
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Dreaming of nappies in general suggests that you are concerned or worried about those around you.
You are not taking time out for yourself and when attention should be on your own life, you are either giving too much attention or your time to others close around you. Generally they are good wish dreams, speaking about something coming true, so long as you pay attention to the right aspects of your life.
In this dream you may have
- Worn a nappy.
- Changed a nappy.
- Noticed many kinds of nappy on different babies (or babies with colorful diapers).
- Bought some nappies.
- Seen someone else in a nappy.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You dream of receiving a nappy as a gift.
- You are wearing a nappy.
Detailed dream meaning
Nappies bring with them good luck, but also a word of caution. If you are seeing others (adults) wearing nappies then it is a sign that you need to take a second look at your finances and make sure that you are not wasting where you could be saving. However, you wearing a nappy yourself, indicates a good prospect for you with money – that you will be taken care of. Another common interpretation for a dream revolving around nappies is that you need to take time to see both sides of the story in a problem in your life.
Sometimes nappy dreams revolve around the desire for having a baby or fertility. When your dream focuses on the baby’s nappy rather than the baby itself, whether it is a color or a type of nappy (or even dirty or clean) it can be a sign that you are not ready to have a baby and you need to get other areas of your life in order first.
If your dream revolves around changing a nappy and you (or someone close to you) is pregnant, it is said that if there was urine then it is a girl and if there was feces it is a boy.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Getting pregnant or wanting a baby.
- Being worried about a loved one or friend.
- Concern over finances.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream about a nappy
Indifference. Curiosity. Embarrassment. Confusion. Love. Happiness. Discomfort.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012