

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

When one dreams of a preacher or a priest, this is representative of a level of sacredness or reconnection to the spiritual which the dreamer desperately needs.

When one dreams of a Priest while taking a bath, this is representative of the dreamer needing privacy and not being able to get rid of their incessant guilt over past actions. When ones dreams of a preacher or priest preaching or giving sermon while gardening, this means the dreamer will need to spend some more time in the outdoors getting support from those that they love.

When one dreams of a priest or preacher teaching a religious class, this is representative of the dreamer needing some spiritual guidance or theological confusion.

In this dream you may have

  • Seen a preacher or a priest walking away from you.
  • Been a preacher or a priest in the dream.
  • Witnessed the priest or preacher praying over you on your death bed.
  • Found comfort in the presence of the preacher or priest.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You were a priest or preacher in the dream.
  • You went to a priest or preacher for absolution.
  • You felt comforted by a conversation with a Priest or Preacher.
  • You found comfort in the presence of the preacher or priest.

Detailed dream meaning

When one dreams of a priest or preacher in a funeral, this is representative of the dreamer needing to put something serious to rest, or something which has been causing them great grief. This can also represent the dreamer’s loss of either a person in their life or the loss of some extremely important projects or investments which the dreamer has been making.

When one sees a priest or preacher on their or someone else's death bed in the dream this is representative of the dreamer desiring to be cleansed of the guilt that they feel in reference to something they have done and they feel they must do it in order to proceed guilt free in their life.

When one dreams of a preacher this means that they know that they have done something wrong and that the future of a project or affair which is highly sensitive is not going to end well. When one dreams that they are the preacher this means that there is going to be some losses in business.

When one dreams of hearing preachers, this means that the dreamer is going to go through a difficult time for a time. When one dreams of watching a preacher or a priest walking away and can’t get in contact with them, this represents the dreamer is feeling ashamed of some action and they feel that they will never get reprieve from their guilt.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Shame over behaving poorly.
  • Concern over an affair.
  • The need for absolution.
  • The desire for forgiveness.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a priest or preacher

Contemplation. Certainty. Guilt. Understanding. Happiness. Clarity. Shame. Forgiveness. Absolution.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012