Stab (see Knife)

Stab (see Knife)

Stabbing Dream Meaning

The dream can be frightening. Sometimes you can’t pick what storms come in for you. You can’t decide to go through storms, would you like to loose your legs, or have cancer. You can’t control the storm that comes in for you. When we are in control we feel safe. And, what binds together the dream of stabbing is is that we are out of control. Stabbing is where the control is not yours. This dream can show that sometimes we just have to look at stabbing in the dark is the best way to get through our storms in life.

The dream in which you are stabbed suggests that you are wounded through someone else's comments or complaints. A “stab in the back” indicates disloyalty, whereas a “stab in the dark” indicates a complete guess. Usually, this dream suggests definitive action associated with a few discomforts.

What is the spiritual meaning of the dream of stabbing?

I believe that everything happens for a reason. When we experience something painful, like being stabbed, it often leaves us wondering what is going on the next morning. This isn't just about physical pain or fear, but the storms we go through in life. In spiritual terms, being stabbed often points to betrayal or a deep emotional wound by someone close to you, this could be a Mother, Father, or lover. Everyone in our lives doesn't always act in the right way. This dream can relate to feeling hurt by someone. Just as a knife pierces the skin, the trauma from a person can hurt our inner peace. 

Imagine you're walking through a forest, and suddenly a rose bush cuts your leg. The first reaction is shock. But as you pause, you notice the beauty around you. The sunlight in the tree. The song of birds. The cut happened. The cut was unexpected. The cut was painful, yet it led you to be at peace in the surroundings. In life, being "stabbed" or hurt emotionally - can lead us to greater awareness of our surroundings and ask if this is really for us.

What does it mean to dream of a stabbing?

Stabbing someone in a fight is an omen of failure. It is about the control I have just mentioned. If you see yourself stabbing an animal, such as a dog, cow etc, this means your body is weak, maybe your poorly, maybe you just want to give up on something. Stabbing as a general symbol in a dream is associated with betrayal and fear. Think about how someone decides to "stab" decides to end a life, is that decision yours or someone else's in the dream? If you stab someone in your dream, this could refer to your need for protection against the hostility of others. And, being stabbed means you might have an unpleasant experience.

Using a dagger or knife to stab someone refers to aggressiveness and immature sexuality according to Freud. This is quite a common dream for people that are in a bad relationship and might feel like being a victim of their partner. The same dream means that you are able to remove all obstacles in your way and appeal to radical solutions to solve an issue or even improve your life.

Being stabbed in a dream portends a possible accident or a bunch of misfortunes coming your way according to the older dream meanings. The same dream could indicate that you are in love in the Hindi tradition. Stabbing a person you know in a dream could indicate obstacles ahead. If you stab an animal, this could mean profit. Dreaming of being stabbed yourself - reflects your vulnerable character. Are you prepared to be injured by words in life? 

What does it mean to dream of being stabbed by a stranger?

Every experience with strangers in life, positive or negative, results in our decisions on who someone really is.  I do feel this dream is about shifting timelines. Maybe you have shifted from one timeline to another if you are stabbed by someone you don’t recognize. Seeing a person trying to stab you is about how you will use these experiences to grow. To be stabbed by a knife by a stranger is all about your life choices and direction in life. To dream of being stabbed by a pointed weapon can suggest that there is spiritual renewal. To be stabbed in the back by someone you don’t know means you have a feeling that you're being dominated by somebody else.

What does it mean to dream of being stabbed with a knife?

The dream about a knife indicates that you have more fights left in you. You can get over that storm, but you may also feel that you need some type of protection. If you are holding a knife in your dream, it means that you are trying to move away from a relationship and end it for your own sanity. If you find yourself being stabbed with a knife, this means it is time to realize that you have a number of enemies around you. Make sure that you can clearly move towards resolution with those enemies, or they could harm you in the future. If the knife edge is blunt, it means you are able to find a resolution, but if the edge is sharp, things are likely to be resolved much faster.

In your dream you may have

  • You stab someone.
  • Someone stabs you.
  • Stabbing with a knife.
  • Stabbing an animal.

Advice from your dream

  • You did not die in the dream.
  • You did not experience pain when you were stabbed.
  • You did not kill someone by stabbing him.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of stab

Furious. Tired. Lazy. Confused. Upset. Overwhelmed. In a bad mood. Offended. Insecure. Upset. Angry.

By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012