

Paint Dream Meaning

Seeing paint in your dream can have a number of meanings. The act of painting in a dream might represent renewal or transformation. If the wall in your dream is being painted a bright color, it could mean that you’re expecting positive changes or a fresh start. Darker colors might suggest the opposite, or merely a transition into something unknown or unexplored.

Walls themselves often represent boundaries, obstacles, or the need for privacy. Painting can have two meanings in my older dream dictionary books on my shelf. Firstly, it can be associated with creating a picture of art. This is associated with being creative. Artistic tendencies within a dream are focused on expressing oneself. Walking around the museum and viewing paintings is associated with the past. The paintings in One Dream are a snapshot of events that have passed by. This dream is associated with the need to adopt a more broader outlook on life. The colors and details in the painting are important features of the dream. It could be that the paintings suggest a mental state at the moment. So for example, if their scenic paintings, such as landscape artwork or calming images this indicate your attitude at a given time. It is now important for us to consider the virtual aspect of this dream. I am Flo, and I hope to give you a detailed overview of what "paint" can mean in your dream. So just scroll down to find your dream!

If a house or a wall is painted in the dream this indicates that you are trying to hide something from other people. The paint is being used as a mask. To paint with a brush suggests that it will take a long time for you to cover up feelings that you have towards another. Seeing yourself painting a building suggests that there is a problem that is too large to handle. The larger the item you are painting one's dream the bigger the problem you are trying to cover up. To dream of a paint roller indicates that a hopeful situation and happiness will be yours in the future. The color of the paint is important. White paint indicates that you will have great success at work, and through forthcoming events which are going to be significant to you and others. If your dream contained painting an item, such as a door, artwork, paintings, a house, a car etc. then this indicates you are contemplating an important decision, which at the moment is best to be kept to yourself.

What is the general meaning of paint in a dream?

The dream of “paint” can contain many different factors and ways that the paint is displayed. If the fact that the paint is you demonstrated in connection with our homes. If you dream of an artist, or painter or a painting, then this dream indicates you are going to have significant changes coming your way. If the paint was oil-based, then minor changes are likely, however, if the base was watercolors, then this dream indicates that miracles are on their way, including peaceful times in the near future. If you dream of painted floors, then this dream indicates that you are going to be happy soon.

To dream that you put a new layer of paint on something means you have secrets from your friends. To dream of a house that is painted, it suggests that your friends have secrets from you. To paint your clothing means you will be unhappy because people are going to criticize you. If you see yourself using a brush and paint, you will have good results at work and this will make you feel at ease. Dreaming of beautiful paintings indicates that your friends are false and may even lie to you. If you are a young woman and you dream of painting, you will be deceived in love, and you will change your partner. In dreams, paint can be featured in many different ways. So maybe you are painting the exterior of a house, or you see yourself attending art classes or you are painting a picture. I will emphasize right now that painting in dreams is connected to how we perceive life in general. There are different stages painting a house, for example, the preparation being the first.

What does it mean to dream of painting a house?

Repainting a house can often appear in dreams and if it is an old house and this could indicate that you are moving through a period of transition. There is what I call a barrier when you dream of painting a house. If the painting went well then this can indicate that you need to focus on yourself, the future is bright and the painting is a way that you are going to vitalize yourself going forward. To see paint cracking, blistering or flaking can indicate that something does not really seem that real. On the surface, things could be rough - like the peeling paint. To dream of painting brick can suggest choices in life. If the painting is being carried out internally in your dream then this could be a sign that you wish to change.

What does it mean to dream of someone painting a wall?

Watching someone else paint a wall might indicate that you're observing changes happening around you — perhaps in your environment or within someone you know — that you are not directly influencing. Of course, interpretations are highly subjective. Sometimes a dream about seeing someone you know painting can be triggered by something as simple as having seen someone painting earlier in the day, or it might be your brain processing your desires to change something in your life.

What does it mean to see yourself covered in paint?

Seeing yourself spilling or being covered in paint during your dream generally represents a hidden force in life. Difficulties can come in many shapes and forms and the paint if on your clothes or objects in your dream represents that you are trying to hide away in life. The paint itself is strongly associated with how we perceive ourselves and others and the things that we are trying to cover up.

What does it mean to visit a paint store in your dream?

To find yourself in a paint store, choosing paint in a dream or using the programmable computers to select a color of paint can indicate that you will have a “colorful” period in regards to a relationship. There is an emphasis on the actual color you have picked and the certain hues. A color fan that features possible paint combinations seen in dreams can indicate that you are going to be somewhat competitively minded-going forward. To dream of paintbrushes can suggest you cannot quite match up or understand how to move forward in life. If you are dreaming of painting professionally then this can suggest that you are looking for a new career.

What does it mean to see someone painting in your dream?

