

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

A roof in a dream symbolizes your own personal care – how you are taking care of yourself or if your own needs are being met.

The roof symbolizes your own health and happiness as well as a more spiritual meaning reflecting on your subconscious understanding of your waking life. Often, when you are reflecting or focusing on a roof in a dream there is an issue going on in your life at present that needs to be resolved or actions that you are taking part in that are not serving your best interest.

In this dream you may have

  • Noticed the cracks or broken tiles or shingles on a house.
  • Built a new house.
  • Looked at blueprints.
  • Ignored your house and the roof became worn or dilapidated.
  • Stood on top of a building.
  • Fell through the roof.
  • Had the roof cave in.
  • Seen through a roof that had holes.
  • Been rained on.
  • Felt happy to have a home or shelter over your head.
  • Seen a fire on a roof or fire licking through the roof of a building.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • A roof is on fire.
  • You build a roof.
  • The roof is tall and wide with much covering.

Detailed dream meaning

Dreams about roofs are often associated with inner desires for security and reflect dreams, hopes, and aspirations. When you have a roof over your head and are focused on it in a dream, consider the way that you feel about the roof being there. Are you happy simply to have a roof over your head? If this is the case there is a general satisfaction in your life about your own goals and you are on a positive path in meeting them. If you are nonchalant about a roof in your dream this can be an indication that you are taking the simple pleasures for granted in your life. If the roof in your dream is subpar, has leaks, or is damaged, then this is an indication of not meeting your dreams and feelings of depression or despair are sometimes associated with them. Consider areas of your life where you could change your own actions, and what are you doing that is blocking you from attaining your own goals. When you have a positive or negative reaction to a roof in a dream, this is also an indication about how you perceive your  life. Remember that your attitude is completely your own issue and you have control of how you face your problems in your life. Positive attitudes will manifest more positive and good into your life.

The building of a roof or creating a new roof is a good sign for protection and longevity in your life. When you create a solid roof or complete a house by adding a roof this is a positive omen. You are in a time of your life where you understand your own needs and have a good balance. Even if you are feeling like there are things lacking in your waking life know that you are on the right path to attain your goals.

The roof is sometimes overlooked as a necessity but not focused on part of the house. People will paint walls and make their home look pretty but they will ignore cracked or broken shingles. A roof is an important part to the home though and it must be cared for. When you fall through a roof or a roof comes crashing down this is an indication that you have made your own bed – you have reached to high but did not build a strong foundation in your life. Do not blame others for your problems in your life right now as you have created your own turmoil. Take opportunities that arise and try to build back losses slowly.

Fire can cause destruction to a building but when it comes through the roof of a building or has engulfed the roof of a building it is a good sign. We view fire as bad because it burns but it can also get rid of obstacles. A roof on fire is indicative of the negative or bad being burned out of your life or the ceiling being removed so that you can grow and manifest a new upward boundary in your life.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Creating your own circumstances in life.
  • Blaming others for your problems.
  • Feeling depressed or unmotivated.
  • Saving or planning for the future.
  • Cultivating relationships or starting new friendships.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a roof

Nervous. Skilled. Creative. Inspired. Judged. Safe. Happy. Secure. Protected. Cozy. Warm.

By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012