

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Do you sometimes see termites in your dreams?

The images of termites in your dream may have both positive and negative meanings for you.

In the dream you may have

  • Seen the termites destroying woodwork.
  • Seen the termites eating away at foundations.
  • Seen termites feeding on the walls of a building.
  • Seen the termites changing solid wood to pulp.
  • Seen the termites attacking the wooden platform you are standing on.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You are expecting to bring some long delayed act to its final completion
  • You have learned to be more cautious in the future.
  • You have taken lessons from the fact that a sudden spurt in fortune may be followed by a downfall.
  • You have understood that you have undertaken too much but have too little time to complete it.
  • You want to create a change very slowly over a period of time without being noticed.

Detailed dream interpretation

Termites are insects which are associated with words like sabotage, erosion, change, attack, subterfuge, stealth and destruction.

The termites carry on their business of destruction over a large span of time unnoticed by anyone. The work they do normally, goes unnoticed because they do it in the background and hidden beneath the surface leaving the exterior to look the same.

They eat away at wooden structures from within, leaving the external surface as it is, until the day when the structure collapses suddenly under its own weight.

This symbolism of the termite tells you to be aware of external influences which are launching attacks or your inner soul and beliefs and making you weak from inside. Just as the termites make a piece of wood hollow from inside, your beliefs are also getting diluted and may prove dangerous to you in the future.

The sight of termites in your dream means that there is a chance that your fortune or finances may suddenly increase in the near future. But the increase is temporary as everything may come crashing down any moment after that. It reminds you not to feel elated by this increase but prepare for the sudden crash.

The termites in your dream stand for some relationship in real life which you have been trying to end for some time but have been dilly dallying with it. The dream tells you to finish it off as soon as possible without any more delay.

You may have been dreaming of buying a house for some time now, but you have been facing problems in acquiring it. The termite in your dream signifies that your problems are gnawing at your wish, ultimately making it futile.

You may be in a position where you are under strain from an unassailable situation in your real life. The termites in your dream signify that your position is likely to break down under this stress.

It also signifies that a phase of your life is coming to a slow end because of the influence of some external forces.

Just as woodwork in real life suddenly collapses under the relentless onslaught of termites, your dreams are also being undermined by some external force which you are unable to control. All of a sudden you may find your smooth life starting to crumble into a heap before your own eyes, which you had least expected.

The slow and lengthy process of erosion of beliefs and morals are also signified by an image of termites in your dream. The dream reminds you to take prompt action to stop this erosion as soon as possible.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of termites may be

Frustrated, annoyed, resigned, stressed, overwhelmed, surprised and being attacked.

By Florance Saul
Mar 19, 2013