
Toilet Dream Meaning
Toilets are filled with water. We flush water away. Maybe you saw water pouring on the floor. Maybe you flushed the toilet. Maybe you didn’t see water but poo. It does not matter. This is about serving you. Think about it. What are you holding onto? What do you need to release? A toilet is a portal. It guides us to remove all those burdens. To move from chaos to clarity. You might find this dream stays with you today. This is because it carries a message for you.
What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming of a toilet?
Reflect on this. Every flush is an act of letting go. It's a cycle of rebirth. The true essence of your life right now is about getting rid of what is not serving you right now. Water is being flushed on your potential. Your dreams, Your life. Paul in the bible, said one man plants and one man receives. Water is your potential. This is about creating new energies. What type of privacy do you need? If the toilet is locked this means you have the freedom to be yourself. Are you being observed by others, if so--- however, what directions are you going in.
You will laugh at me to get your attention for this kind of this crazy dream. Yes, it's famous. Well, toilets can be represented in many ways. In the dream world, toilets are considered to be a lucky omen. Turning to dream psychology, dreams about toilets can indicate that you need to take notice of your emotions. What are you flushing down the pan?
Toilets are our strength and power. Flushing is about letting go of emotions, peace and harmony. But, the good news is that you will have much better luck. The dream is simple. The dream of a toilet usually brings you luck and happiness in society, if you have this kind of a dream, you should be somewhat careful about your emotions in the future. The toilet dream has a strong message to convey, and this is a lucky spiritual omen.
Toilets can be clogged up. They are dirty. They can be overflowing with feces or urine. Toilets in dreams are about being stable. Also, you may dream of an ultra-clean toilet or be using a toilet in public. I will answer why this dream happened:
What does it mean to dream of seeing a toilet in a dream?
Ok, so if the toilets are cloged or blocked the energy around you is blocked. Be unmovable right now. You are in the middle of a test of your stability. How can you move forward if you are not stable? For what spirit has for you, you have to pass this test of what you don't need right now. If you urinate time to let go in life. If you poo on toilet time to let go in life. If you are sick on the toilet, time to let go in life. A rushing gush of urine in a dream can also mean that you are suffering from anxiety in waking life. You have to be stable. Freud believed that we hold onto difficulties in daily life. Even our wants and needs of our body. Urinating in public in a toilet during the dream can suggest that you are going to encounter an unstoppable problem, maybe you are misunderstood by others? You have to wash stuff away, like your waste if you need to have glory in life.
What does it mean when the toilet is exposed in a dream?
There are different dreams with different means. What I mean by this is that your feeling exposed. If you are feeling exposed in a dream then this is often connected to feeling that other people are not listening to you. If you are going to the toilet and everybody can see you in the dream this can imply that there is something in life that is making you feel stressed out. If the toilet is not in your home and is in a public place and this can suggest that you need to think about freedom and how you release your own emotions in waking life. The dream itself may be telling you that you or someone else is trying to avoid difficult conflicting situations. If there are other people that are using a public toilet or restroom and they are naked or exposed this can signify that you long for privacy in a situation. Seeing the toilet without any doors indicates that there is a loss of control and dependency upon others. If you see other people using a public toilet but they are exposed and this represents your self-preservation and can just be a symbol of the fact that you need your own privacy in life.
What does cleaning a blocked toilet mean in a dream?
Maybe the poo is on the floor. Maybe you left it all in the toilet. Nasty - and you were trying to clean up. I think we all have had this dream. Did you get a plunger? Did you not want to step on the floor? A blocked toilet in a dream can signify that something is particularly blocked in your life. In fact, this can also apply to a blocked sink or a blocked pipe. A blocked toilet is a dream that happens normally when you’re feeling out of control, perhaps you are feeling you do not have a certain amount of control over situations in your life. If you are however cleaning a blocked toilet then this can indicate your desire to clean up your life or situations that are causing you anxiety. I would think the toilet is a representation of your own emotions. In waking life, the toilet can be blocked by many different objects such as: baby wipes, nappies, sanitary towels, or even something as simple as toilet paper. If you are trying to unblock the toilet yourself with your bare hands then this dream indicates that you are trying to communicate and adopt a stronger approach to life. If you see a plumber trying to unblock a toilet in a dream it can indicate that you may find your plans are not solid. As I’ve already explored earlier in this dream interpretation the toilet itself is connected with our own emotions and therefore if you’re cleaning the blockage it is time to look at what things are affecting you at the moment. Perhaps you are worrying unnecessarily about a situation?
What does it mean to defecate in public in a dream?
