
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
When one dreams of finding porcelain this indicates a situation that needs to be handled In a delicate manner.
Seeing porcelain at one's Grandma’s house is representative of your desires to reconnect to your childhood. Grandma might have always told you to be aware of the breakable things in her house but it always made you feel whimsical and mysterious.
In most activities in life, the dreamer may suffer from associating with aggressive people. The porcelain teapot in a dream is a representation of the power and control one has over another. Such people have a natural ability to create conflict in waking life.
The porcelain is a symbolisation that the dream is about keeping a situation at bay. There may be problems in the family and possible abrupt change. Particularly if the porcelain was broken in any way. To see a porcelain doll is associated with being emotionally fearless. One may experience health problems perhaps associated with stress.
When one dreams of owning a personal collection of knick knacks, this is representative of being highly possessive of things or people.
When one finds a collection of porcelain tools in storage, this represents exciting traits within the dreamer which are well hidden and also represents that the dreamer will be coming out of this proverbial closet making it possible for them to express themselves fully to their friends and family.
To see a porcelain teacup in one's dream then this denotes that you are putting the object of your affections on a pedestal. You may be bitterly disappointed and grieved if the relationship fails. There is also a delusion if you smash any porcelain in your dream.
At the best of times you can expect sudden and rash mood swings if you are eating from a porcelain plate within a dream.
In this dream you may have
- Seen porcelain dolls.
- Found porcelain at Grandma’s house.
- Owned porcelain knick knacks.
- Finds a collection of porcelain tools.
- Broken porcelain.
- Eaten from a porcelain plate.
Positive changes are afoot if
- The knick knacks owned are found easily.
- The trip to grandmas was nice.
- You dreamt of pleasant porcelain dolls.
- You dreamt of Porcelain and felt optimistic.
Detailed dream meaning
When one dreams of porcelain dolls staring at them mercilessly in their sleep, this is representative of fear of those who are not honest or genuine as well as a fear of that which does not have a soul. Many are afraid of dolls for this very reason, they look and sometimes even sound like people, but they don’t move and there is a distinct lack of soul in these objects.
When the dreamer sees a collection of porcelain dolls or dreams of crushing a collection, this is representative of the dreamer’s ability to get passed these aspects of life and to crush the adversity of the dreamer’s enemies.
When one dreams of falling on a pile of broken porcelain getting horribly injured, this is representative of the dreamer’s innocent or breakable mentality relating to the people he loves who might not treat them well. When one dreams of porcelain which is indestructible, this is representative of a spirit which is there for the dreamer during times of frustration.
When one dreams of falling into a porcelain toilet the dream is of failing in life.
Think about those people that matter, when one dreams of clogging a porcelain toilet this represents that the dreamer is creatively stunted at the time of the dream. Dreaming simply of porcelain means that, there are many opportunities coming into the life of the dreamer which should not be ignored.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Fear of failure.
- The need to be careful or gentle in challenging situations.
- End of a relationship.
- Recalling the past.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of Porcelain
Fear. Lust. Contemplation. Fragility. Gentleness. Meekness. Comfort. Happiness. Joy. Forward focus. Intentions.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012