
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Seeing roots in a dream symbolizes being on solid ground, settling down, and cultivating stability in your own life.
Roots can also symbolize unconscious or mental energy in your life; as well roots are often used in grounding and relaxation exercises when you practice yoga or meditation. Seeing a tree and the roots and the entire body together will reflect a desire for family or familial connections as related to a family tree.
In this dream you may have
- Plant something and see the roots growing.
- Trip over a tree root.
- See many roots or get entangled by roots.
- Eat roots.
- Form roots.
- Dig up roots
Positive changes are afoot if
- You see healthy roots.
Detailed dream meaning
Seeing roots in the ground is a good sign and indicates solid footing for you in your life. When you see the roots, know that there is a positive energy force in your life helping for things to settle down or fall into place. This is a time in your life that you need to consider what you truly want in your life and to be sure the roots that you are placing are where you want and what you want because the choices that you are currently making are long lasting ones that will not easily be broken if you change your mind.
A warning is that perhaps you are settling down roots that you won’t be happy with in the future, and you want to consider the people that you are getting attached to, or possibly negative habits that are going to be counter effective or unproductive for you in the future.
Depending on the kind of tree that you see, the roots can mean different things. Make sure that if you can obviously tell what kind of tree it is that you also look up the specific meanings.
Having damage caused by roots – such as pipes breaking or causing a problem with your home in a dream indicates a fear of material loss. These dreams are also indicative of feeling trapped. Consider ways in which you can better protect yourself and more importantly, your material possessions or finances at this time. Now is not a time to be frivolous as there is likely going to be a hefty expenditure that is going to be coming your way that you need to be prepared for.
Seeing many roots coming out of the ground like they are seeking water or sunlight is a good omen for travel in the near future. Digging up roots is also a sign of travel but usually refers to required travel and is not always pleasant.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Starting a family.
- Planning for the future.
- Getting too close to negative influences or people.
- Doing drugs or unhealthy habits that will cause problems for you.
- Traveling.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of roots
Stable. Affirmed. True. Balanced. Awe. Impressed. Neat. Prepared. Busy. Sore. Hurt.
By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012