What is this? Pooing in front of people? Being expose? Well, to dream of pooping in public is a warning that you should try to keep your anger and your opinion to yourself. If you are crouching down defecating and seeing such an image in the dream then this indicates you are trying to rid yourself of aggressive problems. It could just mean that you are trying to sort out something that is really bothering you in life. If I return to dream psychology a bowel movement in a dream can suggest you feel you are encountering a “shitty situation.” This dream is somewhat interesting in that it can unlock a message that you feel that something isn’t going well. If the toilet is dirty or full of feces then this dream can indicate that there is an illusion around you at the moment. What are you trying to hide? Floating faces in a toilet during a dream can predict problems when communicating with others in life.
What is the old-fashioned (post-1930s) dream meaning of a toilet dream?
Old dream books say that pooing on the floor brings money in dreams. Wow, crazy right. A toilet in a restroom represents wealth. To see your own bathroom and toilet indicates a symbol of your own life. To see a clean bathroom indicates there is going to be some great things ahead. Sometimes this dream will indicate that you are going to have focus in the future. The toilet represents the resources or wealth that you have but is not being used. The toilet symbolizes the wealth or profit, which you are going to enjoy in the future. A new toilet but the water supply is not given or terminated in a dream represents the wealth that cannot be utilized by yourself. The toilet which is broken represents the wealth and the lack of the main facility gives you the message of unavailability. Seeing a toilet with a large number of people waiting or lining up for its use - is another dream, that indicates good fortune, but it will be shadowed by other people's actions. Even though some of these are out of date I hope they can help you.
What does a broken toilet in a dream mean?
A broken toilet in a dream indicates unanticipated resources will materialize. Sometimes in life, we are surprised by certain coincidences and ask ourselves - why these happen, especially moments that we cannot predict. The broken toilet dream can indicate motions which are broken. This can apply to old friends or acquaintances who cross your path. Try not to trust anyone and protect yourself gossip. It can also signify that you are coming to terms with some big regrets in your life, and you have to release these in order to move forward. A broken toilet dream can imply that things are breaking inside you - it will take time to understand your emotions that YOU can correct them!
What does it mean to dream of the toilet without doors?
The toilet in your dream represents your ability or inability to express your feelings and resolve. This dream can be associated with your inner issues or the fact you wish to eliminate a negative situation. Maybe you’re thinking of cutting some people off and you have no idea how to do it. However, if the toilet didn’t have doors in your dream, it denotes a violated privacy in waking life. As you know, doors protect your privacy in reality. Therefore, your dream foretells disturbed privacy and public incident. You may encounter a public embarrassment.
What does a clean toilet mean in a dream?
Cleaning toilets are not the most favorite activity among people. I believe it’s not yours too! I don’t enjoy doing this, but it is something that has to be done. However, it’s something we must do in order to keep our living space clean and smelling good and above all keep away nasty germs. Cleaning the toilet in your dream state or seeing a clean toilet delivers an important message: You need to clean yourself as well. And by this, I don’t mean showering or taking a bubble bath, but cleaning your mind from negative thoughts and cleaning your life from unnecessary people and drama. Clean your soul from negative energy. Maybe you’re facing many problems at once, yet, you need to remain strong and get rid of everything and everyone that’s making you feel unhappy. To clean a toilet with bleach indicates that you are trying to clean something from your life.
What does it mean to dream of seeing people queuing to go to the toilet?
Getting stuck in a toilet queue is probably one of the worst thing ever. Especially if you need to pee! We all try to count the people until our turn comes, so we can finally just go. Yes, we all know this happens in nightclubs and pubs. To have such dream of “waiting for the toilet” means you’re putting yourself in second place in your life. Putting people’s needs before yours, won’t bring you any good. Instead of fulfilling their needs, take care of your own. Your dream also indicates a warning. If you continue waiting in the line you will get your chance to live life as you want, it is all about patience. Instead of waiting, search around for something better. I believe you get my metaphor.
What does cleaning a toilet mean in a dream?
Cleaning the toilet in your dream has a transparent interpretation. You need to clean your spirit in waking life as well. You feel the negative energy flowing into your body, mind, and soul. Find a way to release it before it’s too late. This dream is about cleaning your negative karma. Cleaning poop off a toilet in a dream indicates removing internal self-destructive thoughts.
What does it mean to dream of a toilet that is clogged?
There’s something in your life that’s holding you back from making a progress or even a tiny step forward. There are so many unsolved problems waiting for you to find an at least optimal solution. Not being able to move forward, and not doing anything to improve your situation, won’t bring a positive outcome. I will say this! Make the first step. Start with breaking the bigger problems into smaller ones.
What does it mean to dream of trying to unclog a toilet?
