
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
If you dream that you have been quarantined or you dream of quarantine happening this is a symbol of helplessness or a lack of control
Depending on what you are being quarantined from in a dream can also be a clue to what areas in your life need attention. These dreams can be very scary and disconcerting as well.
In this dream you may have
- Been quarantined.
- Quarantined someone.
- Seen a quarantine. (such as on television)
Positive changes are afoot if
- Escape a quarantine.
- Help someone in a quarantine.
- Are prepared for a quarantine.
Detailed dream meaning
When you dream of being quarantined you are being shown how your psyche feels prohibited. This can represent repressed feelings or emotions, abandonment, loneliness, or malicious actions from others around you. Sometimes it is a sign that you need to literally quarantine yourself or take yourself out of a situation in your waking world. These dreams can also indicate rumors or people being unkind, feelings of alienation in your real life, or a lack of creativity or expression. Generally being quarantined in a dream is a warning sign that things are not going well in your life and can represent general unhappiness with situations in your life.
When you are quarantined by a government group or by force then this is a sign of loss of control in your own life. Consider ways in which you cannot have a choice or that you feel helpless. Often when you have any dream of being forced to do something indicates great stress in your life.
If you are quarantining someone in a dream, your actions are the ones that are causing a hindrance to others. Explore the ways in your waking life that you are using unnecessary force in your life. Are there areas where you could lighten up a little bit which would make your own life easier?
Preparing for, knowing a quarantine is coming, or being otherwise ready for a quarantine is a good sign for the way things are going in your life. Even if your psyche is working through intense stress in your life then this is a sign that you have the personal skills to make things work in your life. It’s a positive sign that you are capable of dealing with the troubles around you.
Quarantine dreams are also ways of testing your own subconscious taboos. They can represent moral uncertainty around an issue. Working out the boundaries of your own life can be worked out in a quarantine dream. If you find a way to help yourself in a dream like this then this is a positive omen showing your own control increasing and shows that things will be turning to your favor. Often you need to act smart and react quickly. There can be clues in dreams like these on how to conduct affairs in your own life.
Quarantine dreams are also associated with other topics as: government, police, sickness, disease, zombies, and alienation.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Feeling trapped with no way out of a situation.
- Health issues.
- Fatigue from others dragging you down.
- Increased responsibility and control.
- Being overwhelmed.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a quarantine
Trapped. Terrified. Scared. Unsure. Sickened. Helpless. Lost. Disregarded. Ignored. Strong. Helpful. Trying. Determined. Structured. Prepared. Unprepared. Displaced.
By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012