Seeing someone painting in a dream can indicate that you are trying to focus on moving forward in life. Seeing someone painting a window indicates that in time things are going to change. To see paint being rolled is connected to the fact you need to focus on your own well-being. If you see sprayed paint this indicates that you need to think about how others communicate with you. To see someone painting with white paint suggests that you need peace in life. If this person was using a ladder in a dream it can indicate that you will find peace but in time. Dreaming of a single-story house being painted is equivalent to a new start in life.

What does it mean to dream of painting walls?

Painting walls are connected to our own feelings and barriers in life. This dream could possibly be associated with one's memories and ambitions. Are they being fulfilled? The height of the walls is equally important. Tall walls are connected to barriers you are putting in place - are you progressive in life? To dream of scaffolding using ladders or that you are trying to reach walls suggests that you are going to think about your own reputation going forward. Perhaps this is being destroyed by somebody. Painting walls often indicate that you need to remove barriers.

What does red paint mean in a dream?

Red is a color that represents some of the essential things in your life such as your blood. It is a color which has an impact on how you feel as it creates maximum vibrancy in your consciousness. So red is a representation of anything exuberant. In the spiritual world, red is a representation of the female deities whose energies are vibrant and exuberant and gives out red hues. Painting in red can be a hidden need for passion in your life. A red painted room in your dream indicates hidden passions for someone close to you!

What does a house that is painted white mean?

A white room or house in a dream is your way the subconscious mind connects to spirit. I have had many dreams of white painted rooms or houses. But what does it mean? A white painted room can imply you are seeking challenges in life but also indicates peace and happiness. The white room, in my opinion, is connected to your own space in the spirit world. There is a range of meditative aspects that you need to consider - whereby you are actually communicating with your own spirit guides. The white room represents peace and connecting with your spirit. In many dream books, a white painted room or house indicates that you are embarking on a guidance system from within. Seen the White room in your dream can be defined as a "wake up call" maybe you need to connect to spirit?

What does it mean to dream of white paint?

Universally white paint is the most popular color of paint. Most people paint their ceilings white. In a dream white paint represents peace and tranquility. The paint can also have spiritual significance depending on how much white paint you actually observe. I have gone into further details about a white house or white room in the dream questions and answers above. To see yourself covered in white paint indicates that it is time where you need to relax and recuperate.

What does it mean to dream of orange paint?

Orange paint in a dream or painting a room orange, seeing a room that is orange can have the following spiritual meaning. When you see orange, everything in life needs to be reviewed: your identity, your looks, your approach to life - and it your own perspective. Seeing orange paint indicates that you need to start a new project, it means new beginnings as a new sun is often orange it can suggest that something will shine into your life. You have a certain realization that has made you willing to remove everything that is annoying you - and move into a new dimension of life or another possibility. You could have developed or intend to develop a new vision and that is why you are focused on a new start. Orange is also a color spiritually, which is symbolic of the sun rising in the morning. Thus, when you see an “orange house” for example it is indicative of a new light which has come into your life where a new sun is beginning to rise within you.

What does painting a house pink mean?

Pink paint can come in different hues. The bright pink paint represents passion and understanding. If we mix white and red we get pink. The pink paint color represents our “lust” in life and also the fact that we need to remain open to our heart being broken but also the fact that love will prevail. To see pink paint on walls in a dream can be connected to our emotional energy. Pink is what I call a color that will make us strong and happy in life. If you dream of a nude pink paint then this is connected to being somewhat focused but also the fact that we will have more energy going forward.

What does green paint mean in a dream?

Green paint in a dream is associated with mother nature and how we ground ourselves in life. Seeing a painted green room also indicates intelligence. There are people that need to understand you better if the green was a light hue. The dark green paint represents our inner harmony and balance of life. This dream is connected to observing peace and being a patient. Things are going to work out well and this can also denote prosperity in life.

What does yellow paint mean in a dream?

The yellow paint represents happiness and achievement in life. To paint in yellow indicates spiritual development. I will try to explain. During the Buddhist tradition, color orange was won by monks who graduated to arhats while those who graduated on the initial stage of Buddhist monk wore yellow robes. During the initial stage, they didn’t stay in any town for long as they were always on the move. Yellow was a color of Muladhara chakra, who is the basic chakra present in the body and causes stability. When charting towards a spiritual path, it is an important chakra to posses. If you are at a stage of stabilization in life and not realization, yellow is the color to wear.

What is the dream interpretation of purple paint?

Colors have a valuable meaning in dreams. They represent out life experiences and transmit messages related to our waking life. Using the paint color to interpret and understand the dream is the easiest way to come to a definition. The painting has been popular for thousands of years in cultures with esoteric traditions and in our modern world. Color is one of the most important symbols in the world because of its mystical and deepest meaning. Each color has its own different meaning. For example, the purple paint signifies creativity, inspiration, and power. It’s one of the most common colors in dreams which is associated with our memory, emotional attachments and relationships.

