Old woman

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
To see an old woman in one's dreams are a positive omen.
The old women re present's paying more attention to your feelings and emotions. These dreams often represent repressed feelings and the desire to seek your inner voice. These dreams will also represent what you need to do in the waking world – or essentially, how to handle yourself.
If you see more than one old women in a dream this indicates that you are being deceitful in the waking world and that people will take notice to your actions. Be careful of your ways at this time for you are likely to get caught if you are doing something wrong.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life...
- Needing advice.
- Changing your mind.
- Being deceitful / lying about something.
- Needing wisdom.
- Growing up / Maturing.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of an old man or old woman…
Happy. Honored. Old. Frail. Weak. Curious. Rebellious. Smart. Charming. Inspired. In Need. Seeking.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012