If you’re trying to unclog the toilet in your dream, it’s a representation of your best effort to bring your life in order. Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing everything you can at the moment. Everything will fall into place soon. Just keep up the good work and never give up on your fight. To find something in the toilet such as toilet roll or an object indicates moving forward with a project.
What’s the interpretation of the toilet that is clogged and the whole bathroom is overflowing?
The worst nightmare that can come true is to have clogged toilet and overflowing bathroom. Have you experienced it? If yes, you already know the first thought when you see this happening – ‘Who’s going to fix this? It’s such a mess right now!’ Well, having such dream says the same about your reality. Although you like to believe you’re going well in life, deep inside, you’re aware of your crazy and chaotic life. To improve your situation, you must admit that you don’t have everything under control. After such a dream you need to ask for help and then you start fixing your life. If there’s no one to help you – help yourself by being positive and finding optimal, temporary solutions until you figure out something better. Admitting this is the first step toward mental progress. You can handle everything if you just believe in yourself and your extraordinary talents and capabilities.
What does it mean to dream of a public restroom that has blocked toilets?
Seeing yourself in a public restroom with blocked toilets is a rather vivid dream. We have all seen that dirty restroom… especially if you had too many beers! Joke aside, to have such dream implies to your low self-esteem and poor self-image. Do you believe you’re powerless when it comes to finding solutions and ways to accomplish what you wish in life? In dream lore, this indicates your stronger and more capable than you think. You have great unused potential. Are you scared to rely on yourself? Your dream delivers a message from your subconscious and it says – “Trust your abilities more”.
What does it mean to dream of your own toilet at home which is clogged?
As I mentioned, seeing a clogged bathroom is the worst nightmare ever. Especially if it’s yours and it happens to you in waking life. In spiritual terms, it’s unsolvable problem, if the dream is unpleasant and disturbing then it might be time to focus on “you” for a while. To have such dream means you’re always making an elephant out of the fly. You are going to experience an unpleasant situation. Yet, it won’t be something you should worry about. Try not to get obsessed with details, and significant problems. Focus on the bright side of everything.
What does it mean to dream of multiple toilets that are clogged?
A clogged toilet is the worst thing that can happen, especially if you’re having guests over and I have already covered this above but what if you see many or multiple clogged toilets in your dream? A public clogged toilet is unpleasant if it’s the only one around, or you really need the loo in a dream. Yes, this be the worst situation ever! To dream of multiple clogged toilets represents problems emotionally. In older dream books it is a negative omen. Yet, I believe it also has a positive interpretation. You will face multiple problems at once, and you will have to find a solution to each quickly. This will prove you how capable and smart you are. In all our mistakes we learn, the worst problems can teach you the best lessons.
What does it mean to dream a toilet is clogged with a nappy?
Toilets can be clogged with many different things we don’t pay much attention to, such as too much toilet paper, wet tissues, hygienic pads or nappies. The nappy is one of the worse --- because the material just can’t decompose. I had this happen once and had to call a professional to fix my toilet, however, in spiritual terms in dreams it means you will have to pay extra care to what’s happening in your life. Someone may put you in an uncomfortable, embarrassing situation. Make sure you avoid this in the future by becoming responsible when it comes to your life. If you don’t do it, no one else will.
What does it mean to dream of a toilet that is clogged with feces?
Feces is a symbol of unhealthy relationships and usual problems we all have to handle on a daily basis. The feces is a part of the natural processes occurring in our body, so to dream of toilet clogged with feces represents something that’s driving you crazy in waking life. It’s a natural thing, and a part of your life, however, you will learn from any problems in life. If you can – get rid of the poop in a dream this indicates your emotions will settle down. However, if you can’t remove the feces then think about how you approach problems.
What does it mean to see a dirty, smelly clogged toilet in a dream?
There’s nothing more unpleasant than walking into a dirty, smelly clogged toilet, especially if it’s a public one. To have such dream is nothing unusual. In fact, it’s a common dream that signifies a need for immediate change. You must work on your natural processes in waking life. Are you sure you’re taking good care of yourself? How is your mental health? What about your spirituality? Perhaps it’s time to visit the yoga class you planned? Or meditate on your own. The dirty toilet indicates our emotions need control and you need to look within to find solutions to problems.
You may have seen
An old toilet near the house. A toilet that is not used. A boy is near the toilet. A new toilet but without water. A toilet with a large number of people.
Positive changes are afoot if you dream
If you have seen a dream, in which you are in a toilet, you are going to have a very important change in your life in the future. It may be something like promotion, lottery draw or gift from one of your friend. The dream which you are in a toilet pit and you are covered with all the waste from head to toe, brings you all the success, that you are expecting to have.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of actors
Shyness, anger, awful feelings, feelings of carelessness.
By Florance Saul
Mar 23, 2013