Quivering in a dream

Quivering in a dream

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Quivering is when your body performs a slight rapid movement, similar to a tremble or a shake.

Generally, people's voices can be described to quiver, but the meaning also transfers to situations such as being cold, under stress or convulsing.

To dream that you are quivering relates very closely to sleep paralysis, one of the most terrifying events a person will go through whilst asleep.

In this dream, you may have been

  • Quivering yourself.
  • Watching somebody else quiver.
  • Feeling very cold.
  • Feeling angry.
  • Suffering from an illness.
  • Watching your hand quiver.
  • Suffering from sleep paralysis.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You understand the meaning behind why you were quivering.
  • You understand why people suffer from sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis is a terrifying ordeal to go through, it can last for minutes and often people believe they are about to die. It can cut off your breathing, and force you to see disturbing images in your dream world. When people suffer from sleep paralysis they are actually half awake, in a stage between REM and full arousal.

The reason why people suffer from sleep paralysis is because their mind wakes up too quickly for their body, meaning their eyes are still moving rapidly (causing dreams to appear), but their mind has awoken. Another thing which makes this experience so scary, is that your body will also seize up and not allow you any movement, and can in some cases cut off your breathing too. The reason your body does this is so you don’t end up acting your dreams out in real life, and hurting yourself or others.

During sleep paralysis it is common to see yourself quivering, sick, feeling worried, melting, or dying, which is why the experience might affect you greatly, and should not be forgotten about when you eventually wake up. If this has happened to you, then don’t worry, it isn’t serious and you are not dying.

If you are not suffering from sleep paralysis but see yourself quivering in your dream, this represents your utmost anxieties in real life. There may be an area you need to prioritize at the moment before it collapses. Usually people shake when they are extremely angry, upset, or stressed. You are allowed to feel these emotions, but the dream denotes that they are overpowering you at the moment, and you need to find some control in order to go on in a rational mindset.

Quivering in your dream can also mean you are coming down with an illness. Often if people have the flu, or another virus working it's way through their body, shaking or feeling fatigued is a common side effect. This could be your brain's way of trying to warn you that you are about to experience an illness.

Similarly, if you dreamt of another person quivering, this could mean your subconscious has picked up on unusual behavior from that person and is now again warning you that an illness may be struck upon them.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of quivering

Happiness. Joy. Freedom. Oppression. Sadness. Difficulty. Victory. Comfort. Sadness.

By Florance Saul
Jun 15, 2017