

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Dreams containing spiritual symbols such as the spiral often show no context of the dream itself.

You should be aware of the fact that these elements in your dream will carry the most relevance to your daily life, as it is a spirit trying to communicate with you. Any type of spiral in your dream is a method of communication to the physical world, and, simply put, the way in which our world reflects the spiritual plane.

In your dream you may have

  • You see a spiral.
  • A clockwise spiral.
  • A counterclockwise spiral.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • Be ready for a spiritual experience.
  • Put things in order in your life.

Detailed dream interpretation

This is a very exciting dream to have, as it symbolizes your spiritual advancement. A clockwise spiral which moves right demonstrates that you are on your way to great things, in terms of discovering yourself and your own mission in this life. If the spiral is moving counterclockwise, then you need to get a grip on your life somehow. Things have been unsettled for some time, and it is time to get things in some order. Think of the phrase neat and tidy.

On another level, the spiral may yield some type of warning in your dream, as it signifies that one of your charkas may be blocked. We all have energy points on our body, and sometimes in life these get blocked, and therefore we need to spend some time meditating.

A dream of a spiral shows that your solar plexus may be blocked, and it is important to make sure that you release the energy. Before you go to bed tonight, carry out this simple meditation: Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, and imagine that you are floating on a river of white water. Imagine a great white light through your navel, and this light shines right through your body; imagine that the light is healing an orange flower inside your navel. Carry this out for at least five minutes. Once you have finished the meditation, make sure that you can see the orange flower close perfectly.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of spiral

Curious. Surprised. Content. Amazed. Enjoying.

By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012