassled. Harassed. Devoted. Relentless. Steady. Persistent.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

Biological clock,Retirement, promotion, newly hired, the recent death of a loved one, feeling or a task which is over scheduled.

In ancient times a wristwatch has the following meaning

  • Happiness.
  • Nervous.
  • Trapped.
  • Scared.
  • Angry.
  • Depression.
  • Tired.
  • Lonely.
  • Lost.

By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012