
Tsunami dream meaning

Tsunami Dream

Given that a tsunami usually manifests after an underwater earthquake or following the fall of a meteorite into the sea, the symbolism of a tsunami is connected to both the water and earth elements; hence its connection to the world of emotions, feelings, and sentiments related to concrete behavior and way of doing actions. In a dream, a tsunami may be symbolically set off by different signs from those mentioned above.

For instance, we could see a hotel and all of a sudden, a tsunami is set in motion. To understand such a dream, we need to analyze the hotel as well as the tsunami because the “hotel” signifies a temporary house. If you are looking at moving home then this dream can mean stress or problems at home. We need to look at the tsunami in relation to other situations in life. Whenever a tsunami is triggered by an earthquake, this means that unconscious emotional forces related to memories of negative actions, in this life or in others, are emerging so as to be understood, cleansed, transformed, and transcended. If no one thing creates the tsunami, then it is simply related to the encounter of destructive emotional memories that dwell in us.

In your dream you may have

  • Seen a tsunami coming towards you.
  • Drowned in a tsunami.
  • Witnessed the disaster of a tsunami.
  • Been on a boat and seen a tsunami.
  • Been worried about the tsunami.
  • Seen a city or two covered in a tsunami.
  • The family were in the dream of a tsunami: son, daughter, husband or partner
  • Flooding or rising water.
  • Survived a tsunami.

Tsunami dreams mean you need to heal

If we cut ourselves we heal. That is why we are willing to undertake surgery because we know we will heal. We expect incisions to heal eventually. However, the brain and memory don't give time to heal. We are hardwired with experiences of the past and use our brain to process information and for healing. Dreaming of water that is out of control implies that their is a situation in life that is simply out of control. 

Tsunami dreams provide our thoughts on the emotional capacity

The tsunami implies your emotional capacity on how you are going to deal with a particular emotional situation in the near future. This could be a force that is out of your control and you will need to look internally in order to deal with it. Alternatively, the dream could mean that repression has caused an unconscious rift in your emotions. How you are going to handle the issue depends on how you feel and act in the dream which I shall explore now.

Tsunami dreams are about unprocessed emotions

Imagine for example you had an argument with your friend, sadly this could be a disturbing experience that has resulted in the dream. Whether these events are major or minor, other kinds of upsetting events can sometimes overwhelm our system. When this often happens the intense emotional and physical disturbance caused by the fact we are processing this trauma naturally makes us try to find a solution. The memory of the situation then becomes stored in our brains and we experience it through our dreams. 

What you felt, saw in the physical sensations while faced with a tidal wave are naturally encoded within our psyche. This is the definition of dreams from a psychological point of view. So whether you see that person that you argued within the dream or alternatively you witnessed a tsunami, can indicate the emotions, the anger, fear which is flooding back to you. If we immediately dislike somebody that we've just met in life, it could be that that person is similar to somebody else that you've known in the past.

The terror and feeling of powerlessness while in a dream of a large wave can trigger our own emotional response and process these types of unprocessed memories. The most important takeaway from the dream of a tsunami is that you need to learn how to make sense of these negative reactions or emotions.

What does it mean when you dream about a tsunami?

There are many ways a tsunami can appear in your dream and generally they normally appear when you are going through a traumatic time. Awareness of anything in the outside world comes through in our dreams. (signs, touch, smell, hearing, and taste) and the tsunami could represent the forces of the outside world and our automatic memory links and networks in the brain, and I'm here to help you understand what you are perceiving. Dreaming of seeing a large wave/tsunami can be rather disturbing.

A tsunami is related to the ocean which represents collected energy of the subconscious (when seen on the surface of the sea) or unconscious (when related to being out to see), in general, the dream meaning is a collective of emotional forces. For most this dream is a direct connection to stress in one’s life. The actual tsunami indicates the feeling of being overwhelmed by life’s pressures.

Flooding or rising water

To dream of water flooding or rising due to the tsunami, can indicate that you need to remember what is important in life and not let your emotions get the better of you. Relationships change and expire and people change, we sometimes become attached to somebody for example finding ourselves in a hopeless romantic situation. Our minds are constantly leaping to the past or to the future and we rarely actually think about where we are right now. The flooded water due to the tsunami in a dream could be an indication that you are going to set notions about who you are where you are right now and what you need or want.

It's through this process of understanding where we are now that will help us how we can see all possibilities open to us. In life we set expectations and we have opinions about every aspect of our world, from the type of music that we like through to the people that we date. These things or small parts of life - become part of who we are and this is known as the ego in dream psychology. Flooded water according to Sigmund Freud represented the ego. 

Is the dream about a tsunami good or bad?