If you dream of purple paint, it means you’re in an excellent place in life. You enjoy some wonderful, harmonious relationships. Your intuition is sharp and your talents will be expressed in the most beautiful way. To dream of painting with a purple paint can indicate that you are about to create your own masterpiece. Purple is a color of spiritual perspective and represents the dreamer’s spiritual side. It also symbolizes wealth, integrity, loyalty and justice. Are you a spiritual person? If yes, this dream could be calling on you to increase your spirituality with meditation. I will also say try to perform an activity you’re not familiar with. Explore your body and mind. Try to understand yourself better. According to some dream psychologists, to dream of purple paint implies to your lack of discipline, pride, and carelessness. You should trust your abilities and intuition more.

What is the dream interpretation of blue paint?

Blue is known as a spiritual color for many dreamers. To dream of blue paint represents tranquility, truth, justice, wisdom and whatever the dreamer associates with inner peace. Yet, to dream of blue paint might also reveal your wish to take a vacation. As you know, blue is the color of the ocean and the bright sky. Are you feeling tired and desperately need a break from life? If so, your dream is supporting you to take a break and relax, indulge in that all day spa - enjoy yourself a little. As I mentioned before, blue represents tranquility and peace. According to psychological therapists, the color is perfect to calm people with a short temper and nervous breakdown. This leads us to believe that the dreamer of blue pain might be under a lot of pressure and stress. Are you going through stress? The blue paint is also a symbol of the deepest feelings and inner issues like depression, and sadness.

What is the significance of the color of paint in your dream?

According to Carl Jung, the colors we dream of are connected to our subconscious and how we feel at the moment in waking life. The color blue is also associated with masculinity and a strong attitude. Different shades of blue have different meanings. For example, navy blue stands for lack of individualism and lack of communication skills, while dark blue represents precise planning, critical thinking, and depression. The blue paint is often associated with our fifth, throat chakra responsible for our self-expression, communication abilities, and way of thinking and planning.

What does black paint mean in a dream?

As you may assume, the black paint in dreams is a symbol of mystery, danger, death, emptiness, hatred, vendetta, and lack of sensitivity. It represents the dreamer’s subconscious mind and what you are going through in waking life. The negative interpretation of seeing black paint in your sleep - is related to deep depression and it could be that you will encounter a lack of energy, lack of love and find it difficult to form a closeness to people. However, there’s also a positive interpretation of black paint in a dream! This is that it’s related to our hidden potential, the power of the unknown and changes. It shows us that we shouldn’t fear the unknown but walk freely toward it and just go with the flow. It also denotes our hidden potential that will be highlighted soon and represents the major changes we’ll go through at this stage of life.

What does mixing paint in a dream mean?

Mixing paint in your dream signifies creativity, multi-tasking, possibilities, openness, and healing. It also represents blessings from heaven and is associated with the seven main Chakras of our body. The mixing action in your dream predicts a brighter future and pointing out your many qualities. You will use your many abilities to achieve your aspirations and live the life you always wanted to live. Follow your instinct.

What does it mean to see a “framed” picture in a dream?

To see a “framed” picture or to put a picture in a frame yourself during the dream represents your wish to capture the moments, and live in the past because there is something in the “past” that is important to you. You can’t bring back your life. Now there is an important message if you have such a dream, you can create an even better future, and actually live in the moment, because most people don’t even know how this even looks like. It’s time you stop surviving and start living.

To dream of a “framed” picture also denotes your current relationships. You have a great connection with the people in your life, and you want it to stay the same way forever. However, people change, and relationships progress or decline. You have to accept changes. Otherwise, you will end up grieving over your past, not being able to enjoy the beauty of changed and upgraded relationships.

What does it mean to paint someone in a dream?

To paint someone in your dream state foretells your wish to become the person in waking life. You admire the person, and you want to have their qualities and abilities. You may be suffering from crisis identity at the moment and you question your own life’s worth. You’re suffering from confusion, and you’re obsessed with someone close to you! If you painted someone unknown, it represents your search for that someone special. To dream of paint on your face can indicate that you will meet someone new in a spontaneous, romantic way.

What does a broken painting mean in a dream?

A broken picture in a dream can indicate that something makes you feel somewhat overwhelmed. A broken painting can represent possible broken promises, depending on the landscape or image that you see on the painting. Sometimes such dreams mean that you may be hurt unnecessarily. A shattered painting or if this falls from a wall in your dream symbolizes that you're feeling a possible tragedy in a relationship with the message that you need to trust your inner instinct.

Positive changes are afoot if:

  • Feel happiness in your dream.
  • You follow a clear path of action.

In your dream, you may have seen:

  • A painted house.
  • Oil based paint.
  • Water based paint.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of paint:

Admiring. Working. Busy. Tired. Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying.

By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012