Washing Dishes

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Hi, well what an odd dream of washing dishes! Now, dreaming of washing dishes are a sign that some inner turmoil or problem needs to be dealt with and cleaned up.
My name is Flo, I have detailed the psychological and spiritual meaning for you below. Now, from Freud concept on need in dreams - it is an indication that order needs to be re-installed in your life. In my view, washing dishes involve some form of detergent or cleaning agent and some form of liquid. Dishes are most commonly washed using a sponge, cloth, or brush; however, dreams which feature unusual or exotic washing materials can be quite telling.
Detailed dream meaning
I feel, seeing dishes in your dream represents ideas, concepts, and attitudes. The dream may be a pun on the things you are "dishing" out to others. If the dishes are dirty and unwashed, then it signifies dissatisfaction and an unpromising outlook. You may have overlooked some problems in your life or you have not confronted your emotions.
Or it could describe someone you are interested in as in someone who is a "dish." Someone hunky or good looking! Perhaps it is the time that you make the first move. Washing broken dishes or being injured while washing dishes indicates a fear of being hurt or committing yourself emotionally. It suggests that a relationship is in jeopardy due to a lack of change or progress. This is because if you see "blood" then it can denote that you will face a few minor problems in love.
Right, to dream that you are washing dishes also suggests that you are moving on and planning for the next thing that comes your way. Dreams which feature unusual circumstances while washing dishes suggest that you need to be on the lookout for creative solutions to everyday problems. Washing dishes can also represent your daily routine. Perhaps you are in a rut or you are failing to recognize serious problems surrounding you. If you are washing dishes through horrific circumstances, then your psyche is trying to make you aware of your feelings of inertia and feelings of being overwhelmed.
Seeing shelves of polished dishes suggests that you are doing your best and making the best out of a situation. You are trying to make a good impression. Similarly, singing, dancing and experiencing joy while washing dishes or washing dishes in the presence of prosperity suggests a positive outlook which will promote positive change. Alternately, seeing broken dishes or break dishes in your dream signifies feelings of poverty, lack, and inadequacy. You may feel that you are not meeting the expectations of others. Washing plastic or disposable dishes suggests that you are attempting to preserve a relationship which is not worth saving.
Being forced to wash dishes in someone else's house or in exchange for a meal reflects that you feel a sense of indebtedness toward someone or a sense of powerlessness in your life. Likewise, washing dishes in a remote place indicates a feeling of isolation from other people caused by a dedication to duty.
In this dream you may have any of the following - here is the spiritual meaning as follows, sorry it is quick I just wanted to get them all down
Washed dirty dishes suggests a new start in life. If you needed to wash dishes then this suggests that you want to clean your life of all worry. Wished for help with the dishes, spiritually means others will turn to you for help. Had someone wash your dishes for you (with or without asking) then this means that you wish someone to help you in real life. If you lacked soap or other materials to wash the dishes it can indicate something is "missing" in life. Oh no... were forced to wash dishes to pay for a meal? (usually, because you couldn’t pay a bill at a restaurant) then this means money problems. Broke a nail while washing dishes can indicate problems with a lover.
What if you had a disaster happen (like a pipe break) while washing dishes? Well, this denotes a fresh start in life. If you broke a dish while washing them it can mean an argument. Cut or hurt yourself while washing dishes can imply someone will turn to you for advice. Washed paper plates or plastic cutlery in a dream can mean something will only last so long. Washed clean dishes indicates a journey spiritually. Washed dishes in tubs of blood or excrement or dirt means being hurt by a lover, the blood is connected to your heart! To see washed dishes in a sink made of unusual objects like bones, flowers, shells, etc indicates things will not go to plan.
Washed priceless dishes made of gemstones or precious metals can mean possible wealth. Washed dishes in a sink made of priceless materials can suggest riches - but spiritually. Washed dishes in an isolated place like a cabin or utility closet indicates a fresh start. Washed dishes while your house is on fire or crumbling around you means you will be comfortable at home. Were forced to wash dishes in someone else's house indicates arguments with a friend.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Starting a new relationship or ending an old one.
- Starting or ending a job.
- Feeling overwhelmed by responsibility.
- Reaching a difficult decision.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You received help while washing dishes.
- Your dishes are spotless and do not need to be washed.
- Your dishes or sink are made of diamonds, gold or other priceless materials.
- You wash the dishes easily and with a sense of joy.
- You are singing or dancing while washing dishes.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of Washing Dishes
Overwhelmed. Satisfied. Complacent. Excited. Hampered. Resolute. Determined. Lonely. Proud. Weary. Isolated. Burdened. Methodical. Orderly.
By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012