In 2004 a tsunami penetrated the entire Indian Ocean and the island revisions and the world watched in horror, as it happened at Christmas and caused by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. If you can remember this tsunami then it could bring you the fear of this staggering natural disaster. But why has it occurred in your dream and is it good or bad? Water represents our emotions in dreams, they carry a large number of our subconscious thoughts and beliefs. If you are near the tsunami or even just watching from afar, the water can reveal that you are not feeling emotionally connected at the moment. The wave of the tsunami can, in fact, indicate that your emotions are up and down, just like the wave. When you dream about the tsunami it can help you understand your psyche from a dream psychology perspective. The presence of the tsunami is connected to our negative emotions, but it is also a means to cleanse us away from difficult problems and protect our egos.

What does it mean if the dream of a tsunami is a nightmare?

If the dream of a tsunami is a nightmare or a way for you to handle your unconscious thoughts the details of the dream will help us dive deeper into the real spiritual symbolism of what it means. Water does challenge us in life, and can also display something beautiful. In older spiritual dream dictionaries the water invokes a sense of danger with regard to how we are feeling. Large waves for instance could represent a traumatic event in your love life - things are just feeling up and down - hope you can relate to that. 

What does the dream of a tsunami symbolize?

Given that a tsunami usually manifests after an underwater earthquake or following the fall of a meteorite into the sea, the symbolism of a tsunami is connected to both the water and earth elements; hence its connection to the world of emotions, feelings and sentiments related to concrete behavior and way of doing actions. In a dream, a tsunami may be symbolically set off by different signs from those mentioned above. For instance, we could see a hotel and all of a sudden, a tsunami is set in motion. 

To understand such a dream, we need to analyze the hotel as well as the tsunami because the “hotel” signifies a temporary house. If you are looking at moving home then this dream can mean stress or problems at home. We need to look at the tsunami in relation to other situations in life. Whenever a tsunami is triggered by an earthquake, this means that unconscious emotional forces related to memories of negative actions, in this life or in others, are emerging so as to be understood, cleansed, transformed, and transcended. If no one thing creates the tsunami, then it is simply related to the encounter of destructive emotional memories that dwell in us.

As mentioned in the opening statement the tsunami is frequently dreamed of in people who are depressed, or on a spiritual path, since the latter consciously cleanse their memories through deep work on themselves, or else are subjected to the tsunami effects of their past actions because it is the time for this in their life in general.

This kind of dream is very upsetting and destabilizing. So as not to unfurl disturbing, destructive waves (extremely destructive actions and/or emotions) in our lives and relates to the people around us. A city covered in a tsunami relates to one's inner emotions about life. Maybe you are feeling isolated by society in general. To survive a tsunami means that you will have an emotional rollercoaster but in the end, things will work out well.

Dreaming about tsunamis means you are not in control

It is not uncommon to dream of tsunamis when we are under pressure in life, or there is a traumatic event. If you are trying to run or save yourself from the tsunami it could represent the state of your inner well-being. Historically, there have been many tsunamis that have been disastrous in their effect and killed tens of thousands of people alternatively causing severe damage to villages and coastal areas around the world. Most of these tsunamis originate in the Pacific Ocean, and the occurrence of tsunamis are normally a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 7 or above. The tsunami is connected to your mood. We all have good moods, bad moods, highs and lows, and the tsunami could be a sign that you are trying to juggle your moods to appreciate the happier moments in life.  

Dreams of flooding water

To dream of water flooding or the water rising due to the tsunami in a dream can indicate that you need to remember what is important in life and not let your emotions get the better of you. Relationships change and expire and people change, we sometimes become attached to somebody for example a hopeless romantic situation. 

Our minds are constantly leaping to the past or to the future and we rarely actually think about where we are right now. The flood due to the tsunami in a dream could be an indication that you are going to set notions about who you are where you are right now. It's through this process how we can understand what possibilities are open. In life we set expectations and we have opinions about every aspect of our world, from the type of music that we like through to the people that we date. These things become part of who we are and this is known as the ego in dream psychology. 

Dreams about tsunami and family

If your family was featured in the dream, or they died as a result of the tsunami could be for two reasons. Firstly, you may feel you want to protect your family in some way, and secondly, it could indicate arguments or conflict in the family. Often, people have dreams of family members drowning in a tsunami and this is connected to the relationships that you have with them in real life. If your son or daughter were featured in the dream it can indicate that you are worried about them, for them to die in a tsunami can indicate a milestone has occurred in his or her life.

Dreaming of the tsunami and surviving

To manage to survive a tsunami is considered spiritually a positive dream. The dream could be associated with your happiness, indicating your feelings of what really matters in your life. What you feel in life is determined by what happens to you but also by the type of person you are. Perhaps most of the time you feel happy, but you may feel anxious. 

