Past Life

Past Life

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Dreaming of a past life is dreaming about your soul in a life that it is lived in previously.

Each person has a different amount of past lives. The soul is capable of remembering them in the dream state,

Many people go to psychics to find out who they were in a previous life hoping to be told that they are a famous person from the past, but usually the truth of the matter is that they were another person of mediocre means. This does not lessen the past life experience. There are only a handful of people that can be a celebrity in the past. However, the lessons learned and retrieved from the past life is invaluable.

Sometimes, one will have a dream of being a famous person in the past, this does not necessarily mean that you were that person. For example, having a dream that you are Hitler will have its own connotations or control or oppression and likely is your psyche working out something in your life. Just because you dream about being Hitler does not mean that you are the reincarnation of him. The key is in the details, such as speaking a foreign language that you do not know in your waking life and historical details that can be proven once you wake up and look at them.

In this dream you may have

  • Been in a foreign place that seemed very familiar.
  • Spoke another language than your own and understood it in your dream.
  • Recalled historical events that you otherwise had no known knowledge of.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You learn a lesson in the dream
  • You are able to take something positive from the previous life

Detailed dream meaning

When you have a true past life dream you are opening your mind to the lessons and information gained from the previous existence. Sometimes it is merely a memory of interacting with a loved one, being in war, or snippets of the life. Other times you will find your love in a past life and it will direct you to someone in your current life. We retain lessons from these lives and the knowledge is there for us to be able to grab, typically when the information is needed most or there is a deep desire for the information.

Other details of dreams are still important. For example, even in a past life dream, often there will be colors present that ties it all together. In a dream about love, you may notice there is a lot of pink, or that there is a pink tint to the dream. If you are seeking healing – emotionally or physical – then there may be a lot of blues and greens. Pay attention to small color details to get an idea of deeper dream meanings.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Drastic changes in your life
  • A need for solace or guidance
  • Seeking love and relationships

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a past life

Shock. In Love. Tired. Weary. Confused. Unsure. Startled. Unhappy. Loved. Joy. Strange.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012