

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

If you are singing in a dream, you might be expressing your inner desires.

Typically, singing allows you to really feel uplifted and pleased. The dream may indicate your need to communicate in a holistic and genuine method. Spiritually, singing is connected to the higher good and celebration. Singing is a behavior that communications your feelings, especially those of joy.

Dreaming of singing portends sadness and illness ahead. To dream that you sing alone means you will go on a vacation alone. To dream that you are in a group and sing something indicates that you will enjoy meeting up with some old friends. Usually, if you sing in a dream, this portends joy of living and happiness. Other people singing in your dream refers to your independence and freedom. If you sing in a choir, this means you are good at expressing yourself if you are in a group with people similar to you. If you are singing internally, this portends excellent social relations. Singing any kind of holy or religious songs, a mantra, or a prayer foretells a big change in your awareness, and an important period for your life is coming your way. You wishes will be fulfilled, and peace and calm will enter your heart.

In your dream you

  • Sing a song outdoors.
  • Hear someone singing.
  • Hear a song.
  • Hear singing gospel or religious songs.
  • Hear a bird singing.
  • See people singing.
  • Lose your voice while singing.
  • See a choir singing.

Advice from your dream

  • Feel happiness while singing in your dream.
  • New ventures are possible.
  • You must follow a clear path of action.

New beginnings in your life are needed if in your dream

  • You hear strange singing that scare you.
  • The dream relates to negativity.
  • Your voice does not sound well when you sing.
  • The dream involved fear, or things beyond the obvious.

Detailed dream interpretation

Hearing a lovely voice singing is is an omen for pleasant experiences. This dream suggests that you will hear pleasant news from a friend, or you will have a lovely conversation with someone. Singing in a dream means that you are a pleasant company to others and you make people happy. If you see yourself joining a singing person, it indicates that you will be admired and you will obtain the devotion and loyalty of your friends. If you are singing, but you are bored, this suggests that some people will criticize and judge you, and this will bring you sorrow and frustration. Other people singing in your dream foretells difficulties in dealing with other people.

Hearing people singing in your dream means that you will find the support you were looking for. Hearing children singing is the omen of happiness and joy in your family. Hearing old people singing is the omen of some sad times. Singing outdoors portends sadness brought by some unpleasant news. Hearing birds singing could omen unpleasant times, depending on the bird.

A skylark singing portends luck and abundance, big wealth, and advancement at work. A cuckoo singing foretells a death. If you hear a nun singing in your dream, this refers to happiness generated by a love relationship.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of singing

Mellow. Soft. Relaxed. Loving. Kind. Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Happy. Joyful. Friendly.

By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012