Overall to survive a tsunami indicates that you need to do something purposeful. Even something as simple as having a beer with your friends to make you feel happy. Alternatively, helping a friend move is another example. Obviously, there are also times where you feel the opposite, a lack of purpose or sadness. Spiritually speaking, to survive the tsunami indicates that you need to find more activities that will bring you pleasure. If you have to run or hide from the tsunami, and you feel that you are in danger but you survive it could just be an indication of ups and downs in daily life. The most important thing is to try to remain positive in all aspects of life even though some might be more challenging than others. To rescue others or help even strangers in the dream indicates it is time to help out other people. 

Dreaming of a tsunami coming towards you

People automatically assume that water is not deadly, the full height of the tsunami in your dream coming towards you could be quite a worrying image. At times in real life, tsunamis may reach only a meter high or less and normally the energy is measured in the water column from top to bottom. 

However, in dreams, we could see waves as much as 50-100 feet high out at sea.  If you run towards land but cannot escape the tsunami it could indicate a difficult period of time ahead. If you are in the water and watch the tsunami heading towards you it can indicate that your emotions are going to be up and down. Think about how water and waves form - up and down. if you are worried in your dream that the tsunami is going to kill you like a deadly weapon then this can suggest that your emotions are gonna be heightened over the coming weeks. 

If you're trying to get away as far as possible but you are unable to then the force of keeping you watching the tsunami come towards you can suggest your anxieties and worries going forward.

Dreams about dying in a tsunami

If you think about the ocean it contains salt which indicates wisdom. The tsunami killing you / or drowning can suggest that you are going to undertake a dramatic transformation, it's as if your old life will not be the same again. We all go through a transformation. It's part of our life learning, and it can be frightening and scary. 

The tsunami symbolism is often connected to a tremendous change emotionally. Dreams about dying in a Tsunami mean it's going to take a long time to overcome some challenges and difficulties in life. It is very unlikely to be a premonition, these types of dreams according to the dream psychologist Sigmund Freud are about how we experience change. 

Dreams are all about reinforcing things within our waking life. If you go under the wave and you cannot get back up can mean that you fear something in life. I always like to think that the waves in a dream are a representation of the pressure or trauma you are experiencing. It could be something as simple as a deadline at work. To drown or die in another form in a dream is about transformation emotionally, as water is connected to our emotions. Something is going to happen that will rock your world.

As mentioned in the opening statement the tsunami is frequent seen as a dream in people who are depressed, or on a spiritual path, since the latter consciously cleanse their memories through deep work on themselves, or else are subjected to the tsunami effects of their past actions because it is the time for this in their life in general.

This kind of dream is very upsetting and destabilizing. So as not to unfurl disturbing, destructive waves (extremely destructive actions and/or emotions) in our lives and relates to the people around us. A city covered in a tsunami relates to one's inner emotions about life. Maybe you are feeling isolated by society in general. To survive a tsunami means that you will have an emotional rollercoaster but in the end, things will work out well.

Biblical meaning of a tsunami dream

The biblical meaning of the dream about the tsunami is around trying to understand yourself better. There are many signs in the bible of the tsunami such as Luke 21:25 where he described the roaring sea as perplexity of life. The storms in the bible are mentioned many times and water and land are spoken about as calamity.

Water and land can cause destruction and the bible says that they should never cross. This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt” (Job 38:11) for instance. The spiritual meaning of the dream of a tsunami is recurrent throughout the bible, and ships will open the sea and no matter how much the wave enters land it will destroy this. The two elements water and land in the bible say they live side by side but should never meet and the biblical meaning of the dream of a tsunami is an imbalance in daily life.

Dream about a tsunami summary

In essence, the dream is about emotions being imbalanced. If you die in the dream by a wave or see other people drown then the dream is about transformation. Not so long back, I had a dream of a tsunami, it was steaming towards me, its body looked less like water but more like mud. Then I could see a large boat riding it inland, even though I was hundreds of yards from the see I could see the blue-tiled houses being swallowed whole and the water raging over fields and roads. People were running out of their homes and this dream caused me much pain and anxiety. What it meant were my lasting words. I hope that I have answered the questions of your dream but please get in touch with me if there is a dream that I have not covered. Flo x

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You survive.
  • People survived.
  • Your family were safe in the tsunami
  • The tsunami dream was in anyway positive
  • The tsunami did not frighten you
  • You were on a boat

Feelings that you may have encountered during the dream

Introspective, curious, unfocused, open minded, dependent, timid, domineering, confused, not sure of oneself.

By Florance Saul
Mar 21, 2013