

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Quarters in a dream indicate positive changes and good luck coming your way.

Small amounts of money in a dream is important because it shows that there is a potential for earring in your life right now and that luck is on your side regarding making money.

Quarters may seem like an insignificant amount of money but in a dream it is a positive sign. Quarters represent the possibility for growth as they are one of the few coins that people take interest in. When you see quarters in a dream it is a sign that finances are on their way up and a positive for you.

In this dream you may have

  • Found a quarter.
  • Paid in quarters.
  • Looked for quarters.
  • Needed a quarter.
  • Saved quarters.
  • Gave a quarter away.
  • Used a quarter.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • Gave a quarter away to someone in need.
  • Saved quarters. (or other change)

Detailed dream meaning

Losing a quarter in a dream, or needing a quarter desperately indicates that there is a need for you save your money and to be more frugal in the waking world. Quarters that are lost (or any money that is lost in a dream) are a sign that you need to be careful and that there can be a threat around you financially. You may find that you need to work on ways in which you can cut down on your spending costs.

Giving a quarter to someone in need indicates a generous nature and a caring personality. This reflects your desire to see the good in people and often is a good omen for personal rewards coming back to you.

Saving quarters in a dream can indicate bankruptcy or intense worry about finances. Now is the time to consider ways in which you are overspending or being irresponsible with your finances. Receiving a quarter is a sign of impending wealth.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Saving money.
  • Investing or playing stocks.
  • Working hard for your money and wanting rewards.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a quarter

Thrifty. Happy. Surprised. Pleasant. Rich. Poor. Broke. Sad. Dismay. Unsure. Blasé.

By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012